Howards Nasty Brown Stinking Water!!

Started by Teresa, July 06, 2009, 10:27:48 AM

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In grenola our water isn't brown but I wouldn't drink it unflitered.  We have a filter and softner that works wonders.  But the price we paid for it could've settled the national debt.  That aside, I think the issue of water safety for the entire county has been ignored for quite some time.  We recieved letters stating that the water supply here is tainted and didn't pass inspection, they did add however that it was safe to drink.  HELLO!!! in that same letter it was stated that continued exposure to the elements found in the water will cause cancer and other health risks. 

I have often wondered why it is that a very large percent of the population around here dies of cancer of one form or another.  I think that for the forseable future I will follow the advice of tourist that frequent mexico and not drink the water.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Gina.. I never implied that the city employees were not using the same water. I know that they were and are as sick of it as the rest of us. In fact Wayne Willhite really voiced his displeasure at it..and so did Glenn ( can't remember his last name) with your mom nodding her head in agreement  so they were just as upset about this as those of us that were there from the public tonight.

I was relatively pleased with the meeting and what they are going to do. As Wayne pointed out. It has gone past over time to tinker around with trying to see if something works to fix it or not. It's time for it to be fixed. TOMORROW!.

I think that they are going to temporarily be shutting down the City lake for any kind of recreation.  As they are going to have to put a temporary large pipe over the dam to try to suck water from the surface of the lake. To do this will mean extra precaution  so as no one gets too close to the vacuum end and gets sucked up to it and drowns. hence the shutting the gates on the lake.
They are going to permanently look into getting a floating intake and cage it. Hopefully then the lake will be back open for public use.
But for now, our water source and problem have to be top priority and I am for doing whatever it takes to clean this mess up. Over all, it was a positive meeting with hopefully some positive results.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


That's good to hear.  I kept thinking it was something in our tank or something we were doing wrong.  Took me awhile to figure out it was coming from the city.  We cleaned out our holding tank and everything and then got another load of water and it was right back the way it was.  We have a whole house filter and it does help a lot, but we sure are going through a lot of filters and we put sanitizers in the water, so it's not tooo bad, but sure makes your hair feel icky.

Hope they're able to get it cleared up.  :)


Try mixing some Jack in it for drinking.  It might help and if it doesn't after a few you won't care anyway. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


HAHAHA... That struck me funny... LOL  but honestly it is probably true!  hahahahaha
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

momof 2boys

When I said that they use the same water we do, it was meant to show that they are dealing with the same circumstances that the public is. And that they also want the situation resolved.  Some of the comments that were made implied that they were lying about the situation and not actually putting all of their resources to use to try to remedy the situation. 

As the public found out last night, the resolution won't be a quick fix and the city has truly been working on a way to resolve the problem. 

I guess my biggest gripe here was "Back off my Momma!"   LOL ;)


A couple questions no one has asked:

Why is it that they city can use our money to go to batsons and cooksons and buy bottled water to drink at the city office?

Why do we keep getting charged for this water?

Can I bill for city for my damaged clothes from washing in this water? 

Why isnt the person/persons in charge of this water system fired and someone new brought in?


here is the news clip, it was posted on the fireworks blog

its gonna take time to get the water out of the system.

How about everyone turns on their water lets it run the full day down the drain until it comes out clear, and no one pays their water bill next month, maybe then the city will realize the people run the city government


It sounds like the city employees have done all they can to fix the problem; it sounds like the problem is beyond their knowledge or capabilities at this point and other entities have to get involved to find out what the issue is.

It sounds like everyone in town is suffering; and unless the city workers live out of town, they are fighting the same issues as everyone else.  At least the city is buying bottled water locally...

It is a good question about paying for water that is like this... but the city is between a rock and hard place... if no one pays their bills, then there is no money to get this problem fixed.  Sounds like the city will have to dip into other funds to pay for fixing the issue, anyway, if it's as bad as it sounds.

Sounds like some of you could phone a rural friend to wash clothes at their house for the time being.


Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on July 06, 2009, 08:21:29 PM
In grenola our water isn't brown but I wouldn't drink it unflitered.  We have a filter and softner that works wonders.  But the price we paid for it could've settled the national debt.  That aside, I think the issue of water safety for the entire county has been ignored for quite some time.  We recieved letters stating that the water supply here is tainted and didn't pass inspection, they did add however that it was safe to drink.  HELLO!!! in that same letter it was stated that continued exposure to the elements found in the water will cause cancer and other health risks. 

I have often wondered why it is that a very large percent of the population around here dies of cancer of one form or another.  I think that for the forseable future I will follow the advice of tourist that frequent mexico and not drink the water.

Billy, when i come to visit grenola, i can't drink the water either.
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