What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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I returned home today after a great weekend in Pawnee Oklahoma. My S.O. and myself visited the Pawnee Bill Museum and Buffalo ranch on Friday and this morning we toured the family mansion. This is a visit that is fully worth the time and cost. All is free except for the mansion tour that is a guided tour. The guide that we had was an intern for the summer, a student at OSU and very well versed in his subject. Even more so, he was indeed interested in what he was doing. He had actual opinions and was not afraid to say,"I don't know". Friday night we ate at a local restraunt and the food was excellent as well as the service along with the ambience. Later we visited a very small Pawnee casino and even though we did not win BIG, I managed to leave with a few dollars left from my original twenty that I invested. That remainder I donated to the Pawhuska firemen on my way home. BTW, the cost is only $2.50 for seniors to tour the mansion. Driving right up close to the buffalo: priceless!!!

Diane Amberg

Sounds like a great time for you both.Thank you for thinking of the firefighters, that was extra nice. Yes, I'm still up.,No sleep tonight.Yawn.

Diane Amberg

Good morning! The deep rain shields have passed, but it's still spitting rain and very blustery. So far we've got some water in the basement and small branches all over but no obvious damage. It's still too windy to go out and give the house a good look see, too many swinging trees.
Many roads are deeply flooded. "Ya can't get there from here." Had some folks in low areas refuse to leave when told to, then of course later on wanted to be rescued. The boats are out now, not last night, getting them..Had some mud slides that blocked some roads and the ambulances are having a hard time getting to legitimate calls because so many routes are deeply flooded. Because the water sheds are to the north, the flooding may be with us for sometime.  We did have some tornadoes down near the beaches, tore up one house rather badly. The water rather than the wind is the worst problem now. We got 9.5 inches last night on top of 10 inches in the past few days before the storm. That's a lot for here. Trees have toppled and some people have been killed by them, none locally as far as I know.
Of course now all the skeptics and nay sayers are popping up saying we over prepared.That kind of thinking gets people killed, mostly drowned. Look at the people who wouldn't leave during Katrina and paid with their lives. We try not to let that happen.
  I'd rather sit over coffee and talk about how lucky we were than sit having coffee after a funeral, especially if it was one of the rescuers.
It is still very early in the season.I wonder how many more hurricanes there will be?
Have a nice Sunday everyone.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 28, 2011, 08:59:02 AM
Of course now all the skeptics and nay sayers are popping up saying we over prepared.That kind of thinking gets people killed, mostly drowned. Look at the people who wouldn't leave during Katrina and paid with their lives. We try not to let that happen.
   I'd rather sit over coffee and talk about how lucky we were than sit having coffee after a funeral, especially if it was one of the rescuers.

Over preparation?  Gee, how about a public word of thanksgiving to God... sounds like He answered a few prayers in the last 24 hours.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Absolutely! Many prayers were answered and many went up, believe me.
I don't say much on here about my personal faith, because according to some, one in particular, it's too "suspicious," whatever that meant. Our fire company Chaplin will do a prayer of thanks for the safety our folks who were out in Irene at our next company meeting.


Prepare for the worst, and pray for the best! And never forget to give thanks!
Lisa :)


TV must really be bad.  I found myself waiting for the commercials to be over to go to the bathroom.

Diane Amberg

I've pretty well got everything unstowed and replaced from our big adventure. It's nice to have porch baskets and houseplants back in their summer places. I have extra canned goods for winter back down in the basement and the sump pump took care of the water. We have many springs in the hills here and when the ground is super saturated it just shows up. The basement pad the house sits on actually squishes water out around the edges into the french drain, which feeds into the sump pump until it can't keep up and it spills out across the floor. It goes right to a drain and out again.
 The chimney sweep just left for the last time. We are giving ourselves a gas fireplace insert with gas logs  (Regency) for our birthday and Christmas present. Al's legs are such now it's hard on him taking care of the wood. He kept me happy for many years with the getting, cutting and stacking, lugging. etc. I always helped, but he did the greatest share of it. It's his turn to rest.  Now we'll have a remote to start it and a little wheel that we can use to adjust the height of the flame. It has a teeny little pilot light that uses very little fuel.
The logs are amazing now too. They even have "embers" that glow. As soon as the permit comes, the little ditcher will come out to set the gas pipe in (from a connection we installed when we got our new furnace),from the side of the basement around to  and through the back of the fireplace.That guarantees a very mild winter!


Well, this past week has involved a plumber, and now a new sewer line, a fuel pump and four new tires. All this on top of a huge dentisit bill as I have decided to take the plunge and get dentures. Have needed to for a long time. But I shall persevereand am excitedly awaiting the time that I can flush to my hearts' content. And to wash dishes and do laundry at the same time. Right now I can carefully do those things except for laundry if I give each activity time to catch up.  :P :P
Poor ol' bank account has taken a beating!

Ms Bear

Diane, I am know the fireplace without the wood will be really nice.  We stopped using ours right after all the kids moved out, don't miss the mess at all or all the work getting and carrying in the wood.  For some reason most fireplaces are as far from the door as is possible so the mud and dirt gets carried all the way across the room.  Really like the central a/c.

Mom, glad you are getting all this done before winter.  As soon as I started getting some work done in my bathroom I started having trouble with the septic tank, had to have it pumped but it was the first time in 30 years.  Hope it is good for another 30 years.  Glad you will have those new tires with winter coming, we worry more about tires before summer here.

I finally got the new vanity for my bathroom yesterday and waiting on the heater to be delivered and then wait for the electrician to install it.  Still have to pick out the flooring.  Another couple of months and I might have it finished.  No more blue and peach ceramic tile that is older than me.

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