ObamaCare: The Road to Geezer Heaven

Started by Warph, August 12, 2009, 02:36:13 AM

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Diane and sixdogs, yes, to a point insurance compaines ration healthcare, and in some cases even drop clients and deny clients because of preexisting conditions.  However, that being said, if you don't like your policy you are still free to choose another one.  Plus, can you show me one case of a person who needed emegerency medical care and was denied it in this country??  Yes, we need some type of HEALTHCARE reform, however, I don't want the gov't (which can't seem to manage the postal service, a cash for clunkers program, hell, even a brothel) to be in charge of decideing who gets what.  Espcially folks who support late term abortions, partial birth abortions, eugenics.  Do a little background research on some of obamas advisers, the results may shock you.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Diane, I worked (a very short time) as an ER receptionist, I know about the druggies that come in looking for a fix.  And I do pay for them, in the form of mark ups on services.  Emergency services would be things like gunshots, temp.s over 102 (age depending), labor, heart attack, and generally any immediate life threatening aliments.  Broken bones, while painful, are generally not life threatening, however, even those get treated.  In Las Vegas, the university medical center is reporting that illegal immigrants are now flocking to them for dialysis, the cost of which makes up roughly 1/3 of their yearly operating expense.  Even if the insurance companies refuse payment, most hospitals will work with people and allow them to make payments.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Diane, in some parts of the country you can get a Medicare HMO that costs less but you get the lower end HMO care. There are lots of options in part D, the prescription part of Medicare. Be certain to investigate those thoroughly before committing to one.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on August 18, 2009, 11:49:28 AM
Diane, in some parts of the country you can get a Medicare HMO that costs less but you get the lower end HMO care. There are lots of options in part D, the prescription part of Medicare. Be certain to investigate those thoroughly before committing to one.

Uhmm why would you want a medicare hmo?  Medicare part a and b covers everything.   Part D however is extremely expensive and why not instead of getting part d go and get your prescriptions for 5 dollars a prescription from the pharmaceutical companies.  Shrug.
The pharmacies have for years given their meds to limited income folks for 5 dollars or free.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Steve there is no co-pay with the medicare HMO. And sorry but there are lots of meds that cost more than $5.00, not all meds have a generic equivalent. For instance, Lexapro and Mirapex that I am familiar with. I am fortunate that I do not require monthly meds but I certainly carry the insurance. That way I do not have to make any compromises when I do need them. Also I don't have to wait in the long lines and deal with the uninformed at Walmart. My local pharmacy knows me and my doctor so if there are any problems it is cleared away within a few minutes and not days.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on August 18, 2009, 04:55:58 PM
Steve there is no co-pay with the medicare HMO. And sorry but there are lots of meds that cost more than $5.00, not all meds have a generic equivalent.

I'm sorry but the pharmaceutical companies are sending folks 3 mo supplies for 5 dollars.  you just have to apply for it.  THey send them directly to you or your doctor, not through walmart or any other pharmacy.


YOu can get all those drugs you listed for 5.00 each or free in some cases.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on August 18, 2009, 04:55:58 PM
Steve there is no co-pay with the medicare HMO.

how much does this hmo cost ya along with your part A and part B premium.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Sorry, I don't know that Steve; I am not certain that it is offered in this area.


I am so happy to know old Geezers are going to Heaven. :angel: :angel:


Diane, does your big trama center ever give a reason for the bypass?  20mins....your fortunate, that is not that far. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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