Joe Legal vs. Joe Illegal

Started by Teresa, June 17, 2009, 03:01:03 PM

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Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on June 19, 2009, 11:50:08 AM

Comapring the slavery that exists today, sex trade rings, to the wholesale slavery that we had in this country prior to the Civil War is quite a stretch.  

Slavery wasn't abolished, it only changed forms.  We work 6 months out of every year for no pay because government takes what we make.  When you force people to work for free under the threat of death (aka IRS), then thats slavery! 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on June 19, 2009, 02:14:53 PM
Quote from: pamsback on June 19, 2009, 11:34:06 AM
It's because her and her family CAME from Mexico, they have family still there. I can see where she's comin from.

I don't understand either.  No one has said a word about her or any of her family.  I think the topic is about ILLEGALs.  if someone is here illegal then their a criminal and need to be sent back.  Doesn't make a hill of beans whether their hard workers or not.  Comitting a crime is still comitting a crime.

Think about your family and ancestors...if you don't get it nobody can explain it to you.


Quote from: pamsback on June 19, 2009, 02:28:01 PM
Quote from: srkruzich on June 19, 2009, 02:14:53 PM
Quote from: pamsback on June 19, 2009, 11:34:06 AM
It's because her and her family CAME from Mexico, they have family still there. I can see where she's comin from.

I don't understand either.  No one has said a word about her or any of her family.  I think the topic is about ILLEGALs.  if someone is here illegal then their a criminal and need to be sent back.  Doesn't make a hill of beans whether their hard workers or not.  Comitting a crime is still comitting a crime.

My family and ancestors came here legally.  They entered ellis island and went through the proper process. 
They had the required money saved up necessary to immigrate to this country and went out and forged their way across this country.  Not only did they do it right, they also did it on their own with absolutely no help.  Back then there wasn't any govt programs, free schoolin, free medical care.

And last of all, i don't care if their mexican, iranian, iraqi or Croatian (my family). IF they come across the border illegally they need to be sent back to where they come from.  There is a reason their called illegals.  They comitted a crime to get into this country and comitted an illegal act.  This country was founded as a Republic based on the rule of law.  It is a really pitiful start to a supposedly new life when you break the law of a nation based on the rule of law.  As a American why should I welcome anyone starting out that way with open arms?   IF good people and hard workers break laws to get better opportunities, then their not good people or hard workers. Their character quite frankly sucks!

Think about your family and ancestors...if you don't get it nobody can explain it to you.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


You know what pam, you're right.  Lets do away with all of our laws, because since not everyone follows them, they are useless.  Then, lets keep our borders open to anyone who wants to come in or go out, of course no one would ever think of using our open border policy to attack us, or take advantage of oppurtunities that we have here. 

You don't want to pussyfoot around anymore, good, neither do I.  The best thing to happen to "native americans" was the so called illegal white man coming here, kicking their butts, and taking over.  Up until that happened what had the natives done other than learn how to flintknapp and sew hides.  At that point the whites had built empires and CIVIL socities which gave birth to ideas and knowledge that we now have, and thank God for it.  Frankly, the idea of living out of a teepee in august isn't that appealing.  So don't hand me that "unless you have native blood you're illegal" crap.  Even the natives aren't native to this part of the world, they migrated from siberia across the land bridge to alaska and worked their way down. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


It's the "new world order" crowad that wants to eliminate borders.

New world order = one world government


First of all, Connie, I hope you will reconsider your thought about leaving the forum.  I don't think there are too many personal slams on here, maybe a few but that is just silly nitpicking that die out pretty fast or have been moderated to the great forum in the sky.  I can see where if you live in Elk County and know those who are on the forum it could be difficult to see them on the street on occasions if they have stated their feelings on a subject.  I have also considered leaving the forum because of all the infighting here in the politics section.  I find it hard to leave because I want to know what happened to who and I live 1200 miles away and will not ever run into anyone here.  I find it interesting that the people of ElK County have so many diverse opinions on so many subjects.  Does that sound like I think these people are naive or uninformed?  Nope.  Because of the many differences between living in a small town and living in the second largest city/county in the country, there is not that much interaction between me and the people I talk to.  Why?  Because we spend most of our time talking about old times or where is he/she now.  Just yesterday I had a visit from a friend who used to live in this neighborhood.  He and his family moved to the desert 90 miles away and over the years contact slowly diminished.  I had not seen or talked to him in many years.  We spent almost three hours catching up and not once did we mention the economy, the president, illegals, the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, or anything else other than our families and their families.  The point is that there are those who come here illegally and take jobs that pay minimum wage with no benefits.  They rely on government services for health care, etc.  While I do have a problem with the fact that they are using these services that they are not paying into, I can understand it. 

I once saw a political cartoon showing a Mexican climbing a fence and being pulled back by a soldier.  He was trying to get back into Mexico because of our lousy economy.  So hang in there, Connie, we don't all agree all the time but it is nice to get the opinions of others.  I don't think anyone is attacking you personally.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I welcome anyone that wants to come to this country to better themselves, feed their famlies, seek out the opportunities that this nation has to offer. BUT  do it the right way, obey the laws. 
I have a good friend back in georgia that came here from mexico city, got his paperwork in order, immigrated here and started working as a dishwasher at a restaurant in atlanta.  He saved every dime he could and when he found restaurant equipment at a low price he bought it with what he saved.
he was 32 when he came here and brought his two kids with him. 

