What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Ms Bear

Diane, I hope you won't be without power for very long.  Even with a curfew people were out driving around and it was to dark to see who it was coming up the driveway to a dark house that might have people in it and might not.

This year I have a big dog that will let them in, at least the chihuahua will let me know when someone is out there.

Have you in my prayers

Diane Amberg

Thanks Ms Bear. It's getting darker and darker here and the rain is very hard now, and these are just the far outer bands of the hurricane.
We're as ready as we'll ever be. This is a very big storm and will go on for many, many hours. We think the worst of the wind will go just east of us but they are still suggesting 75 mph with higher gusts sometime tonight.
The beaches and artery bridges are all closed now.The river towns and South East Wilmington have been evacuated and low lying roads are starting to flood.
We did get one unexpected surprise. Where we live, on the north east side of Newark, we had been out in the country for many years until we  annexed. Our water comes from a tower just up the road.Our water gets pumped up to the tower after it comes from the treatment plant. White Clay Creek  is already too high from all the rain recently . If the nearby pumps have to be pulled,our tower can't be refilled. They have sand bagged the pumping station, but don't think it will hold.  SOOOO.....we did clean and fill the tub ,my canning kettles ,stock pots, pitchers, picnic jugs and every large pan or kettle we own. We have a big chest of ice and what's in the hot water tank, and I can just step outside and fill something really fast! :D We should be fine.
UD cancelled move in weekend but some kids came anyway to add to the confusion. They'll be partying so now we can have drink and drown.
The fire and ambulance crews are ready and the swift water rescue teams are set up.They took the Zodiac out of it's barn and it's ready to go if some nut tries to boat, float or fall down White Clay Creek and needs to be rescued. OK Irene, let's get it on!

Ms Bear

Glad you haven't lost power yet.  I am on a well so when the power goes out I don' t have water either.

The total quiet afterwards was really unsettling, I am very close to a freeway and it was even quieter than normal.  I think that is still what I remember the most even now was the quiet with an occasional limb still falling.

Bonnie M.

I've been wondering how you are faring, Diane.  Sounds like you're just hanging in there, and doing the best you can, to wait out the storm.  It must seem like a ghost town back in the the big cities, without public transportation, and many of the people have moved out.  (To, somewhere?)  Good luck to you, and everyone back in that area.

Diane Amberg

Ok, NOW it's here! and I'm amazed we still have power. It's raining sideways very hard from the south east and the wind is howling. Curfew has started for all non essential people and Newark is under a tornado warning right now.
Al just turned on the back yard light and there was a skunk eating the bird seed that was on the little brick patio just outside the sliding door.The storm didn't matter to him!  I'm not sure why he didn't blow out across the yard.
No wait ,that's the north corner and would be rather sheltered.Never mind. This bad part has been a long time coming and will be a long time leaving. The storm is huge. Thank you Bonnie and every one for the good wishes. A little prayer for the good people here would be very welcome, especially for emergency services that are out in this right now.

Bonnie M.

The coverage has been really good on the Cable networks.  So, we can pretty much keep up with the storm's progress.  I hope your electricity stays on.  I'm sure you have the candles out and ready!  (Or, Coleman lanterns, or "whatever!")

Best of luck, through it all.

Diane Amberg

We have lots of whatever.  I like the new LED flashlights. Have plenty of candles too. So far the sump pump is working overtime but we do have some water running across the basement floor. We put everything up off the floor yesterday so it doesn't matter, until we lose the power, then we'll get several inches down there I'm afraid. They say it will worsen after midnight.Not looking forward to that!

Roma Jean Turner

Good to hear an update.  I sure have more friends involved in this than I thought.  I'll be checking for updates every hour or so.

Ms Bear

From what we are hearing it isn't moving very fast so will be over you for awhile.  Praying you don't lose power.

Diane Amberg

Yes, even after the eye passes, probably just off the coast, we'll still have the other half to endure when the winds shift from south east to northwest.  The flooding is getting very bad now in the lower areas. We're quite high where our house is.
People are still out in their cars, in spite of the curfew, and are getting stranded in high water.They should get fined unless there is an awfully good reason.

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