I needed to get it out of my system...............

Started by pamsback, August 12, 2009, 09:36:28 AM

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Quote from: dnalexander on August 12, 2009, 05:22:49 PM
It appears both of you needed to get it out of your system. Please continue.  :laugh:

LOL well I have been on both ends of the spectrum so i know what its like on both sides.  
Even though i don't have much now i sure don't envy anyone that makes 50 million.  I say more power to them.  
I could care less if they have more money than they can spend in a lifetime.  I admire someone that can take some idea and turn it into that kind of money.   Yet i don't care about money outside of it being a tool to get what i want.  Even when i had millions of dollars in my budget to spend back in 1999 i didn't spend it foolishly, i shopped around for the best bang for the buck.  That made my employer more profit and i was rewarded with more money.   Thats how the game is played.  I have worked as a waffle house cook before and stayed only long enough til another better job came along.  I worked contract for years building my skills and experience and education on the employers nickle not my nickle. I obtained the equivelency of a bachelors degree in my field but never went to college.   I competed against degree'd professionals for the same job and i got the job because i had aquired the ability to use critical thinkingskills and proven experience over a college boy with book smarts and no experience.

So yeah a nobody can get on top.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quoteagain i don't know what the problem is with their making money

Never said their makin money was a problem, gougin people for everything they can get IS

QuoteNo they didn't take us down the dems took us down with them by screwing around with the regulations that would have prevented it.

Actually it was the weasels who took advantage of said regulatory loopholes to sell bad debt as good collateral to line their own pockets who took us down

QuoteWhat does happiness have to do with it?
Actually greed does get you everywhere if your the one making the money.
if you don't know I can't tell you....and greed gets you nowhere special...money ain't the answer

Lehmans has good stuff. As for the fair profit....what the market will bear is exactly what I'm talkin about......I make and sell things....if it costs me .50 to make it my CONSCIENCE won't let me sell it for 100.00 just cause I could GET it which is why I personally will NEVER be rich.

I envy nobodys MONETARY success because money is not how I MEASURE success.

I gotta go now because daughter is givin me the evil eye for delaying her chat LOL.


Quote from: pamsback on August 12, 2009, 06:36:52 PM
Quoteagain i don't know what the problem is with their making money

Never said their makin money was a problem, gougin people for everything they can get IS
Ohh theres no such thing as gouging.   IF you don't like product x's price go buy product y.   

QuoteNo they didn't take us down the dems took us down with them by screwing around with the regulations that would have prevented it.

Actually it was the weasels who took advantage of said regulatory loopholes to sell bad debt as good collateral to line their own pockets who took us down

No the weasles have always been there.  The ones who set it up so that the weasles could operate are the ones who are taking us down.  You can bet that barney frank and company and everyone that whittled away at the regulations on fannie mae lined their pockets well.

QuoteWhat does happiness have to do with it?
Actually greed does get you everywhere if your the one making the money.
if you don't know I can't tell you....and greed gets you nowhere special...money ain't the answer
You know when you have a bill and cant pay it because youdon't have enough money then your not happy.   I guarantee you that money will make life happier if you have it.  IT is not the source of all happiness but it affects your happiness if there is a lack of it.

QuoteLehmans has good stuff. As for the fair profit....what the market will bear is exactly what I'm talkin about......I make and sell things....if it costs me .50 to make it my CONSCIENCE won't let me sell it for 100.00 just cause I could GET it which is why I personally will NEVER be rich.
LOL well if i can get 100 dollars for a .50 cent widget i'm going to make and sell as many as i can for 100 bucks each.  I don't force a person to buy it.  Besides how long can i make 100 bucks before someone else comes along and undercuts my price.  Gotta get it when you can cause eventually it becomes a losing proposition when its so undercut that noone makes a profit.

QuoteI envy nobodys MONETARY success because money is not how I MEASURE success.
Monetary success is just a small part of success. Lots of things make one successful.

