Obama's Health-Care Bill

Started by Warph, August 05, 2009, 05:58:05 PM

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I'll look it up tomorrow, but aren't we like, in the bottom 5 in terms of health care among the top 30 indsutrialized nations?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Obama Sucks!!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


QuoteAt approximately the same time you informed the nation for the 39th time that the fundamentals of our economy were sound

You may or may not recall, but this is Sean Hannity and John McCain's line.

And as promised, the Health Care info.....


Of the top 30 industrialized nations, we are 26th in life expectancy, and last in infant mortality.

Here's another site with a lot of interesting stats.


"The chief source of problems is solutions"


More health care stuff


And a study comparing the American, Canadian, and British Health Care systems


QuoteThe study also dispels many of the negative myths perpetuated by American conservatives regarding a lumbering, unresponsive Canadian health care bureaucracy. Harvard's Karen Lasser noted that "most of what we hear about the Canadian health care system is negative; in particular, the long waiting times for medical procedures." The data simply does not bear that out; while Canadians much more frequently reported long waiting times as a barrier to care (3.5% to 0.7% for Americans), treatment delays were not a major factor for either nation.

QuoteThe explanations vary and include both expected and surprising answers. The authors of both the Canadian and British comparisons stress the role that universal health coverage and preventive care play in producing healthier citizens. But given the superior health of lower class Britons relative to upper class Americans, universal coverage alone can't provide the explanation. Robert Blendon of the Harvard School of Public Health (and who did not participate in the U.K. study) suggests Americans' financial insecurity may play a key role. "The opportunity to go both up and down the socioeconomic scale in America may create stress," Blendon said. "Americans don't have a reliable government safety net like the English enjoy."


QuoteThe U.S. health-care system is doing poorly by virtually every measure. That's the conclusion of a national report card on the U.S. health-care system, released Sept. 20. Although there are pockets of excellence, the report, commissioned by the non-profit and non-partisan Commonwealth Fund, gave the U.S. system low grades on outcomes, quality of care, access to care, and efficiency, compared to other industrialized nations or generally accepted standards of care. Bottom line: U.S. health care barely passes with an overall grade of 66 out of 100.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on August 11, 2009, 09:53:14 AM
QuoteAt approximately the same time you informed the nation for the 39th time that the fundamentals of our economy were sound

You may or may not recall, but this is Sean Hannity and John McCain's line.

And as promised, the Health Care info.....


Of the top 30 industrialized nations, we are 26th in life expectancy, and last in infant mortality.

According to your chart you posted the link to, we are 8th not 26th.  And you can't compare life expectancy with nations that are smaller than our largest cities.   Come on now really Canada is one of the largest countries listed on that chart other than the US and they only have 30 -40 million people.
10% of our population.   

last of all, these countries are small as some of our states,  and socialized healthcare for them is shakey at best and you want to socialize our healthcare on a country that is as large as it is?  Won't work. Try looking at russia. You have two forms of health care there, one is go to govt health care and die, and the second is pay for good healthcare if YOu can afford it and it will cost you dearly to get good health care.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



Dr. Dave Janda
To The Point
Thursday, 23 July 2009

As a physician who has authored books on preventative health care, I was
given the opportunity to be the keynote speaker at a Congressional Dinner
at The Capitol Building in Washington last Friday (7/17).

The presentation was entitled Health Care Reform, The Power & Profit of
Prevention, and I was gratified that it was well received.

In preparation for the presentation, I read the latest version of "reform"
as authored by The Obama Administration and supported by Speaker Pelosi and
Senator Reid.  Here is the link to the 1,018 page document:

Let me summarize just a few salient points of the above plan.  First,
however, it should be clear that the same warning notice must be placed on
The ObamaCare Plan as on a pack of cigarettes:  Consuming this product will
be hazardous to your health.

The underlying method of cutting costs throughout the plan is based on
rationing and denying care.  There is no focus on preventing health care
need whatever. The plan's method is the most inhumane and unethical
approach to cutting costs I can imagine as a physician.

The rationing of care is implemented through The National Health Care
Board, according to the plan.  This illustrious Board "will approve or
reject treatment for patients based on the cost per treatment divided by
the number of years the patient will benefit from the treatment."

Translation.....if you are over 65 or have been recently diagnosed as
having an advanced form of cardiac disease or aggressive cancer.....dream
on if you think you will get treated.....pick out your coffin.

Oh, you say this could never happen? Sorry.... this is the same model they
use in Britain.

The plan mandates that there will be little or no advanced treatments to be
available in the future.  It creates The Federal Coordinating Council For
Comparative Effectiveness Research, the purpose of which is "to slow the
development of new medications and technologies in order to reduce costs."
Yes, this is to be the law.

