What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

Hey, Isn't this prom night? and there are some nasty looking clouds west of Wichita. Hope all goes well. Photos somebody ? I love to see the kids all dressed up.


Yes, this is prom night, in spite of the weather. Several communities (Wichita area) changed the location of their proms to make the facilities have a storm shelter. Our kids are all inside the high school now, which does have a storm shelter. Joanna and Heather have both posted pictures on Facebook. Love the outfits, for the most part. Big skirts were "in" this year.

Diane Amberg

Good and thanks.I'll go look for them right now.

Diane Amberg

I so enjoyed seeing all the kids photos. I sat up until almost 3:00 watching the weather channel.Yawn....Hope this afternoon won't be as bad. My nose garden is in full smell today. Delicious. What do you folks have blooming now?


I have a few iris blooming.  The bulbs are all gone, as are the lilacs.  The peonies are in full bud.  Everything is going to be gone before Memorial Day.  My roses are budded pretty good, considering last summer's conditions.

Diane Amberg

You are still ahead of us. My Lily of the Valley, Lilacs and Wisterias are just starting. The Dogwoods are full out as is the lavander and white Honesty (Silver Dollar Plant) The late Daffies are still out and I still have a few late Tulips. My two Azaleas look great and the Rhody had big buds but aren't yet opened. I have a little section of front yard that has Buttercups,and weed or not, I love them, so I don't let Al mow them until they are finished blooming. No Iris yet, but some Stella Di Oro Day lily is starting to put scapes up. My main flower beds really need work. They are getting over run with Creeping Myrtle that has escaped from around some trees and has taken off. I'm down to just two roses now, so I should get a few more. The three peonies have little buds and Wine berries are coming up all over from the birds planting the seeds. I've tried to grow them but the birds get the berries before I can. It's supposed to be 89 here this afternoon on a south west wind. I expect to see some migrating birds anytime.

Diane Amberg

It turns out that "anytime" was now. A little while ago a Wren landed in the  Red Maple outside my window here in the living room and sang his heart out, then went to the back yard and sang some more.I believe he thinks he's home. Fortunately, we just recently cleaned out all the birdhouses.


I haven't told you, but I made a trip to a nursery the other day.  I went with the intentions of finding out about Knock-Out roses to see if I wanted some.  I had no intentions of buying any roses.  In fact, I had decided to treat myself to a garden ornament that was over priced.  This is what I came home with.  I didn't buy the garden ornament.

Janet Harrington

That is a really sweet smelling rose, too. Some of the roses that Mother gets don't have a smell, but this one sure does.


I had a dental appt in Bartlseville today. I had some adjustments done to my dentures since the hard reline, and found out that the pain I have been having is due to a rejection of one of my implants. They are three weeks old and the past few days I have been unable to eat  much of anything and certainly unable to wear my lower denture. The dentisit removed the offending implant and we will try it again in about six weeks. The pain relief was so complete and sudden I went to Hunan a Chinese buffet and pigged out. I am afraid that they lost money on me today, everything tasted so good and it was such a relief to be able to chew.

I had two scouts at my feeders this afternoon announcing the triumphant return of the goldfinches in pretty spring yellow plumage. So I got busy and filled all the sunflower feeders as well as the thistle and the suet. Had to stop feeding about a month ago as I was invaded by a group of racoons who gobbled up that sunflower seed faster than I could dole it out. Then they tore up my squirrell feeder and broke the jar, tore down the suet feeders and ate the suet. Then they chewed a hole in the trashcan that I store the sunflower seed in. They pulled the sack through the hole but it was too heavy to pull all the way through. So that was that. I did see a pair of scissor tails sitting next to one another on a wire today. They were having a very serious conversation and I don't think it was about politics either. I spent a couple of very pleasant hours out on the patio this evening, just moving things from here to there, and contemplating a pleasant summer.  ;)

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