Does anyone believe in "The Secret"?

Started by debid, July 07, 2009, 12:14:55 PM

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The Law Of Attraction? 

The reason I put this here is because I believe what we think about, we bring about. 


Great minds run along the same lines.  I'm with you, debid, if you think it will happen, it happens.


The Law of Attraction works regardless if you are working at it or not. The problem is that we can unknowingly be attracting things that we don't want.


Attracting What You Want in Three Steps
Although the theory behind the Law of Attraction is very simple, putting it into practice on a conscious level takes work. Negative and limiting belief systems are buried deep inside us. Changing or ridding yourself of ideas and old habits that defeat you at every turn can be done. Are you up to the challenge?

The creative process as portrayed in the extended version of the movie The Secret involves three steps to attracting all your desires.

   1. Ask - You must know what you want. I mean, really know what you want. The universe can't deliver without first knowing what it is that you want to have manifested into your life.

   2. Believe - You need to truly believe that what you are asking for will become yours. Doubts need to be pushed away. The idea that failure is a possibility will mess up the delivery.

   3. Receive - It is important that you become an active player in reaching your goals. When opportunity comes your way you must not hesitate. Grab the brass ring when it appears.


I have always believed that, if you send out evil into the world, evil is revisited upon you.  If you treat others as and wish for others nothing less than you'd have for yourself, then you will receive in kind.  Those who go about talking about others behind their backs (attempting to influence public opinion about the person in question) will reap what they sow...Shallow, selfish, unhappy lives.  If you go about, trying to speak well of others and leaving the gossip to the ankle biting set, then well will be spoken of you (i.e.  what comes around, goes around...yin and yang...etc., etc., etc.).  The law of attraction here?  You will attract people similar to yourself in deportment and deflect the ankle biters...Thereby giving yourself a more peaceful existence.


How right you are catwoman.  I said something bad about someone last week in a moment of anger.  The very next day I almost burnt down my shop.   Call it Karma, call it LOA (law of attraction) call it whatever you want. 
I am new at this, but it is how I intend to live my life. 


Not sure about "The Secret", Law of Attraction, or Karma, but I am sure about the GOLDEN RULE... "Do unto others..."


TOTally believe what goes around comes put out create your negative reality.......same if you put out positive.


I hope that "the secret" is true, because I can't wait for obama to get thrown out on his ass!

Seriously though, I have read "the secret", and frankly think that it is looney.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Never read it myself, and of course you do :P

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