Thumbs up for Arizona and Constitutional rights

Started by srkruzich, August 18, 2009, 06:43:47 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 23, 2009, 11:06:23 AM
  Billy, I do not have a copy of the constitution sitting beside my breakfast plate so I can check every day to see who is harming the constitution today. My life has more parts that that.

As does mine Diane, But what is wrong with keeping tabs on what the gov't is doing?  As citizens it is our duty to keep it in check.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 23, 2009, 11:06:23 AM
I apologize for losing my temper, but I've had enough. 

So it is okay when you do it but not others?  Talk about a double standard.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 23, 2009, 11:06:23 AM
You won't get to twist my words at me or hold me responsible for what other people say any more.

How am I twisting your words?  The only thing that I have done is call you out on what you've said.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 23, 2009, 11:06:23 AM
  I am and have been a patriot in ways that would make your jaw drop, but since the players are still alive I can't say more. I don't care for the "real patriots,"and "real citizens" stuff because it implies, by extension, that there are fake patriots and fake citizens if they don't agree with every word you say.

Now who is twisting words?  I am curious, why is it okay for you to "feel the way you do" and have your opinions, but its not for others who may disagree with you?  If someone feels a certain way about a group of people, isn't that their right? 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 23, 2009, 11:06:23 AM
    I do believe that if states want to have gun registry they should have it, so what. Billy, the whole country is not Elk County nor is it all rural, the rest of us do deserve some consideration too.

Well, for starters it violates the Constitution.  Not only the 2nd, but in my opinion the 9th, 10th, and 14th, admendments as well.  When have I ever said that the whole country is Elk County?  I am well aware that the world does not end at the county line.  I have lived in San Diego, Kittery, Charleston (S.C.), Fayetville (N.C), Clarksville (TN), and Hopkinsville.  I have seen both coasts and lived in large cities.  I choose to live in a rural community because I don't want my kids growing up in an enviroment that resembles a sewer.  Which in my opinion is what most cities have become.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 23, 2009, 11:06:23 AM
Why ask me about Wilma? She and some of the others can very well speak for themselves. As far as "thin skin", that's a two way street. Lump it !

The reason I asked you about wilma is you seem to like to group people together, espcially those you feel are "attacking" you.  You got mad because you felt you were being baited.  When wilma was doing this to me, you were pretty much silent on the matter.  But you are right I shouldn't have asked you about wilma and I apologize for grouping you in with her. 
As for being thin skinned I'm not, but if I disagree with you or anybody else, or see a contridiction in something you said I will call you on it.  So lump it yourself.  Have a nice day ;D
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.



You're reading things in Diane's post that just arent there.  She is apologizing for losing her temper, she's not talking about anyone else, just herself.  She also never said that there's a problem with other people having their own opinion.  I think you're being a little oversensitive, even though you claim to not be thinned skinned.  Speaking of thinned skinned, were you one of the people who jumped down Diane's throat for her comments on spelling errors?  Or where those some other thin skinned forum posters?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Looks good from here, Billy.  I'm agreeing with your summary.


Diane Amberg

Ok, now for a good fight.
  Billy, you just gave me a good example. Maybe this will help you understand me.  I made a STATEMENT about the whole country and Elk Kansas being not being rural. In no way did I attribute that statement to you. No quotation marks, nothing. So why did you find it necessary to say that you didn't make that statement? Well, duh....I think most readers would know that I made it, not you. Nobody, including me has said there is anything wrong with keeping tabs on the Go'vt. We all should, but you and a few others seem to be totally obsessed with it. You and I are both entitled to have our opinions, but some of the stuff that gets written on here really worries me. Just recently there was one that said something, after a tape, about now that the military is on "our side" we can take over or some such. I don't have the direct quote. You don't think that would worry some people who read that?
 I will not make ANY more comments about spelling and grammar, not the funny ones, not even for the writers who see the humor in it. I don't mind it being done to me, never have, I love word humor, but it seems to be such a hot button.... I should have known that some people must have defended their right to stay ignorant about such things back in school. I would just like to know if someone would please tell their children's teachers when to stop waisting their time so they can use that time for math or something else. If you go 'way back in the posts you will find that several of the biggest posts about that weren't even mine, or Wilmas!! I was /am a teacher. Just like being a Marine, once a teacher always a teacher! Yes, I'm being very sarcastic.
  I wasn't prepared to have to defend myself at any time on any thread from anyone who said,"When did I say".... that was new to me. It must be a middle America thing. When I joined, that kind of thing just wasn't happening.Then the world changed, and so did this forum. Using "when did I say"....   is a clever tactic to divert way from the real issues that were being discussed and is meant to put the other writer on the defensive, IMHO! So I started using it myself, except I get called on it. Now, I'll try something your style.   Back in that other post, when did I say there was anything "wrong" with keeping and eye on the Govn't? We just seem to disagree on how to do it. I choose to do it through our elected officials that WE, for better or worse, elected. Some of you seem to be advocating a violent over throw of the standing GOV"t that the MAJORITY of the country elected. Al and I have been working on some simple but effective ways of cutting prescription costs. We will soon send a letter explaining our ideas. I'm just not into the "bluff and bravado" stuff.  I could write more and may later, but I have some other things to go do.  We lost another friend, at 96. I think he and Judy's Mom got to heaven about the same time.  So go ahead, take my post apart line by line. See if you can find the spelling errors I put in on purpose for you to gloat over, and pick at my typing all you want, I know it's bad.                                


I don't have the exact words i used, and dont remember where it is but I know I said that with the military on our side, the military being dissatisfied with the way things are going with obama and congress, we have no worries about obama or congress attempting to use the miltary to control us when we decide to put Congress and the president back in their place.  IF they attempt to continue to usurp authority and all peaceful means to stop them aren't working then its time to use force.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


BTW there is something seriously wrong with this congress and administration when you have the servicemen upset and ready to honor their oath and defend the constitution against Congress and the president.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


srkruzich, your words from yesterday in "Marine Speaks out at town Meeting"

Quotethis congress had better wake up.  With the military on our side we have the ability to toss them out of office with force if we have to!

Who exactly is "we"?

I get it, you fear government, all government.

You know what I fear - EXTREMISTS. 

I fear people who clamor for anarchy as much as I fear people who want pure totalitarianism.  I fear pure unfettered capitalism as much as I fear pure communism. 

And out of the roughly 250,000,000 people that live in this great nation of ours, a nation that you seem to hate, I believe alot more of them are closer to my political mindset, than they are to yours.

I'm not posting in these threads to try and convert you, and other extremists, to my viewpoint. 

I will not be bullied off of this forum again.  I will continue to voice my opinion so that those in the center know there are viewpoints being expressed that aren't ultra anything.

From the Center,



I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     Line number 19-------------------------see paste------------

(when did I say there was anything "wrong" with keeping and eye on the Govn't?)

what do I win?

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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