What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

After a cool, overcast, drippy day planting toms, peppers, mint, basil, parsley, Rosemary, petunias, nicotinia, marigolds, salvia, a shasta daisy and a cardinal flower, we're off to Station 8 to sell bingo games. Tomorrow I'm planting the cukes, beets, carrots, lettuces and cantaloupe and maybe the beans if the ground is warm enough. Have a nice evening everyone.

Ms Bear

Peace and quiet at my house today and I have enjoyed it.  Picked my first zuccini and ate it for dinner, have a tomato almost ripe and some bell peppers.

My brother and sister-in-law came from Tennessee last Monday and left this morning.  We had a good visit and it was nice to see them but it was a long week.  We went to San Jacinto Monument, Kemah and Galveston one day, Liberty and Lufkin one day and some other shorter trips.  Yesterday we went to Matagorda, Port Lavaca and Port O'Conner, walked along the beach and some different scenery.  Almost 600 miles on my car yesterday, I wouldn't even go get gas for the lawnmower today.

The weather was really nice, not hot or raining.  Nice to get out and walk. 

Diane Amberg

Your garden is so far ahead of mine it's totally discouraging! ;D  But our frost free date isn't until May 15...and it has been cool, too cool for beans and things. I guess I'd better get the squash in tomorrow too!


Ms. Bear a walk on the beach sounds so delightful.  Diane sounds like your garden will be delightful later on.  I spent the day taking my Mother to the Dr. and shopping in Wichita.  I still enjoy going to town with her, just takes her a little longer now that she is within a week of being 91.  Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.

Diane Amberg

Happy pre birthday to your mom. :-* You just gave me a lift when I needed it. I'm so glad some of us still reach happy advanced age.

  I found out last night another of my classmates died of a sudden stroke. That's just too young. She was a good high school pal and had already sent her money in for our reunion in October.

Ms Bear

Diane, that is so sad.

Our last cool day was in February and most people here have had the a/c on since early March.  I just turned mine on when my brother got here last Monday, I am still fine with the fresh air.  We are getting a little rain with lots of thunder today.

While mother was able to go shopping our favorite place to shop was furniture stores, never to old to dream.

I had not been to the beach in a long time, it was really nice and the weather was perfect.  Will try to go again before it gets hot.


We picked our first ripe tomato last evening.  We will take it to one of our friends who will be 102 in the fall.  She loves homegrown tomatoes!!!


Diane Amberg

Ok folks, it's national EMS week. How about some cookies for your local first responders and EMTs? We're doing a BBQ tomorrow for our gang. People will stop in with cookies for us too! num, num, num

I just spent the afternoon going over our ambulance fund drive returns. My eyes need a rest! We got lots of nice notes and checks.  We protect about 26 square miles and close to 90,000 people. So far we have almost $20,000.00 in from our mail request two weeks ago with much more to come over the next few weeks. It's hard work but very fulfilling.
   Now we have to come up with more fundraising ideas to help pay for the new ladder truck we bought. Need ideas that will bring in some big money...like strike oil. ;D


I have a new air conditioner.  I have been living in the good old days for almost a week now.  My air conditioner gave out last Thursday and today the new one was installed.  I considered repairing the old one but we decided that there wasn't much difference in the cost of repair and the cost of a new one.  Besides the new one is more efficient and has a warranty.  Repairing the old one would mean that I still had an old conditioner and no warranty.  I was lucky that most of the days were normal or below and the nights were just down right cold.  I can sleep with the windows closed tonight and not have to hear the neighborhood dogs barking or the cars going by.  I'm glad that the good old days are behind me again.

Janet Harrington

Good ole John Ed. So glad he chose to live in Howard. Glad he took care of my mother's conditioner problem. A new one was a good idea, Mother. Makes it sell the house easier when you...you know...when you...LOL

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