What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Glad it was a good appointment!  And thanks for making my mouth water. ;D

Bonnie M.

We're doing well out this way.  The big news here in our area is, of course, the suicide of Jr. Seau, who was a well thought of and respected 43 yr. old former Charger football player.  He was very generous with his time and his money, and did so much for so many people.  It makes me think that we all really do need to be good to each other, and "stay in tune" with what might be going on in the lives and minds of our friends.

We will be heading back to Kansas, two weeks from today, for our "annual" Memorial time visit.  It's always good to see our Kansas friends again.  The older we're getting, the faster the time seems to be flying by!  But, life is good, and for that, we are very thankful.

My best to everyone.  And, that's the report from San Diego County!   


Bonnie, if you get down our way, or go through our town, we would love to see you.  Give us a call or send an e-mail.  Safe travels


Bonnie M.

We would love to see you, Myrna.  We will be taking our daughter & her husband to the Tulsa airport on Tuesday, May 29th., I don't know the time, but, that would be the most likely time we could stop by the Copan Restaurant for some of that great food!  I'll let you know more, as we get closer to the time.  Would you want to e-mail me your telephone number again?  bonnieb@cox.net


Janet Harrington

Spent a good day with Mother and the sisters. The amazing thing that happened was when we got to my house, there was a Baltimore oriole sitting on the hummingbird feeder looking around. They are so pretty.

Ms Bear

Diane, so glad the Dr appointment was good and you had a good time.

My day wasn't so good, my neighbor and I went for evening walk and saw a man on a bicycle ride down our street when we turned the corner, when we got back to the corner we could see him off of the bicycle by her mailbox and then he got back on and rode towards us.  When he went past us I noticed he had an empty pet carrier on the back of the bicycle, the only thing more that I can add is I now have two more cats to feed.

The city has a Humane Officer and the county doesn't, I live 19 feet out of the city limits and my neighbors mailbox is less than that.

The neighbor and I decided that we needed an ice cream cone to settle our nerves, so much for walking trying to lose weight.


What Janet didn't say is that we visited the new casino at Mulvane.  This was my first time at a casino, so youngest daughter took me in hand, introduced me to a penny machine and we spent a pleasant hour and a half together, just me and the machine.  It cost me $2.50.  About as much fun as playing computer games.  The daughters won some and lost some.  I was the big winner because I got to spend time with all four of my girls at the same time.

Her oriole was the first one any of us had seen this year.  I haven't seen one over here yet.

Ms Bear

And that is the best kind of winning Wilma.  Mother's Day is just around the corner, another great day for you.

Judy Harder

wilma, I finally got to see one of our Oriole's yesterday.
For past several years I have heard them........and yes, they will visit the hummingbird feeder. Has happened here. Compared to hummer's they are huge, and I wondered if he/she was going to knock it down. LOL

I know they stay at the tops of trees. I mean right on top, so if you are looking up either you get whip-lash or they move when you get close.
I would hear them sing and finally last evening one was in my tree (ok housing's tree) and I finally got a look. Pretty and not the Baltimore type....but still nice and pretty.
Keep looking and listening they will stick around if you have tall trees for them to nest in.
Oh, one of them is singing now. They stay in the trees next door south and right at the top.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

 Might be Orchard Orioles They love orange flavor too. They would come to half an orange stuck to a nail in a board. I don't know if yours would or not.

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