What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Judy Harder

Thank you for the compliments. It is rare that I take a nice picture.
This one was at the wedding last May. I did learn how to crop and the like
from facebook. TY!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

That is a very nice photo Judy. You look so happy.
Went to a second funeral today. Bought new toaster as mine finally died. Just finished reading "Search for Solutions. The future of Rural Kansas" Very interesting. The Farm Bureau did a nice job with their report.
Now off to get our flu shots.


Put in a successful day at our garage sale.  Lots of customers.  Saw some old friends that I don't get to see very often.  I am tired, but not too tired to do it again tomorrow.  Of course, I couldn't do it without my daughters.  They are almost trained good enough to take care of it without me now.

Diane Amberg

Glad to hear you were successful with your sale.  I assume you pay your help well? What kinds of things sell best for you?
Oh, as we were pulling out of the ER parking lot after getting our flu shots we waited for a car to go by and pulled in behind a car with Kansas plates. Don't see that very often.


We have a lot of kid's clothing this year and it sold good today.  Books are always a big sale.  The stuffed toys went really well, too.  We don't price things so high that people feel like they can't afford them.  At 25 cents a toy, they can buy several.  Saturdays are usually the best for books.


Hubby and I will be out and about, checking out the rummage sales. We'll have to stop by and say hi to Wilma!


This is the weekend for the PRCA rodeo not far from us.  We usually always go if we're healthy.  It is held in the City of Industry, just south of us about 10 miles away.  It is an open air arena, but covered.  There are many food booths with the favorite being the bbq smoked ribs and steaks.  For many years, my son worked for an accounting firm who is one of the sponsors for the rodeo and he got us free tickets and entrance into the private building where lunch and beer and wine was served to the participants, be they vendors or sponsors or employees, etc.  He doesn't work there anymore so now we have to pay our way and no free lunch.  Most of the money taken in is given to children's charities.  It's a fun time and I look forward to it.  The first time my daughter-in-law went with us she noticed that I was tearing up when the rider carrying the flag came into the arena and rode around and then stopped for the national anthem.  She asked my son later if I was crying.  He told her, "Nah, he just gets emotional when they do that.  It's no big deal.  Something about being a veteran or some such thing.  Happens all the time."

The big problem is:  There is a night performance tonight and a matinee performance tomorrow.  We much prefer the Sunday afternoon rodeo, but have made plans to go to Newport Beach on Sunday.  So should we cancel our trip to Newport and go to the rodeo, or, maybe, invite our son and family to come up for the rodeo instead, or, forget about the rodeo altogether?  Decisions, decisions............gives me something to think about today outside of reading all the good stuff on the forum. :laugh:

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Another successful day of garage sale.  Almost as good as yesterday was.  We are closed now and most of the leftovers are packed either to go to the DAV or for another sale.  My garage will soon be mine again.  This was a big job this year, but one of my daughters had a lot of things she needed to get rid of.  Next sale won't be as big but probably nicer and, of course, there will always be the books as long as I and two of my daughters are buying and reading.

Just had a call from Janet and she reported that it is raining.  I haven't checked to see if she is lying to me or not.  I hope not.

Diane Amberg

Steve just said so too.I hope it really is, I know you need it.


Our son and daughter-in-law came over this afternoon and watched the OU massacre of Texas football game with us.  Boomer Sooner!  This evening it is raining (answered prayers!!!!!) and Rodney and I will watch some more football to finish a relaxing Saturday.  Good times...........

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