When he was 35 he had saved enough money to open his own restaurant in dahlonega georgia.  He built his restaurant one pan at a time.  He married a gal from mexico city three years later and brought her over here LEGALLY.  In 1998 he built his mother a house in mexico city with some of his profits.  He also sponsors many many many waitresses from other countries, some of which are from columbia, venezuela, brazil, equador, mexico, nicarauga.   All of the girls are legal immigrants. Then they had their daughter selena, and then he opened two more restaurants in 2000.  In 2001 he became an American citizen along with his family.   I was in Wichita about a month ago and saw one of his restaurants there. El maugeys restaurant.  He has come from a dirt poor Mexican immigrant to owning almost 50 chain restaurants across the us.  HE did it all on his own, no help from anyone, no government welfare, nothing but hard ass work and sacrifice. 

Now thats a Immigrant I appreciate!  Those that jump the fence and take shortcuts by breaking laws aren't people i want in this country.   Roberto also feels that way too. It infuriates him that he did it the right way and obeyed the laws.  He says that he was in the same boat as those that break the laws and why should they get any preferential treatment.   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteYou don't want to pussyfoot around anymore, good, neither do I.  The best thing to happen to "native americans" was the so called illegal white man coming here, kicking their butts, and taking over.  Up until that happened what had the natives done other than learn how to flintknapp and sew hides.  At that point the whites had built empires and CIVIL socities which gave birth to ideas and knowledge that we now have, and thank God for it.  Frankly, the idea of living out of a teepee in august isn't that appealing.  So don't hand me that "unless you have native blood you're illegal" crap.  Even the natives aren't native to this part of the world, they migrated from siberia across the land bridge to alaska and worked their way down.

I was just going to ignore this BUT......................Do you even know any history besides what the popular whitewashed version of 1850 was? CIVIL societies? Are you kidding me???? What's civil about the "white" european society before tey decided to come over here and "civilize" the IGNORANT barbaric SAVAGES by killing,raping, and pillaging the VERY people who taught THEM how to survive here? They didn't even consider my ancestors HUMAN. They brought their filthy habits and filthy diseases and damn near wiped out an ENTIRE race of people JUST because they thought it was their GODGIVEN right to DO so. WHich BY THE WAY is the VERY same way they operated in Europe.  Empires my ass, they killed anybody who defied them, tortured anybody who didn't adopt their religion, then brought their landlord tenant mentality here. By the way what HAPPENED to all of those "great empires"? The people they were oppressing got a belly full and run their asses OFF, that's what happened to all those "great empires".These CIVIL people are the same ones who BURNED people at the stake for being witches...tortured people until they would admit to anything to get it to stop and THEN killed them. The Constitution that you are so FOND of was BASED on the Articles of Confederation of the Iriquois Confederacy. The Cherokee Choctaw  Creeks Chickasaws were BETTER farmers than the WHITE people they lived NEXT to. They adopted the laws and ways of the whites to "get along" because that was what they were told were work. THEN ANdrew Jackson and Congress screwed them over and took everytrhing they had worked for gave it to white men and FORCED them to walk to Oklahoma.

As for the rest of your post making DRUGS illegal HAS NOT WORKED! It WILL NOT WORK as long as there are MILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars to be made money talks and bullshit walks bud that's just the way IT IS.
I for ONE do NOT want a fence around me to "KEEP ME FREE" have fun swimmin the atlantic if the Obama dictatorship you see comin really happens and YOU can't get across the fence.
Don't give me that well the natives aren't natives cause they came from Siberia like 1000 years earlier. They were here FIRST and deserved better than they got at the hands of my EUROPEAN ancestors. Period.


 One more thing the statement about everybody but Natives being illegal was an attempt to get you to see how some of the statements you make about immigrants who have been here illegal or not for YEARS have kids born in the US and sayin well tough youknowwhat send em ALL back they don't belong here are really kind of, to be polite, out of line.

Don't EVER tell me the Natives had it comin.


Quote from: pamsback on June 20, 2009, 10:18:51 AM
One more thing the statement about everybody but Natives being illegal was an attempt to get you to see how some of the statements you make about immigrants who have been here illegal or not for YEARS have kids born in the US and sayin well tough youknowwhat send em ALL back they don't belong here are really kind of, to be polite, out of line.

Don't EVER tell me the Natives had it comin.

Natives were just as treacherous as the white man.  In the 1600's the powhattens conspired to poison the settlers at jamestown after the settlers had became friends with them.  The alogonquin chief went to the settlers and warned them about the plans and a tragedy was avoided.  Sound familiar?  This was long before the white man giving infected blankets to the indian which is exactly the same thing that was done to the settlers in the 1600s. 

The white man held no monopoly on treachery, the native indians were just as adept at such actions.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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