State Worshipping Churches

Started by redcliffsw, August 29, 2009, 12:19:28 AM

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"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Diane, to me it looks like those churches you mentioned are social groups.
What's "out reach" and the purpose of it?  I never could understand why
some churches get into the fundraising business.  It seems that churches
ought to go by the Bible if they want to be called a church.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 29, 2009, 02:52:03 PM
Do none of your churches have "modern" and "traditional" services? Some here do.The modern services include live music and skits often performed by members of the youth groups. Pike Creek Christian has a whole rock band setup with drums and key boards and all as well as the big organ. I wasn't really talking  so much about "what" is said in church, more about how it is presented. As far as having a solid foundation, we are of the same mind on that. I did find the suggestion that people leave their established churches and go underground rather disturbing.   

Don't get me wrong here, I don't have anything against churches using modern instruments during their praise and worship, in fact just the opposite.  I think that when it comes to praising, worshipping, and celebrating Christ we should use all the blessings He has given us, including electricity (insert scorching guitar solo here).  What I disagree with is how churches these days seem to adjust their principles so that they are more "PC", and not offend anyone. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


If your church suits you, why would another bother you?  Never mind.


I am really surprised here...Especially by those of you who claim uber-knowledge of the Bible...When God established his church on the face of this His earth, the Emissary that He sent held His services out in the great outdoors...It was indoors that He would lecture the elders and throw temper tantrums, upending money changers' tables.  When the Apostles saw Jesus talking with the two greatest prophets, they immediately wanted to erect a temple on that sight and Jesus chided them...Telling them that their business was people, not building temples (I paraphrase roughly here, forgive my lack of uber-knowledge on the Bible).  It seems to me that the message here is indeed The Message...It matters not where or how that Message is given or received, only that the receivers ACT on the message...There are a heck of a lot of "Sunday Christians" who mouth the right words ("God loves and created everyone...Love thy brother/sister") on Sunday and then go out on Monday and let everyone see/know just how un-Christian they really are ("You aren't fit for the Kingdom of God...Get thee away from me").  I have a feeling that there are going to be some very surprised people, when they're standing in that line thinking that they're going to be gettin' in through the Pearly Gates,  when they get to see who really do get into Heaven WAY ahead of them...And when God gives them their turn, and asks why they didn't obey the simplest of commands ("Love thy brother as you do yourself"...And that means EVERYONE...Whether you personally approve of them or not..."Feed the hungry...Visit those in prision...Clothe those who have not...Take with you only one cloak and one pair of shoes, as those who will hear you will be your supply...The worker is worth the wage"...etc., etc., etc.), I wonder how on earth they're going to justify their lives here...



Catwoman, much of what you are saying is what is being said about Teddy Kennedy's
works.  So how about Kennedy?  Is he in heaven with all the "good" he has

Obviously, you disagree with much here.

Diane Amberg

Red, you are asking questions of me that I can only partially speak to but I will answer what I know. The Newark United Methodist Church has a retired nurse who made arrangements for the CPR classes for the ushers, she takes blood pressure form time to time for those who want it, reminds people to get their flu shots and makes arrangements for transportation if needed to various appointments. If anyone hears of someone who needs a new smoke detector or battery, they can call me and we'll go put it up for them. They have a clothes closet and food pantry as many churches do and usually adopt a family during the holidays, as many churches do. They get up and do things, not just pray for people, which of course is very important too. Personally I think helping people take care of each other, however it may be, IS part of the Bible.  I'm not crazy about too much fund raising either. If you call that a social club, well, so be it. Thanks Cat, good post


Quote from: Catwoman on August 30, 2009, 08:34:22 AM
I am really surprised here...Especially by those of you who claim uber-knowledge of the Bible...When God established his church on the face of this His earth, the Emissary that He sent held His services out in the great outdoors...It was indoors that He would lecture the elders and throw temper tantrums, upending money changers' tables.  When the Apostles saw Jesus talking with the two greatest prophets, they immediately wanted to erect a temple on that sight and Jesus chided them...Telling them that their business was people, not building temples (I paraphrase roughly here, forgive my lack of uber-knowledge on the Bible).  It seems to me that the message here is indeed The Message...It matters not where or how that Message is given or received, only that the receivers ACT on the message...There are a heck of a lot of "Sunday Christians" who mouth the right words ("God loves and created everyone...Love thy brother/sister") on Sunday and then go out on Monday and let everyone see/know just how un-Christian they really are ("You aren't fit for the Kingdom of God...Get thee away from me").  I have a feeling that there are going to be some very surprised people, when they're standing in that line thinking that they're going to be gettin' in through the Pearly Gates,  when they get to see who really do get into Heaven WAY ahead of them...And when God gives them their turn, and asks why they didn't obey the simplest of commands ("Love thy brother as you do yourself"...And that means EVERYONE...Whether you personally approve of them or not..."Feed the hungry...Visit those in prision...Clothe those who have not...Take with you only one cloak and one pair of shoes, as those who will hear you will be your supply...The worker is worth the wage"...etc., etc., etc.), I wonder how on earth they're going to justify their lives here...


Therein lies the problem. Good works doesn't get you into heaven. Only one thing does and thats the blood.  The good works feeding the poor, loving thy brother, clothing the unclothed, does not gain entrance into heaven.  The non believers do all those things as well.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: redcliffsw on August 30, 2009, 08:50:14 AM

Catwoman, much of what you are saying is what is being said about Teddy Kennedy's
works.  So how about Kennedy?  Is he in heaven with all the "good" he has

Obviously, you disagree with much here.

Uhmm Not if he didn't repent. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


This part of this conversation TOtally exhibits the reason I have no use for organized religion. Y'all really think what you have to say about whether or not Ted Kennedy repented to YOUR specifications has ANY bearing on whether or not he is in heaven or whaerever?

What Catwoman said is RIGHT on.

Some of the most UN-caring statements I have ever heard made were by "good" church-goin front row settin hypocrites.

NObody and I mean NObody knows what's in a mans heart or between him and God exCEPT him and God. Nobody else even counts....

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