Are You "In or Out"?

Started by redcliffsw, August 31, 2009, 08:09:35 PM

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Hope this does not happen but it's likely that O has planned too.

Armed Revolution! Are you "in or out"?

Never in our country's history have Americans witnessed the travesty of such an anti-constitutional administration and congress. And a great deal of the responsibility falls on both major political parties and the media. However, there are others, including American voters who refuse to intelligently discuss the issues and critically analyze what the administration is doing. As a result, the likelihood of another civil war or second revolution increases with each passing day and each new power-grab by the Obama administration.

This past week, while garnering the largest market share of any news media outlet, Glenn Beck painstakingly analyzed what the Obama administration is really all about and what it is actually doing. There hasn't been one White House denial. At the end of the week, Beck presented five questions Americans should ask their politicians. Questions based in our Constitution. Glenn suggested in the strongest terms that Americans ask their political representatives each of the questions and then following-up with the question "Are you in or out?" And if the representative is not on board with the questions, then Americans need to vote them "out" in the 2010 elections.

Although I completely concur with Mr. Beck with respect to his analysis of this administration and the previous one (Beck is no fan of Bush spending, etc.), there are a plethora of reasons America will not make it to the mid-term elections in 2010. The analysis of this potential reality and a possible scenario follows.

rest of the story:


Here is Websters definition of a conservative.

: disposition in politics to preserve what is established b : a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change; specifically : such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (as retirement income or health-care coverage)
3 : the tendency to prefer an existing or traditional situation to change.

The above article does not advocate preserving what is established. It supports a radical and subversive act for change. I do support the philosophy of calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (as retirement income or health-care coverage). While I do support some changes to the way things are now I do not support this suggestion that we have reach a point of armed revolution. That makes me a conservative and the author of the article a terrorist and not a conservative.




that is a Calhounian, nihilistic reactionary.

Sorry, I'm going to start using the terms that I learned at Wichita State and Kansas State for the various political ideologies.

Look them up, cause I'm not typing everything out. 

From the center,



Red, that is an interesting article. A bit short on the time line, but I could see where the author is coming from.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


 Are you &^%$*&^ kidding me!? Why would anybody even post crap like this much LESS agree with it?

Correct me if I'm wrong BUT isn't this what the "COMMUNISTS" VIET CONG, KHMER ROUGE etc. were doing to the "democratic" south vietnamese which is why we went THERE?
Isn't this what HITLER was doing in EUROPE which is the reason HE had to go?!
Isn't this what the TALIBAN and AL QUEIDA were/are doing in Afghanistan and Iraq, Iran and wherever ELSE they can and isn't THAT THE REASON we are THERE?

Now this guy is sayin this is what NEEDS/COULD happen HERE in AMERICA and people are actually reading this and sayin "hey sounds like a plan".............................................


Actually that is a very good asessment of what would happen.   

I don't think that folks realize that a good majority of Americans are willing to defend the constitution and will if need be die defending it.  But just like in 1776, Most of the people will just sit back and hide til its over.  Only the patriots will go out and fight.  It won't take millions of people fighting to take back our country from a dictator.   Most people don't realize that there is a plethora of miltary armament that is owned by the average joe citizen.  And its functional and operational and ammunition for it is easy to obtain without a manufacturing process and the citizens will have the upper hand over todays military because todays military is dependent on manufacutring of their arms whereas the military weaponry that the average joe has can use just about anything for ammunition.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


 >:( yall seriously think it would be an improvement also I suppose


Quote from: pamsback on August 31, 2009, 10:27:19 PM
>:( yall seriously think it would be an improvement also I suppose
lets see, get rid of career politicians, corrupt politicians, corrup tadministration,  set the govt back to a constitutional government, return the rights of the states back to the states, yeah it would be a heck of an improvement
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


 What about all the killin, rapin and pillagin that's gonna have to happen to get it done? You reckon that's gonna be worth it too? What if somebody decides they don't like YOU and decides YOU need to be one of the ones that has to go? That gonna be cool with you? You still gonna think it's a good idea? What if it's a member of your family? Or a really good friend? YOUR teacher? YOUR preacher? What if they don't like YOUR politics? YOUR religion? You gonna let all that YOU hold dear go down for "the good"? Or is it just if what they want to get rid of doesn't really AFFECT you all that much?


Quote from: pamsback on August 31, 2009, 10:47:50 PM
What about all the killin, rapin and pillagin that's gonna have to happen to get it done? You reckon that's gonna be worth it too? What if somebody decides they don't like YOU and decides YOU need to be one of the ones that has to go? That gonna be cool with you? You still gonna think it's a good idea? What if it's a member of your family? Or a really good friend? YOUR teacher? YOUR preacher? What if they don't like YOUR politics? YOUR religion? You gonna let all that YOU hold dear go down for "the good"? Or is it just if what they want to get rid of doesn't really AFFECT you all that much?
You know what!  Welcome to the horror of war.  Don't you think that happend in the civil war when the north raped pillaged killed murdered and destroyed the south!?   Sherman and his men slaughtered men women and children, but not before raping the women and burning everything from chattanooga all the way to savanah!   

This is the reason the forefathers instituted the constitution to HOPEFULLY avoid war.  But just like our forefathers said in the late 1700's, freedom ain't cheap, from time to time it is kept by the spilling of blood.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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