Storm Trackers in and around Elk County

Started by flintauqua, June 09, 2009, 04:21:28 PM

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Several storm trackers have been traveling in and around Elk County, and the DOW (Doppler On Wheels) and the TIV (Tornado Intercept Vehichle) are headed east on 400 from Pickrell Corner.  Hope they don't get to see anything, but the radar shows a line from New Albany to Beaumont finally breaking through the cap.

You can watch along at:

Just keep zooming in until you can see where the little cars are on the map, then click on the car to see the video it is streaming.

Everyone stay safe if it gets rough there.



 That's pretty cool, my daughter is at her Gmas in Severy, gonna call her in a minute.


That is just awesome.. so neat to watch.. I'm listening to Todd Tiahrt  live open meeting on the phone and watching the storm on the computer..
Ain't electronics great! LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


That is cool... but I could tell it's an old picture, my yard needed mowed!  :o ;D ;D

I saw a storm tracker car yesterday coming in from the country at a pretty good clip.  A little later my mom called to tell me that we were in a "tornado warning."  Like the best of us, I was sitting on the porch watching the hail when she called.  Ha!


Hubby and I were out on the front steps watching the storm develop, looking at the really threatening clouds moving across the sky. About the time I said, "This could get interesting," rain instantly poured down on us. It reminded me of the old put-a-bucket-of-water-over-the-door trick! One minute dry, the next drenched!

Our weather radio reported a possible tornado was being monitored near Moline around 6:30-ish, and that it was heading east in the direction of Elk Falls. Then a bit later it reported a tornado on the ground near Elk Falls. Then around 7 the tornado warning expired. During all the "excitement," before the worst of the storm was reported south of us, I put the dog downstairs and started looking for our two cats. I looked everywhere, upstairs and down, but couldn't find either one of them. Finally I decided to check under the bed, and there they were (at opposite ends, as they can't stand being within three feet of each other!). This was the first time ever -- in 10 years -- they chose to hide under the bed.


Listen to your animals, Indy, they know more about what is in the air than people do.  My mother had a dog that could tell a storm was coming long before any clouds showed up.  He would follow her around the house, he on the outside, she on the inside.  Whatever room she was in, he would be just outside a window or door.

Judy Harder

I envy you who have porch's (es) and are able to watch a storm develop.

I can see out my north window and if I want to climb on the bed, the west window.....but
the only part of the sky I can see is the north and that wall  cloud that came through around 6:30
was really impressive!

My gauge had almost 2 and 1/2 inches in it, but you know we did have blowing and upside down currents
there...........I think we had hail, but it was too small to see, just hear.

Any flooding?  
We sure needed the rain.  I still have cracks in the could use a little more...........
Hope all are well and happy this morning.

I am going to enjoy my day and to HECK! with the weather..................God bless
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


 Boy....just came back for what passes as town around here. Storm hit here bout 10 last night.....I was standin at the door with my keys in my hand, called Joe cause I'm home alone this week and I was freakin cause the house was shakin :P I don't scare easy when it storms either!
Roads are all washed out, limbs down, shingles and metal peeled off peoples roofs. Have to give the grader guy props tho cause he's already got most of the WORST spots filled in :)
I had the guy we bought this from turn the house to where the spring and summer storms hit the end of it instead of the side and am I glad I did! If it had hit broadside probly would've rolled me down the hill LOL

Sposed to get another round tonight.............:P


Pam, I would be very nervous, too.  Went through some storms while we were living in Severy, but the old house we lived in was so solid, couldn't hear much of the outside.  The doublewide we lived in at Haysville set north and south so the prevailing winds (southwest or northwest), hit the corners of the house.  Didn't feel much of those either.  This little doublewide is one of the more expensive and better built and believe it or not, I still can't feel the wind or hear the hail on the roof.  I kind of miss that.  I used to enjoy a good storm if I were inside. 

We had an inch and a half on the west side of Howard, some quirky wind during the time of the tornado warning for south of us and some pea size hail.  Not much of it.  Lots of heavy rain at times.

I have to tell one more story about my mother.  She didn't worry about storms even after her parents house and farm buildings were completely destroyed by a tornado.  When I was about 7 years old, I was watching the lightening from a window beside the piano.  Mother was playing the piano, but I wasn't paying much attention to what she was playing, so when the lightening flashed and about the time the thunder crashed, there was a horrendous crash from the piano.  She had timed it to correspond with the thunder and I thought I had thunder behind me, too.  Made me jump.  I think she is the reason storms don't worry me.


I inherited my parents' two old dogs; they were traumatised by a strike of lightening outside my parents bedroom window. Now anytime there is moisture in the air, the one old dog tries to get in, under over anything. He shivers and shakes until it's over with. I use a calming solution in a little catfood if I get it in time it seems to help him. I try not to make a to-do over it, they say that is reinforcing that behavior, but I sure hate seeing him so terrified. Also, I have used melatonin that seems to help.

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