Fire at Monroe and PawPaw

Started by Mom70x7, September 26, 2006, 08:07:41 PM

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I can post pictures of the fire, but I don't have any information about it - someone else needs to help me.

Is there an easier way to add pictures?


It would also be helpful to know WHEN the fire occurred


The siren went off about 3:00 am this morning and before I could get out of bed, Janet was on the phone assuring me it was not a tornado.  I hadn't even thought about tornado.  I was wondering if the fire was close to me.  It wasn't, so I went back to bed.

Janet Harrington

So, isn't it nice that I think about my dear mother at 3:00 in the morning?  I would rather she jump when the phone rings then me jump when it rings at 3:00 in the morning.  Keeps her heart jump started.

Quote from: Wilma on September 26, 2006, 08:24:54 PM
The siren went off about 3:00 am this morning and before I could get out of bed, Janet was on the phone assuring me it was not a tornado.  I hadn't even thought about tornado.  I was wondering if the fire was close to me.  It wasn't, so I went back to bed.

Janet Harrington

I can tell you that the fire was noticed by Don Hall, the owner, about 3:00 a.m. on September 26, 2006, or a little before.  He woke up in his own house smelling smoke, so he investigated.  Which was good, of course.  The talk from some firemen is that it is arson.  The Kansas fire marshal investigator was called, but I don't know if he showed up today.  I'm sure he did.  That's about all I know.  Nothing was in the Independence paper and I'm sure that we won't have anything in the Flint Hills Express unless Mom70X7 has sent pictures down there and told them about it.  That's about all I know.


I haven't sent the pictures, because I didn't have any information. I will, but it won't be in until next week.

And thanks for those who posted!


Derek was first on the scene and had the truck running when the rest of them got there.... he said that that when his pager went off ( which he keeps right by the bed) he jumped up like a scalded cat and was out the door before the whistles blew. He said that they had a great turnout of our volunteer fireman. I think that this group of men don't get thanked nearly enough for all that they do for the city and for the rural.

He said  that they don't know yet about the arson... but that Don Hall had said that the electricity had been turned off as the "renter" wasn't there. (I believe that the renter was one that they had some trouble with in the past for various reasons.)
Anyway Derek said that when they went around to the kitchen, and started spraying water in , that there were sparks just flying everywhere.. but that the meter can was intact with a standard seal on it. I think that the Fire Marshal took the meter can and I am sure there will be a good investigation on this one.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I like getting the facts as reported from a participant rather than after it has been around for awhile.  And, Teresa, you are right.  Our firemen don't get thanked nearly enough.  Their response time is terrific.  The whistle only blows a couple of rounds, then I hear the truck siren.  So, anyone who has a volunteer fireman in their family, thank them for me.  And I thank you for supporting them.

My husband was a volunteer fireman in Severy until we moved and it didn't make any difference what time of day or night, he went.  I usually had to wake him up as he slept rather soundly.


Derek and Danny are both on the fire team. Derek is also on the rural. I always say a  heavy prayer to God and the angels to keep them safe everytime they go out.
Derek fought some wicked rural fires this summer. And I guess some were record breakers as far as heat index went.
I didn't know this but he was talking the other night around the campfire about the time this year that he was on a fire in the country.
He said that he was standing and riding in the front of the truck and this was one of those hot grass fires that had jumped their back burns and  also had jumped and spread across 3 roads. Anyway, he  said he saw a wall of 20 foot high flames coming at them and he right quick hit this button and sprayed himself totally down with water. It wasn't but about a minute and the heat and flames came across him  and he said if he hadn't of done that, he would have been in the hospital with bad burns all over his body.

* See what I mean when I say I keep a direct line open to God and the angels? *
(I think sometimes his poor guides and angels must be exhausted, because he has had some close calls in his 27 years..)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

bowie boy

at that time at night i sugest that they dont blow the siren
''If guns kill people, I can blame misspelled words on my pencil'' - Larry The Cable Guy

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