The Clown that is Destroying America

Started by Warph, July 18, 2009, 10:59:35 AM

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Frankly, I can't figure out what it is that people on this forum find admirable about Obama, the Clown.  I, for one, was profoundly upset that he couldn't even muster up a few inspirational words for those brave souls in Tehran who were standing up to the murderous mullahs and their hand puppet of a clown, Ahmadinejad.  But, the more I thought about it, it occurred to me that maybe he just didn't want Americans to get any funny ideas about freedom and liberty.  Sound about right?

I have also been puzzled by the personal animosity that Obama has shown towards those, like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, who oppose his very radical left-wing agenda.  Clearly, the man is so narcissistic and thin-skinned that he can't conceal his contempt for anyone who doesn't openly adore him.  I don't entirely blame him, though.  Like some snivling little brat who is never disciplined by his parents when he misbehaves, Obama is the result of a clownish media that has kissed his butt ever since he came on the scene. 

In fact, I found myself wondering if the spark that ignited the demonstrations in Iran wasn't supplied by the example of democracy taking hold in nearby Iraq, in much the same way that the French revolution was inspired by our own.  Some people have suggested that the reason Obama kept silent during the popular uprising is because he is a Muslim.  I figure it's bad enough that he calls himself a Christian, but attended a racist church for his entire adult life, spending a thousand Sundays listening to a creepy clown of a minister heap curses on Jews, white Christians and America.  While I don't know what the number #1 clown of clowns believes in his heart, I do know that he would have heard the exact same message if he'd been kneeling on a prayer mat for all those years in a Baghdad mosque.

It appears to me and I say this without a doubt... that Obama is bent on DESTROYING our economy, our military and our missile defense system; while, at the same time, THE CLOWN promotes socialized medicine, hires a racist clown for attorney general and nominates a Supreme Court nominee who parrots the party line of La Raza .  (Question:  Will someone tell me WHY they pick the world's ugliest women for the SCOTUS... no offense Sandra). 

In the words of Rush Limbaugh, "This is a man who brags about nonexistent Muslim accomplishments, while taking every opportunity to denigrate America's character, her sacrifices and her awe-inspiring achievements."  Ronald Reagan saw America as a shining city upon a hill.  Obama, the CLOWN, sees it as a slum that needs to be torn down as part of a massive reconstruction project.  If there were ever a site like Mt. Rushmore, dedicated NOT to heroic leaders of Liberty, but rather to those who were unfaithful to their nation's highest ideals, Barack Hussein Obama could take his rightful place alongside the likes of Benedict Arnold.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


SuperWarph, here is a pretty Latina judge for you. Good looking,  Good school-Georgetown, appointed by Jeb Bush a conservative, well known, and works in the dirty trenches of small claims cases.

Judge Marilyn Milian

Originally from Queens, NY, Milian moved to Miami with her family when she was eight years old. Milian received her undergraduate degree at the University of Miami, where she graduated summa cum laude with a 4.0 grade average. She then attended Georgetown Law School, where she earned her law degree and graduated cum laude at the age of 23.

Milian, of Cuban descent, is fluent in Spanish. She spent a year working at Harvard Law School, where she served as director of training for the Guatemala Project. She was responsible for training the Guatemalan trial judiciary, defense and prosecution bar in investigatory and trial techniques.

Florida Governor Jeb Bush appointed Milian to the Miami Circuit Court in 1999, where she served in the Criminal Division. Prior to that, she spent five years in the Miami County Court in the Domestic Violence Court, Criminal and Civil divisions. She was appointed to the County Court by then-Governor Lawton Chiles. Before serving in the County Court, Milian worked from 1984 to 1994 as an Assistant State Attorney for the Dade County State Attorney's Office, personally appointed by Janet Reno.

Jimmy O

p.s. Did you get a new Chihuahua dog named Che? With three dogs I bet you almost have a total of 10lbs of dog.Tell me you didn't get it after a full day at the 19th hole drinking with Slappy. Love your new Icon.



Warph, great post.  I am wondering when O is going to quit treating our country like as if it is a blank check at his disposal.


David, I watch Judge Milians' TV show all the time. She is very smart and well spoken. What I like about her is if she is in doubt about something she adjourns court until she can get herself up to speed. She's pretty also, which doesn't hurt in the tv market.


I, too, am a Judge Milian groupie.  I try to watch her show every day.  I do have a problem with "judge" shows however, because I don't know what is staged and what is real.  So the only one that I like is Judge Milian just because it seems real and as it has been noted, she is a very pretty woman.  And, David, thanks for the photo and the post.  It is an early morning shock to see the judge in anything other than judicial robes.


P.S.  Sorry, Warph, Jimmy led us astray with his post.  What were you saying?
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Boys, eyes off the prize and back to the subject at hand! lol  ;D ;D ;D ::)


Sorry folks, once again I am going to have to part ways with the line of thinking on that picture of judge Milian.  Frankly, it reminds me of a drag queen with a boob job.  But that is just my humble opinion.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on July 19, 2009, 09:50:39 AM
Sorry folks, once again I am going to have to part ways with the line of thinking on that picture of judge Milian.  Frankly, it reminds me of a drag queen with a boob job.  But that is just my humble opinion.

Billy, you have to remember we are talking about judge beauty which carries a much lower standard of excellence than say actress beauty. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ;D Sorry Warph I didn't expect my post to garner so many response. Back to the big topic at hand in Warph's post.



whispering)))))))  Billy... are you an eyeball expert on "boob jobs".. ?  must mean you 'study' them alot.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


 :o Wonder if his wife knows he's been 'studying' that hard? lol

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