What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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In our town we have two separate school districts.  One has Easter week vacation before Easter and the other after.  Our two oldest granddaughters are out of school this week.  Normally they would come here on Tuesdays.  However, the other grandmother bowls on Tuesdays and they love to go to the bowling alley with her.  When school is in session they don't get to do that.  So today they are with her.  So we have a day to get some things done...........nah.

Today is opening day for the Dodgers and my son is a huge Dodger fan.  Every year he gets tickets for the opening day game.  So they will be dropping off granddaughter #3 for us to watch.  Before the other girls decided to go to the bowling alley we thought we would have all three.  All three granddaughters love to play together and it would not have been a problem. 

It promises to be a nice day before it rains tomorrow and we will be sending it on to you later.  We had a circuit breaker go out over the weekend and the electrician will be coming to replace it.  That breaker is for the outlet for the TV in our bedroom (temporarily connected by extension cord to another outlet) and the washer and dryer in the garage (could be connected by a heavy duty cord if my wife decides to do some laundry........she is not really concerned about it) so it is only a small inconvenience.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Ms Bear

Diane, I wish I could send you some of our pretty green grass and trees.  We have already had as much rain this year as we had all of last year.

That was so sad about those firefighters that lost their lives.  We lost one about two weeks ago, he went on a call and had a heart attack just as he was ready to go in the building.  In his early 40's with young family.

I just got a call from the daughter of one of my special friends, we worked together for 16 years.  She fell on Sunday, a freak accident and now she is in ICU and is paralyised (sorry, not spelled right) from the neck down.  Will go see her on Thursday, just can't believe this happened.


While we are on the down side anyway, just let me say, I am recovering today from attending the funeral of my favorite aunt.  She was always a positive influence in my life and I am missing her more than I realized.  We weren't really close.  She was married to my mother's younger, much younger brother.  Her children are much younger than I.  But she was the kind of person that didn't know age.  One person was the same age as the next.  I was as much her age as I was her daughter's age.  She was a lady, a good, Christian lady and her life was a testimony to the goodness of our Father.  I just hope that when my time comes that I will be as loved as she is.


I'm sorry for your loss, Wilma.  Special people come into our lives and are hard to let go of.  May she be at peace...........

Ms Bear

So sorry Wilma.  Special Aunts aren't easy to find.  You were blessed to have her.

Diane Amberg

It sounds like we could all use a big group hug. Sadness everywhere. Prayers for you all.
  Al did well with his oral surgery, but feels like he lost a fist fight. He goes back on Thurs. for a look see and then they'll decide how much healing he needs before they put in the implant. The bone is in very good shape, but the extraction did just get up into a facial sinus, so now he's not allowed to sneeze... during allergy season! and has to be on soft food, no seeds or anything like that, for several days. He can't wear his C-Pap to sleep for several days either, so I'll not get much rest if I have to stop him from snoring off and on all night. Now I'll have to figure out what to make for him to eat. He asked for a big bowl of Cream of Wheat for dinner.

Ms Bear

I bet he is glad that is over.  The Cream of Wheat sounds really good.  Potato Soup is my favorite soft food or eggs poached in milk on toast.

Diane Amberg

I just added those two to the list.Thanks!

Judy Harder

Diane, I once had to cook for a teen who had his teeth wired shut, (broken jaw) and I found all that I cooked for the
family could be ground up in a blender. I used the blender so much.......even ran liver (we all liked liver and onions) and that was the grossest thing I had ever done. ok speghetti came in there too..and the DAY! his wires came off, the blender broke. But, for about 5 or 6 weeks it worked at least once a day.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Ha! He is begging me not to puree his food. We both like liver and onions too, but I'm not sure I'd handle it very well from my blender. He had more Cream of Wheat for breakfast and I'll make some simple mashed tuna and mayo for lunch and he wants linguini with very simple tomato sauce for dinner.Tomorrow will be potato soup and then we'll see what's next. Thanks all!

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