QuoteI gotta go now because daughter is givin me the evil eye for delaying her chat LOL.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on August 12, 2009, 05:16:20 PM
It takes business sense and business savvy to make a business fly.  It also takes hard work and sacrifice to get it to survive.   I started this apiary here with money that i saved from cutting back on groceries.   I got the bees.  The hives i make are almost free because I am salvaging materials from buildings that are being torn down and utilizing the resources available to meet my need.   Ingenuity, critical thinking skills, a little luck and a whole lot of sacrifice, and i will have a thriving apiary in 2 or 3 years. 
Most beekeepers lose money at it.  I think i can make money at it because i am filling a special niche in the market.
No one is going to squeeze me out, if i fail thats on my head not someone elses. 

Quote from: srkruzich on August 12, 2009, 06:57:52 PM
LOL well if i can get 100 dollars for a .50 cent widget i'm going to make and sell as many as i can for 100 bucks each.  I don't force a person to buy it.  Besides how long can i make 100 bucks before someone else comes along and undercuts my price.  Gotta get it when you can cause eventually it becomes a losing proposition when its so undercut that noone makes a profit.

Well, I hope that you don't sell your bee products for such a large markup "just because you can".  Especially when you received free/almost free materials from people in the community who were willing to help your business out.  THAT'S why other buisnesses in the community can survive when Walmart moves in... because those businesses support the community and the community supports the businesses.  Walmart isn't likely to sell someone's locally grown bee products just to support that person... they are going to sell the cheapest products they can.  But, the local businesses will jump at an opportunity to sell locally grown products; they, like you, have a niche market and want to support their customers, too.   No, the local store isn't going to get rich off your product being sold in their store, but they're willing to help other local people to make some money... as long as you don't turn around and go spend that money at Walmart!


Lol, that pretty much is my view in a nutshell.....I was tryin to make the point that the problem is nobody is satisfied to just "make a livin" anymore or very few are anyway. As for havin more money than you can spend in two lifetimes.....what is the point? Seriously?
I've done some thinkin about this when people are talkin and ask me "What would YOU do if you won one of those multimillion lottery jackpots?" Payin for it outright I could get EVERYTHING I ever wanted for a couple hundred grand...probly less...what the hell would I do with the OTHER hundred million? Give it away is my guess......and right now I pretty MUCH have everything I ever wanted just WORKIN for it.....and I've probly never made over 35 grand in my BEST year...most of em a LOT less..more like half that.
I've had people rag me because I sell my stuff so cheap....but I do it beCAUSE I've been cash poor most of my life..I KNOW what it is like to wish you could buy somthin and not be able to afford it...actually that's how I've learned to make the things I make! I couldn't afford them so I learned to make my OWN LOL. So no I would never do that just because I could...it's bad karma for me.

But that's the thing about the human race...different strokes y'know.


Don't forget the old adage:  "Money can't buy happiness, but, it makes misery a whole lot easier"

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from: Tobina+1 on August 13, 2009, 08:46:18 AM
Quote from: srkruzich on August 12, 2009, 05:16:20 PM
It takes business sense and business savvy to make a business fly.  It also takes hard work and sacrifice to get it to survive.   I started this apiary here with money that i saved from cutting back on groceries.   I got the bees.  The hives i make are almost free because I am salvaging materials from buildings that are being torn down and utilizing the resources available to meet my need.   Ingenuity, critical thinking skills, a little luck and a whole lot of sacrifice, and i will have a thriving apiary in 2 or 3 years. 
Most beekeepers lose money at it.  I think i can make money at it because i am filling a special niche in the market.
No one is going to squeeze me out, if i fail thats on my head not someone elses. 

Quote from: srkruzich on August 12, 2009, 06:57:52 PM
LOL well if i can get 100 dollars for a .50 cent widget i'm going to make and sell as many as i can for 100 bucks each.  I don't force a person to buy it.  Besides how long can i make 100 bucks before someone else comes along and undercuts my price.  Gotta get it when you can cause eventually it becomes a losing proposition when its so undercut that noone makes a profit.

