Does anyone believe in "The Secret"?

Started by debid, July 07, 2009, 12:14:55 PM

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I have not heard of this book "The Secret" but it does sound interesting. Sorry debid, but I just have to add my first thoughts. Not to take anything away form your serious post. I just could not resist.

The secret is that there is a big world conspiracy by a select few called the Illuminati that want to reduce world population to 3 million people and we are all just pawns. Or we are just the manifestation of an alien entity who is in a dream state. ( I don't expect anyone to find my post as amusing as I do. Just indulging my warped sense of humor.) ??? :laugh:



Exactly!!! (and Obama is the head alien!!!)  :P LMAO (this is ALL HIS nightmare!)

No disresect meant Debid....because my thoughts run along the same lines in living my life :)


The Secret says not to be Anti, but be pro.  In other words if you are against a certain political figure.... don't be anti (obama) be Pro whoever.  When you think in the negative it only attracts the negative.  Be Pro what you want. 


I agree with living your life "PRO" something rather than spewing negativity everywhere you go.  I wish more people would take that stance, too... especially in this day and age (and past year or so).




I agree. ( I was just takin a poke at all the Obama haters  ::) )


Debi, I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but I'm very familiar with the teachings, and can personally vouch for its effectiveness. You don't have to believe in the Law for it to work, any more than you have to believe in the Law of Gravity to keep yourself planted on the ground. It just is, and it works. The "secret" is making it work in your favor. BTW, you were the second person to ask that question on the same day on different forums I visit. No such thing as coincidence, and it certainly caught my attention. Also, Debi, your thoughts will rarely manifest as quickly as you described the events of a few days ago (negative comments/fire at shop), but it did make you aware of your thoughts and how powerful they are. It's a good idea to remind ourselves every day of this power we hold, and to choose our thoughts, words and deeds care-fully and thought-fully. We ARE the change we wish to see in the world.

Rudy Taylor

Add me to the "pro" stance. I've spent most of my adult life reading books on positive thinking and I'm such a believer it how it can transform one's life.  Dr. Norman Vincent Peale was such a great writer and I re-read his book, "The Power of Positive Thinking" at least three times. There also was a guy named St. Paul who once wrote a letter to friends wherein he gave good advice on this subject:  "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."

We are what we think about.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Dale Smith

I have this great book "You Can't Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought" by Peter McWilliams. 

"It is about the power of positive thought - and about how negative thinking can wreck lives. Negative thinking is seen as a debilitating illness that will slowly kill your spirit - and for some people lead to actual physical disease. The author shows how to: eliminate the negative - spend less time thinking "down" and negative thoughts; accentuate the positive - spend more time focussing on the positive things in your life; and latch on to the affirmative - enjoy each moment! It contains inspirational, funny, and moving quotes. This book was written in part specially for those who have been diagnosed with severe illness. Negative thinking drags you down - whilst a truly positive approach will have a positive effect on your whole self - thus promoting good physical health. This title shows you how to focus on the positive."  (Copied from


You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
And latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between!

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