Patriotism...A Dying Art

Started by Catwoman, June 11, 2009, 01:17:35 PM

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I have been disgusted...Not only by comments made by people knocking our country...But also by our national media, who have been shoving an anti-patriotic movement down our throats for the past four to five years.  I am finding it hard to find any students who show open patriotism...It is almost passe' to do so.  Our kids are showing the effects of our national media...It is almost tatamount to brainwashing, in my opinion.  What is going to happen when we oldsters are dependent upon these generations coming up to defend us the way the generations previous to us did?  Will we be defended?  Or left out on a limb to blow in the wind, thanks to the media having convinced our kids that there is nothing here to defend anymore?? 

For every sour note that is slung about concerning our country, there needs to be at least one positive statement made about the greatness of this country.  No, it's not popular to stand up and wave a flag on any other day than July 4 or Flag Day or Veteran's Day.  But, I'm standing up...With the other Patriots on this site...To wave my flag.  Too many of my family have given the ultimate sacrifice in the name of this country...Too many of my relatives have volunteered for duties in foreign lands that would have creeped "normal" people out so much that they would have left. 

Yes, we've got problems.  But we'll get through it.  Together.  With our heads held high...Because we're Americans. 


Cat, that is what I have been getting at since I have started posting on this site.  The overall attitude and thought process in this country has shifted.  It really puzzles me how it came to be.  To watch it with emotions aside, well, the only word I can come up with is weird.  It is alomst as if ...I don't know, I can't really explain it, but I think that there is more going on than we are seeing.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Billy, I agree with you...There is definently something more going on than what we are seeing...And it scares me.  It scares me that our media is allowed to run so fast and loose with their far leftist opinions that they can brainwash our country with their agendas that seem to border upon being completely Socialist in their tendencies...It scares me that so many were so easily led by someone with a lack of verifiable credentials (O)...It scares me that so many are so willing to forget the sacrifices that went into the forging of this great country...It scares me that so many are so willing to openly knock the very country that provides succor and sustinence to the entire world...It scares me that so many countries, in whose soil our boys (and yes, they were only boys, not aged men) were buried after having given the ultimate sacrifice to ensure those countries' freedom, are so quick to throw the US under the bus (take a look at how many have voted against the US during UN votes).  But, it is also my fear that makes me all the more determined to make sure that I instill in my students an awareness of the US that I know and love...I do it through every multi-media source available...I do it by pointing up the cultural advantages to women that this country affords our feminine population, etc.  I am not the only old-fashioned patriot left here, as is evidenced by the good men and women who post on this site.  It gives me hope.


Thats ok, i'll still fly my flag, say the pledge, put my hand over my heart when i do, remove my hat whenever the flag goes by or when a parade of servicemen go by.  I'll tell those passe young punks to kiss my lilly  white arse when they disrespect my country, my flag, and my patriotism, and stand my ground no matter what when they try to remove my right to tell them to kiss my arse.

God Bless America, and if you don't like it youngsters, you know what yall can do!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Cat, there are obviously many patriots on this site.  To you and Billy, the media does what it does to attract everyone's attention to their understanding of what is going on in the world.  Their understanding or views may or may not be the same as yours, but that is one of the freedoms guaranteed us.  All media organizations depend on advertising to support the programs they broadcast or storys they print in a paper.  The best way to defeat those who are seemingly unpatriotic is to not listen to them and notify by letter to their advertisers that you consider their opinions to be anti-American and will not buy their products and tell all your friends and neighbors not to buy their products.  You are exercising your right to free speech just as they have.  Lately, an example (kinda) is that Reebok told one of the Orlando Magic that he needed to remove a Michael Jordan/Nike tatoo from his lower leg because of his contract to sponser their shoes.  He told them where they could go.  I think that there is not a big consiracy to undermine our country, just a lot of media attention to attract viewers and advertisers.  Listen to what you want and read what you want to read and know that this country isn't going down----there are too many patriots.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


larry, before we say that the media is just printing their view of whats going on, we should look at who owns the media.  Journalist are supposed to be objective, nowadays, they have lost that.  And whats more, they don't want it back. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Billy, what you say is mostly true.  Journalism has changed somewhat over the years.  Those who lead the various medias are not necessarily the ones expressing a stand on an issue.  They have editors and staff writers to write the opinions and then they either reject or accept the writers efforts and that is what broadcast or printed.  This is not a new thing, but maybe a more prominent way of doing business these days.  The bigwigs have to pacify the advertisers and more importantly the stockholders.  There was a day when a publisher would say what he felt without fear of reprisal or actually caring about the end results.  I think you are right in that many have lost their objective.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I stay away for a few days from the Forum...And what do I come back to?  A bunch of Patriots! :-)  You've cheered this sour old drudge up!  ;) 


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Sir, I have been "gone" for years...It's only now that I'm letting the symptoms show! lol ::)

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