Well, I hope that you don't sell your bee products for such a large markup "just because you can".  Especially when you received free/almost free materials from people in the community who were willing to help your business out.  THAT'S why other buisnesses in the community can survive when Walmart moves in... because those businesses support the community and the community supports the businesses.  Walmart isn't likely to sell someone's locally grown bee products just to support that person... they are going to sell the cheapest products they can.  But, the local businesses will jump at an opportunity to sell locally grown products; they, like you, have a niche market and want to support their customers, too.   No, the local store isn't going to get rich off your product being sold in their store, but they're willing to help other local people to make some money... as long as you don't turn around and go spend that money at Walmart!
well the materials aren't free, i have to work hard to recover the materials.  So theres not a free cost associated with the materials.  My time is worth just as much as paying out for the raw materials.   It would cost to remove this material in most cases, so my efforts also benefit those who need to clean up things.
But as far as honey goes thats a fixed price, i can't sell more than anyone else around unless its something thats harder to get like sourwood honey.  And sourwood sells about double the cost of regular honey.  So does other types.  Try buying royal jelly.  Royal jelly can sell from 50 dollars a pound to 100 dollars a pound depending on availability. 
And yes i would sell royal jelly for that price because it requires a lot of time and effort to extract it and it is only manufactured in very small quantities. 

As far as honey goes what the market will bear.   Same for things like eggs, milk ect.  when you get naturally grown, it usually is higher than the stuff that the grocery stores import from china at .30 a pound.

home grown beef sells for more than walmart beef.  Why is that?  its what people will pay for home grown beef.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: larryJ on August 13, 2009, 09:38:40 AM
Don't forget the old adage:  "Money can't buy happiness, but, it makes misery a whole lot easier"


ROTFL thats true LOL
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Tobina+1 on August 13, 2009, 08:46:18 AM

You know all i am pointing out is that no one has the right to dictate what a person sells their wares for.  You see, one of the biggest problems i see in this country right now is that so many people are envious of what others have. Thats why you have the idiots out there buying houses they can't afford, and those folks out there that are screaming how unfair it is that joe blow is making millions of dollars as a CEO executive.  So what? 
We don't need governmnet to penalize someone for making money. IF you don't like that xyz company is making more money than God, then simple solution is to stop buying xyz's product.  Theres more power in your vote with a dollar than there is in government regulation. 
Envy is going to destroy this country faster than the politicians, communism, or any other socialist agenda. 
If i remember right, there is a commandment, thou shalt no covet.  if we are upset/jealous/desire to regulate someone making 50 -100 million or more, then we are indirectly coveting their property. 
The politics of Envy basically says, if I can't have that, then i don't want anyone else to have it. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Actually, that was not a quote by me on Steve's post.  Those were your words.  Please be careful on using quotes so as not to make it look like someone else said something.

I do agree with what you said, however.  When I lived in KC, I saw people my age driving the fanciest cars and living in the biggest houses.  It was hard not to be envious, but I always wondered WHERE/HOW they got their money, or if they were only living on credit card debt.  I basically saved no money when I lived in KC (due to living expense), but I was able to work on paying the only debt I had; school loans.  So I didn't understand how people could afford to have those things!  My envy quickly turned to feelling sorry for them... and the amount of loans/debt they would have to eventually pay off some day.

I also want to clarify my comments from earlier.  I didn't say you didn't work hard to get the materials for your bees, or that you shouldn't be paid fair market value for those products.  My point was that don't let greed make you think you should mark up the prices on your product (this goes for anyone; not pointing at you specifically) just because "you can" and you have no competition.  Of course, business sense would tell you that, too.  Too high of prices = no one will buy your product = you will go out of business.

Also, the reason people pay more for home grown items (beef, eggs, honey, etc) is because of the QUALITY.  If Walmart sold higher quality beef, then people would expect to pay more for it.  But, actually, especially in small towns, you can probably get home-grown items for LESS than Walmart sells them, AND have a higher quality item.  Because... drum roll... those people aren't concerned with making millions on their products (greed)... they just want to help provide for their neighbors, while earning a little bit of money for themselves.

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