What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

Larry, Al did tell me about the volunteering thing. If you were an Army Medic, I have the utmost respect for you. The medics coming home from Viet Nam, with all that training and experience, became the backbone of our nationwide paramedic program as we have it today.

Ms Bear

It was a wonderful 47 degrees when I left Grove, Oklahoma this morning.  A little misty rain part of the way and was overcast all day.  When I got to Houston tonight it was almost dark and still in the 70's with humidity.  Wish I could have turned around and went back.

Had a wonderful weekend in Bentonville, AR and Grove, OK.


Larry, my hats off to you. Lady Di used the words I was gonna say. I too have the utmost respect for medics and my beloved Corpsmen. I knew about the never volunteer thing but I was grunt and right away "made" an ammo humper for a M-60 machine gun team. One patrol as an ammo humper and "worked my way up" to being the a-gunner. When we sit in for the night every platoon sent out 3 men to go down the trail 50-100 meters to be an LP (listening post---- an early warning system  if some one comes diddy bopping up the trail ) I hated LP but all FNG's pull more than there share of LP's. Within days of becoming an a-gunner they wanted a volunteer to carry a PRC-25 radio. No one wanted to be a radioman. It weighed 26 lbs not to mention an antenna that made a good target--BUT-------------then I found out a radioman doesn't go on LP !!! I loved being a radioman the rest of my time in Nam---so what that I had a motive for volunteering . :)


One of the things about being a medic was that part of the job was inspecting mess halls to insure they were up to snuff.  Another good thing about being a medic was that the people in your unit were dependent on you.  Therefore, medics didn't get KP duty, medics didn't get guard duty, and medics didn't have to be up at reveille to stand in formation.  At least, not in any of the units I was assigned to. 

The comedian Bill Cosby had a bit about being made a medic in the Army.  Part of it was:  "Does anybody want to buy a helmet with a red cross on it?"  And, somebody calls out, "Medic!"  And he says, "What you want?"  It was/is a funny bit. 

I didn't go to Vietnam.  My overseas duty was in a missile battery in Korea.  I generally treated small injuries and snake bites, gave shots and inspected mess halls.  We were only a few miles from the DMZ, but there was never any problems in the sector.  And, when we went on Bivouac, the biggest tent was the medical tent and the warmest tent.

My hat is off to the guys that went to 'Nam.  I don't know if I could have done my job there.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Not exactly exciting but relaxing........listenin to my wolves howl back and forth :)


I'm subbing in Science class...

Bueller...  Bueller...    ;)



I took the granddaughter to school.  I watched on my laptop the show from PBS about the Chandlers and LA that I totally forgot to watch Monday.  At least I was able to see it on the computer.  I started picking up the house and cleaning in anticipation of a visit from my nephew and his family.  I fixed (with my wife's help) some GF brownies which almost went up in smoke.  We decided we don't do baking.  I went back to vaccuming and sweeping until a phone call from the nephew told me they could not be here until tomorrow.  GOOD!!  It's nap time.

Slappy called, Warph, and said you were a deadbeat and not doing nothing.  He wanted me to tell you to go buy him a beer.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Nephew lied.  Showed up late last night.  Thought about flattening a tire on his fifth wheel.  Realized that might make him stay longer.  Granddaughter spent the night so she could play with her cousin all day today.  Made coffee, gonna go do breakfast when they get up.  Life is beautiful!!!!!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

 I'm still doing fire prevention stuff. I'm off to a preschool in a few minutes. We have so much going on it takes all of Oct. and part of Nov. to get it all done. And that's just the schools in our fire district! ( about 26 sq.miles and more than 80,000 residents.)

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