The plan also outlines that doctors and hospitals will be overseen and
reviewed by The National Coordinator For Health Information and Technology.

This " coordinator" will "monitor treatments being delivered to make sure
doctors and hospitals are strictly following government guidelines that are
deemed appropriate." It goes on to say....."Doctors and hospitals not
adhering to guidelines will face penalties."

According to those in Congress, penalties could include large six figure
financial fines and possible imprisonment.

So according to The ObamaCare Plan...if your doctor saves your life you
might have to go to the prison to see your doctor for follow -up
appointments.  I believe this is the same model Stalin used in the former
Soviet Union.

Section 102 has the Orwellian title, "Protecting the Choice to Keep Current
Coverage."  What this section really mandates is that it is illegal to keep
your private insurance if your status changes - e.g., if you lose or change
your job, retire from your job and become a senior, graduate from college
and get your first job.  Yes, illegal.

When Mr. Obama hosted a conference call with bloggers urging them to
pressure Congress to pass his health plan as soon as possible, a blogger
from Maine referenced an Investors Business Daily article that claimed
Section 102 of the House health legislation would outlaw private insurance.

He asked: "Is this true? Will people be able to keep their insurance and
will insurers be able to write new policies even though H.R. 3200 is
passed?"  Mr. Obama replied: "You know, I have to say that I am not
familiar with the provision you are talking about."

Then there is Section 1233 of The ObamaCare Plan, devoted to  "Advanced
Care Planning." After each American turns 65 years of age they have to go
to a mandated counseling program that is designed to end life sooner.

This session is to occur every 5 years unless the person has developed a
chronic illness then it must be done every year. The topics in this session
will include, "how to decline hydration, nutrition and how to initiate
hospice care."  It is no wonder The Obama Administration does not like my
emphasis on Prevention.  For Mr. Obama, prevention is the "enemy" as people
would live longer.

I rest my case. The ObamaCare Plan is hazardous to the health of every

After I finished my Capitol Hill presentation, I was asked by a Congressman
in the question-answer session:  "I'll be doing a number of network
interviews on the Obama Health Care Plan.  If I am asked what is the one
word to describe the plan what should I answer."

The answer is simple, honest, direct, analytical, sad but truthful.  I told
him that one word is FASCIST.

Then I added, "I hope you'll have the courage to use that word,
Congressman.  No other word is more appropriate."

Dr. Dave Janda, MD, is an orthopedic surgeon, and a world-recognized expert
on the prevention of sports injuries, particularly in children.  His
website is
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: srkruzich on August 11, 2009, 11:02:16 AM

According to your chart you posted the link to, we are 8th not 26th.  And you can't compare life expectancy with nations that are smaller than our largest cities.   Come on now really Canada is one of the largest countries listed on that chart other than the US and they only have 30 -40 million people.
10% of our population.   

last of all, these countries are small as some of our states,  and socialized healthcare for them is shakey at best and you want to socialize our healthcare on a country that is as large as it is?  Won't work. Try looking at russia. You have two forms of health care there, one is go to govt health care and die, and the second is pay for good healthcare if YOu can afford it and it will cost you dearly to get good health care.

The countries are not sorted according to rank.  You have to look at the actual numbers.

Yes it's true that some of the countries are very small.  Many of the coutnries are also much less well-off, yet they still manage to have better health care than we do.  I have a friend studying medicine in Cuba, and would you believe that the Cuban poor get better medical treatment than middle class Americans?  And they've been under economic sanctions for 30 years.

The point is, we have so much more resources, we have so much more money, and we spend so much more on healthcare, yet we are still getting sub-standard health care.  I saw an article a few days ago stating that morthan 30% of our spending on healthcare is wasted.  How much of our health care bills are going to government lobbyists?  I think it's silly when they have people to defend their corporate pillaging for free.

There are things i don't like about the Obama plan, but something has to be done.  Our health care system sucks.  The USA is the only industrialized nation that doesn't offer free health care to citizens. 

Seriously though, cut the crap about the government trying to kill old people.  I can't believe people are buying into the propaganda being put out there by the health care companies.  I lost a good friend last year to cancer because he got dropped from his insurance when they found out.  He's not the only one with that kind of story.  These corporations are scamming people out of their money and they are paying people (mostlye "conservatives) to defend them in the public realm.  Your conservative leaders have sold out yet you all blindly follow them. 
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2009, 01:31:42 PM

Money to blow at a casino, but no money for health care. ( Apparently that lady is a regular at the slots.) I know we can't legislate against stupidity, but that did bother me too.  

Uuhhhhhh yeah! THAT kind of stuff bothers me.... a LOT!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I really hate to see people buy cigarettes and then pay for their groceries with a vision card. That bothers me also.


Diane cleaned her kitchen?

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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