What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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I just returned from a five day stay in Oklahoma; the weather was nice but windy. Wednesday was into the seventies and we had two picnics that day; the first with McDonalds burgers in the park at Kingfisher, then a short stroll over the swinging bridge there. After a short trip to the casino we headed back to Loyal, and packed up supper things and headed for the creek. We set up on an old log alongside the creek hoping to see some deer as we ate. No deer, but we did have a good time. We also read some more about Liver Eating Johnson, and watched some college basketball. I had a nice time except for the cost of gas this morning. It was $3.45 in Hennessey today; a rise of twenty cents since last Monday. Seismic crews are everywhere down there, and there are jobs everywhere also. No reason for anyone there to be out of work.

W. Gray

The movie Jeremiah Johnson starring Robert Redford was released in 1972 and is an extremely good movie.

The story is about Liver Eating Johnson but that particular cannibalistic aspect of his life was not mentioned in the movie.

He supposedly ate all or part of the liver of each Crow Indian that he killed. The Crow killed his Flathead wife.

The thing that amazed me was that he was described as dying in a Los Angeles VA hospital in 1900 rather than in the mountainous west.

Statue of Johnson in Wyoming.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Diane Amberg

Did anyone else watch Phantom at Albert Hall on PBS last night? Magnificent!

Judy Harder

Diane, they showed that on our cable last night and it was wonderful!

I had never seen it, nor did I think I wanted to, but since I grew up singing, no not like this,
just choirs and harmony with friends........but, I did sing my way through school....LOL

I even went to be singing or trying to remember the passages.
When we fried the cancer of the mouth, my vocal chords got damaged and altho I can sing,
I can't depend on my voice at all.

Oh, I make a "joyful-noise!" on Sunday morning.
I am very thankful the cancer is gone, but I miss my voice.

Thanks for recomending the opera. It was so good!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

We had the repeat also and I watched it again. It's my all time favorite .We got to see it in New York shortly after it opened years ago and it's been my favorite ever since. (The famous chandelier scene scared the wits out of half the audience who didn't know it was coming.) I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I liked the book too.
  The movie version is also quite good, and does some things that can't be done on stage. Emmy Rossum, Patrick Wilson, and Gerard Butler from the movie version have very successful careers now too.

Diane Amberg

Al passed his colonoscope with no polyps, so he's safe now for another 5 years. It's certainly not anybody's idea of a good time but is so important.

Ms Bear

That is wonderful news.  I have a daughter-in-law that had a spot removed from her neck and now has to go have some more taken, to make sure they got it all.  So worried.

Diane Amberg


I just had a procedure to remove a rather large lesion from the back of my hand. Turned out it was a rather rare benign tumor but I did have a consultation with an oncologist. He gave me a green light, (thank God), but wants me to have a close relationship with a dermatologist. It is odd that this thing was the result of an accidental fingernail jab back in October. The wound never healed and started with this ugly red volcano looking thing in late November. By the time I had surgery it was about the size of a quarter, and very painful to the touch. So you never know do you?  :P :P


Colonoscopy tests are a must.  It was during a routine test that the Doctor discovered a carcinoma in my colon, resulting in colon surgery in which the surgeon removed several inches of colon and 11 lymph nodes, six of which were cancerous.  Like everyone else, I don't like preparing for it, but I don't mind the test itself.  Congrats to Al for a good report. 

If you are over 60, maybe even 50, you should get a colonoscopy every five years.  I see my Oncologist once a month who evaluates my monthly blood tests and gives me a shot to make sure I have no recurrence. 

This is not something to put off or ignore.  It is extremely important.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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