Joe Legal vs. Joe Illegal

Started by Teresa, June 17, 2009, 03:01:03 PM

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I Connie, The (Gesalt Prayer) to whomever: I had decided not to participate on the forum .All I want to say is many of you know our Family (The Avalos) and know that we work our _ _ _ off and more.I cannot believe how some of you can talk the way you do, but as the above Prayer says: I am not here to judge you and I guess we call that Our Freedom of Speech. I have been reading up on some of  these post and have taken some to heart,but I am not going to dwell on this for I have better things to do in life like,my JOB,HUSBAND,HEALTH,CHILDREN & The Best  GRANDCHILDREN and I can say some close FRIENDS.I am glad that I don't know who most of you are on here, meaning that I could not live with myself if I had to face you on the street or in the grocery store after writing some of the post being written.I over heard a comment one day that went: Don't be a Friend to my face and when I turn my back your my Enemy.Love ,Peace and Harmony to all and GOD BLESS AMERICA.                                  Connie                                                                                                                   


Quote from: connie on June 18, 2009, 10:01:41 PM
I Connie, The (Gesalt Prayer) to whomever: I had decided not to participate on the forum .All I want to say is many of you know our Family (The Avalos) and know that we work our _ _ _ off and more.I cannot believe how some of you can talk the way you do, but as the above Prayer says: I am not here to judge you and I guess we call that Our Freedom of Speech. I have been reading up on some of  these post and have taken some to heart,but I am not going to dwell on this for I have better things to do in life like,my JOB,HUSBAND,HEALTH,CHILDREN & The Best  GRANDCHILDREN and I can say some close FRIENDS.I am glad that I don't know who most of you are on here, meaning that I could not live with myself if I had to face you on the street or in the grocery store after writing some of the post being written.I over heard a comment one day that went: Don't be a Friend to my face and when I turn my back your my Enemy.Love ,Peace and Harmony to all and GOD BLESS AMERICA.                                  Connie                                                                                                                   

You know Connie, I and my husband used to eat at your place in Severy a lot when we still lived there and Joe worked with your husband at Knights. I am sorry for some of the stuff that gets said on here. I really am. You all are good people. I don't know if I have said anything that I should take back.....I remember sayin one time that the mexican guys I have worked with on the jobsite generally worked my ass off to keep up with em...if I have I apologize for it.


Things that have been "stemmed" by making them illegal...

1)  slavery

2)  prayer in schools

3)  handgun ownership in places like D.C. New York and Chicago

4)  prostitution, although it still exists, other than the Mustang and Bunny Ranch, I don't see brothels popping up all over the place

These are just a few, You asked for examples, there you go. 

As for securing our borders, it is easy, We bulid 4 fences, two on the north and two on the south.  Why two??  It would give a double layer with enough room between them for patrols. 

As for the oil, even if we secure the borders, I seriously doubt the gov'ts of either mexico or canada would want to lose the revenue that they make exporting oil to us.  Afterall, we get most of our oil from them. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on June 19, 2009, 12:36:03 AM
Things that have been "stemmed" by making them illegal...

1)  slavery

2)  prayer in schools

3)  handgun ownership in places like D.C. New York and Chicago

4)  prostitution, although it still exists, other than the Mustang and Bunny Ranch, I don't see brothels popping up all over the place


!. Slavery still exists...right here in the good ol US there are rings who kidnap girls and sell them into slavery.

2.If you seriously think nobody prays in school anymore or anywhere ELSE for that matter you are mistaken.

3.Nobody in those cities owns a handgun? Get real.

4.They don't have flashin neon signs on the front that says WHorehouse HERE but there ARE whorehouses all over the United States. They are called EScort services.

Remember those fences you all are so hot for will work both ways. What keeps "them" out keeps YOU in.


Quote from: connie on June 18, 2009, 10:01:41 PM
I Connie, The (Gesalt Prayer) to whomever: I had decided not to participate on the forum .All I want to say is many of you know our Family (The Avalos) and know that we work our _ _ _ off and more.I cannot believe how some of you can talk the way you do, but as the above Prayer says: I am not here to judge you and I guess we call that Our Freedom of Speech. I have been reading up on some of  these post and have taken some to heart,but I am not going to dwell on this for I have better things to do in life like,my JOB,HUSBAND,HEALTH,CHILDREN & The Best  GRANDCHILDREN and I can say some close FRIENDS.I am glad that I don't know who most of you are on here, meaning that I could not live with myself if I had to face you on the street or in the grocery store after writing some of the post being written.I over heard a comment one day that went: Don't be a Friend to my face and when I turn my back your my Enemy.Love ,Peace and Harmony to all and GOD BLESS AMERICA.                                  Connie                                                                                                                   

Connie,  I am with Pam...If I have posted anything that you found offensive, I heartily apologize, from the bottom of my heart.  I hope that you rethink your decision to abstain from participating here...Because we need your voice...If this Forum is allowed to be dominated by only those with the loudest voices, then we've actually lost that "freedom of speech" amendment that some are so fond of screaming about.  Don't let those with too much time on their hands keep you from putting your perspective here. 


