Social justice on the job

Started by redcliffsw, July 23, 2009, 06:00:34 AM

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If you are going to have these lower physical requirements be the same for both women and men, that means you are not only going to have women who are not capable of carrying someone out of a burning building, you are also going to have men who are likewise incapable of carrying someone to safety.


It's not an issue.  Labor laws allow for certain strength, height, weight, standards as long as they pertain to the job.  I don't get why people complain about this.  In the business school i went to, this was taught in one of the first general business courses.  I guess the author, who is an economist, didn't have such a broad education.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


The Feds should not be imposing rules for employmnet - equal or otherwise.
The Fed's have acquired the power to make the rules of employment. 
Like it used to be, an employer ought to have the right to hire and fire.

If baseball and football mangaers can be hired and fired regardless of their race or gender,
then it seems only right that any job in America should not have Federal protection either.



Are you saying that we need Federal employment rules because
perceived "barriers" need to be broken?  When it comes to hard work,
EOE doesn't mean much because the hard working guys will get the

I'm thinking the Labor Dept (and the EOC) ought to be eliminated.

jerry wagner

Other than where a physical limitation is required for the position, no person should be discriminated on based on any characteristic up to and including: sex, religion, sexual preference, hair color, skin color, housing preference, pregnancy, access to transportation, etc.

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