What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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What did I do for excitement today?  I watched a jonquil bloom.  Yesterday it was just showing color, this evening it is in full bloom.   There are at least a dozen more buds in various stages but I hope that I can be more active tomorrow.  Today I was feeling the effects of yesterday's long ride.  While in Wichita I bought some pansies and a pot of yellow tulips, all of which I had hoped to put in the ground today.  Tomorrow is another day, hopefully a better one.

Diane Amberg

    We did go to see Lord of the Dance yesterday at the DuPont Theater, also known as the Play House, located inside the big Hotel DuPont. It's the Grand Dame of hotels in Delaware. The theater is a full sized legitimate theater, having it's 100th anniversary this year and has never gone dark.  Just about anyone you can name has played there at one time or another. Many top Broadway plays would come there for a few shows for their last "adjustments" before they opened in NYC.
Lord of the Dance was wonderful. The dancing ,lighting, music and staging was perfect.The kids were having a good time too, playing to the audience to get a reaction...and did they ever!


Awesome Diane! I have always wanted to see this group in action but haven't made it----yet!  ;)


I do envy you, Diane.  We don't have access to much like that around here.  I probably wouldn't go even if we did.  I was going to say that seeing it on TV is just as good, then I remembered the one live stage show that I have had the good fortune to attend.  It was in Wichita and a friend of mine wanted to go but she didn't want to go alone.  So I decided that it would be fun to see something like that, then Janet and her younger sister decided they would like to go, too.  So, off, we went.  The show was "Yankee Doodle Dandy", the movie version of which I have seen a few times.  The movie can't hold a candle to the live performance, even if James Cagney wasn't the star performer.

What am I doing for excitement today?  Oldest daughter had nose surgery yesterday.  Had a very large polyp removed from the left nostril.  Today I am "taking care" of her.  Once in a while I ask her if she needs anything and she usually says "no", then gets up and gets it for herself.  I have been keeping myself busy doing the things that she usually does for me.  I am glad that I haven't forgotten how.

It is still raining here.  My gauge has shown 2 1/2 inches.  I hope it quits soon, but like Judy, I am glad it isn't the white stuff.   

Janet Harrington

What? James Cagney wasn't the star in the Broadway show? I am crushed. Just kidding. That was a wonderful show. I was so glad I got to experience it. That is something I do remember from being a teenager.


I don't know if he starred in the Broadway show or not, but he wasn't the star in the show we saw in Wichita.

Diane Amberg

We had a bit too much excitement this afternoon at a working house fire. One of our guys went through the floor into the basement still hanging onto his line. A mayday call went out and he was rescued pretty quick. He's fine, thank goodness. His gear and air pack did their job. No fire right under where he was but extremely hot.

Ms Bear

Thank goodness he is okay.  Most of us have no idea how dangerous fire fighting really is.

I have had a good day today but there was something on the news tonight that is so upsetting.  I have shared it on my facebook page if any one wants to see it.

The video was taken by the mother of the child involved, an interview with the director of the Special Ed at a school about 20 miles from where I live.  She managed to keep her cool while talking to him and that is more than I could have done.  Her child has Cerebal Palsy and she has two letters from her Drs. that she is to use her walker instead of her wheel chair at school and he is refusing to allow her to.  He says it is a safety issue and he is concerned about her safety.  When she pressed the issue he told her the courts would have to decide.  Easter Seals is involved now so I don't think it will go to court.  I hope this idiot gets better educated or out of the school system.  All the children deserve better than him to represent him.

Thanks for letting me steam.

Diane Amberg

Baloney! They are afraid of her and that's silly. In 1972 I had a Spina Bifida ( third grade) child whose parents and doc wanted her to stay out of her wheel chair and use her crutches and be as independent as possible.  The Principal told me to do as I saw fit. The parents and I met a number of times and I spoke to the doc several times during the year. We used her wheel chair for fire drills only. We became good friends and we were invited to her wedding and are still friends after all these years. I was very proud of her progress, even though she did fall occasionally and split her chin once.

Judy Harder

Diane, I had a cousin who was Spina Bifda and she lived a wonderful life.

Yes, she did wind up using her wheel chair.....but she also bore 2 sons, drove herself from Topeka to the Roy Rogers museum and even met Roy Rogers and Dale Evans............

AND she was about 5 or 6 years younger than me, and grewup with crutches and let me tell you, this generation wasn't known for their sympathy or help with "Special-Needs" kids, but Patty grew up with a family who accepted her with open arms and when necessary fought her battles for her.

She and my dad had a special relationship and not one of us kids was jealous.........
Shame shame on those who think disabilities are not allowed to "Be all they can be" I will borrow an Army acronymn.........and this guy isn't fit to be educating our kids.....

I don't want to learn what he is teaching.

Oh, Patty died about 10 years ago and shall I say we all still are proud we could call her cousin.
But, she also lived to the hilt all she could. 
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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