Connie.. I really do not think anyone on here has ever done or said anything to anyone or made reference on a personal level. And not to you or your family ( as far as I can tell) So I guess I am a bit confused as to where you are coming from.
Excuse my ignorance.. ( I'm blond you know and a bit old and slow.. ) LOL
I'm sorry you think otherwise.
To participate or to not participate on boards on this forum is a personal choice. Whether you do or you don't is everyones choice. I hope you reconsider and choose to add your thoughts and opinions on this site.

Maybe I don't take things personally when posts are made. Unless they say to me.. Hey Teresa.. ~~~~~~ I look at it as a post and an opinion. Then I address that person or posts accordingly.

Anytime you have a forum of many people and opinions.. there will be things that are said which could be taken as "personal" . Sometimes they are meant as a direct hit ( of which I try to moderate) and other times it is just "freedom of expression" over boiling. I've been guilty of both.. as many of us have. Guess that is one of the sides of being human. Doesn't make it right.................but it does make us human.

I urge everyone ( myself included , as I get carried away with my passion on subjects) to remember that we are all from a small area.. We have the advantage and disadvantage of everyone knowing and seeing each other on the street..

Try to be nice.  :)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


It's because her and her family CAME from Mexico, they have family still there. I can see where she's comin from.


Pam, there will always be those among us who break laws.  However, to say that those laws are not effective because people break them is a bit naive.  Murder, child abuse, robbery, drunk driving, are against the law and yet still happen. Should we not continue to fight against these things or not make them illegal?  

Also, as far as fences go, yes they work both ways.  I feel that we should be able to monitor those coming and going in and out of our country.  Some may see that as an infringment upon our freedom, I see it as a safeguard to our freedom.

As to prostitution, "Escort" services are just that.  Anything else is up to the Escort and the person who hired her/him.  Sex is not a guarnteed outcome of the engagment.

Yes, people in D.C., New York, Chicago do own handguns, However that is not to say that the purchase of said handguns is as easy as other parts of the country.

Comapring the slavery that exists today, sex trade rings, to the wholesale slavery that we had in this country prior to the Civil War is quite a stretch.  

Connie, I make no apologies because I think America needs to stop ILLEGAL immigration.  I don't have a problem with people wanting to migrate to this country so long as they follow the proper means of doing so.  However, when those people identify themselves as Mexican-American or Afro-American or Whatever-American I take issue with that.  I think that if people are going to enjoy the freedoms and benefits of a country that they have moved to and have chosen to become citizens of a country, then they should identify with that country.  My anscestors may have been Scottish, Irish, German but I am an American.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


QuoteHowever, to say that those laws are not effective because people break them is a bit naive.

It's not "naive" it's the TRUTH.

QuoteSome may see that as an infringment upon our freedom, I see it as a safeguard to our freedom.

I see it as stupid. "safeguard to our freedom"........."go ahead put me in a cage to keep me "free" ...I mean really dude...

QuoteAnything else is up to the Escort and the person who hired her/him

I'm not sure..I mean I never graduated from college or anything but I THINK that's prostitution........

QuoteComapring the slavery that exists today, sex trade rings, to the wholesale slavery that we had in this country prior to the Civil War is quite a stretch. 

So slavery is a matter of degrees!? Sellin somebody as a "sex slave" ain't the same as sellin them for a farmhand?! Slavery is slavery........

QuoteHowever, when those people identify themselves as Mexican-American or Afro-American or Whatever-American I take issue with that. 

I don't. I've pussyfooted around this one a LOT on here just because I didn't want to "offend" anybody. I am PROUD of my heritage, native, irish, scots. We ARE our ancestors and we should know our heritage American or otherwise. It doesn't matter HOW long a person has been in the US. right? You all still consider them illegal? By your OWN rules then unless you have native american blood EVERY person in this country is an illegal alien.


Quote from: pamsback on June 19, 2009, 11:34:06 AM
It's because her and her family CAME from Mexico, they have family still there. I can see where she's comin from.

I don't understand either.  No one has said a word about her or any of her family.  I think the topic is about ILLEGALs.  if someone is here illegal then their a criminal and need to be sent back.  Doesn't make a hill of beans whether their hard workers or not.  Comitting a crime is still comitting a crime.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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