What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Judy Harder

Good morning to all,

Today I am packing and cleaning house (sort of) and getting ready to leave tomorrow on a vacation. YIPPEEE!

I do not care for packing, but beings that it is summer will only pack for warm weather.

I am heading to Topeka and will spend Thursday with my special friend from high school doing what ever we want but yaking away all day...

then Friday all the family, Dad, sister and  I are going to the Lake of the Ozarks (Near Sedalia) to be with my brother and his family for Fathers day. Boating and water and just good fun.

I haven't been home since early in the year and it is way past time.......Dad is 91 and not real healthy, so am going to spend as much time as I can with him.

Going to be gone until next Tuesday.  Will start up the devotions again then. Play nice children. God be with you, and YOU and You.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


It sounds like you've got a great trip planned.  Have a wonderful time!

Bonnie M.

Enjoy it all, Judy.  I hope you have a wonderful vacation.



Just enjoying watching the OKC Thunder beat the Miami Heat in the first game of the NBA Finals!!!!!!!!!!!!


I thought it would be a different kind of day.  When I went to bed last night, I was informed that the cleaning lady was coming the next day.  So I was up early as usual and began picking things up.  (You know, you have to clean before the cleaning lady cleans.)

At 7 AM, she called in sick, so no cleaning lady.  However, my daughter-in-law called and said she was taking my son's car in for service and could I come pick her up.  I thought I would be taking her back to her house, but she opted to spend the day with us.  So we have had granddaughter #3 with us all day, also. 

Now I hear we are all going out to dinner at a Mexican buffet.  Yum!

Just goes to show that you never know what the day will bring.


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Right now I'm trying to figure out where I caught a terrible cold. My nose and throat were burning on Wednesday evening and I felt my equilibrium was off. Yesterday it really blossomed, and today I am downright sick. I don't need to go into pneumonia again. I'm going for a big glass of iced tea and a nap. Have a good day everyone.


I think hot tea with lemon and honey would be more effective in making you feel better.  Anyway, rest is the key.  Hope you feel better soon.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

I had the hot tea, lemon and honey this evening and it was soothing, but I still feel like crap. Off to bed, hoping for a better tomorrow.Thanks Larry

Ms Bear

Diane, I hope you get over that soon.


I have had a few days of excitement.  I have found a long distance cousin that I didn't know existed.  My grandmother and her great grandmother were sisters.  But let me tell you how this came about.

My sister e-mailed me a picture of our father's family taken in 1902 when he was just a baby.  She wanted to know if I had ever seen the picture.  She had found it on the findagrave site along with a picture of our parent's grave and the cemetery where they are buried.  The name of the person who posted the picture was included.  I had never heard of her.  Neither had any of our cousins that I keep in touch with.  My limited skills couldn't find this person on the internet.  I turned what information I had at the time over to Janet to work on.  Meanwhile, back at my sister's house, my sister had come up with an e-mail address for this person.  Naturally, I got right on it and e-mailed the young lady, telling her of our curiosity as to how she had my father's family photo.  Naturally, I didn't really expect to hear from her.  Lo and behold, there was an answer the next morning.  The past couple of days have been spent exchanging e-mails and information between us and my cousins.  She had received the picture from the widow of her mother's cousin, along with a whole bunch of others.  We are hoping that there are other photos that we haven't seen and that maybe I have some that she would like to have a copy of.

There is a shortage of family pictures that we know about because Grandma and Grandpa moved to Missouri to spend their final days with their oldest son.  Their belongings were given to their children at the time and the photos were kind of lost in the shuffle.  One aunt probably had most of them and when she died, her stuff was put in storage and we have no idea what happened to it.  Thank goodness Grandma shared her pictures with her sister.  I am hoping to find something of my father between the ages of one and twenty-four.

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