No title.. just a prediction.

Started by Teresa, June 19, 2009, 10:41:49 AM

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This is an interesting e-mail I got from a friend of mine in Wyoming.
He wanted to share it with me.

This is an email that I wrote to my wife to help her understand liberal doublespeak. I wrote it partially as a joke, but I was looking at it the other day and I was amazed at how much of this has come true! Keep in mind as you read this I wrote this on Nov. 5th of last year.
I was wrong on some of the numbers, too bad I hadn't over estimated...I also blew it on DHS, but they are no longer protecting the homeland, so much as policing it

Okay, call me cynical, call me alarmist, say I've gone off the deep end, but here are my predictions.
     Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are going to have their little pow wow before the state of the union, and plan the speech. The very eloquent speaker Obama is going to give an address that will make no sense whatsoever but if you sift through the rhetoric enough, this is what you are going to hear:
     Sorry, but because of the financial crisis created by Bush, it we won't be able to cut taxes like we had promised. In fact we are going to have to implement some tax increases in order to pay for the bailout. While we are at it we will also be providing a supplement to said bailout by instituting another 300 billion dollar stimulus package. Oh and since we pretty much have control over the banks anyway, we're going to go ahead and federalize them. No more profits for greedy bank executives. The government will now be taking 100% of the profits earned by these banks. Oh and a measure to insure we can pay for all of our spending we will be raising interest rates by 3.5%.
      We promised you that we could cut spending. In keeping our promise to you I am happy to announce that we have found many programs that we can cut spending. First as was suggested by Barney Frank, we will be cutting military spending by 1/3. We have also decided that there is no longer a need for the department of homeland security, so that agency will no cease to exist. We have also cut the CIA budget by 1/2 because now that we are talking with countries like Iran and North Korea, and recognized them as equals there is no longer a need to spy on them. I will be however expanding our domestic surveillance program.
      Because some of you have not saved for your own retirement, I am pleased to announce that the federal government will be seizing all 401K plans and rolling them into Social Security. The owners of these plans will be reimbursed with government bonds that earn a great rate of 3%. We will also be granting citizenship to 11 million Mexican nationals that have managed to sneak across the border and stay here illegally. They will now be granted full access to programs like social security and medicare. Also they will be afforded the opportunity to vote in the elections coming up in two years.
     So to sum up, I the change you asked for, will now proceed to:
Tax you into poverty
Decimate your military
Grant Amnesty to 11 million people that should be here to begin with
Take away your retirement savings
and bankrupt already failing social programs.

What do you think..

What I think is...................
unlike 52% of voters, he actually paid attention during the campaign. :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Yup...He knew what he was talking about...I have been shaking my head as I've watched those in the media who were so obnoxious and sycophantic in their support of O actually starting, on some networks, to back up a bit and start sounding a little less enchanted with the great O...Too little, too late.  The time for that attitude was before the novice was raised to the level of President.  Now, we're all having to pay the price for everyone else's anticipation of getting something for nothing...The something being some kind of mystical "change"...The nothing being the election of O.  Hope the trillions of dollars of damage that are being done (both in monetary and human terms) were worth it.

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