What's Going On With Colin Powell???

Started by Warph, June 03, 2009, 09:44:32 AM

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For reasons I can't begin to imagine, he has taken umbrage at Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh for suggesting he's not a Republican. 

Frankly, I'm shocked...  :o :o ;)  that he continues to insist he is one.  I, for one, began doubting it years ago, when, as Secretary of State, he publicly opposed George Bush over the invasion of Iraq.  When, in 2008, he timed his endorsement of Barack Obama to do the most damage to John McCain's campaign, I naturally assumed Mr. Powell had finally gotten around to changing his registration.  After all, if you can't support McCain, who was about as close to being a Democrat as a GOP candidate could be, what Republican could Mr. Powell get behind?  Abe Lincoln?

I keep asking myself why, after supporting the most left-wing presidential candidate since Henry Wallace, the man would insist on calling himself a Republican.  Frankly, I'm stumped, but, human nature being what it is, it must obviously work to his benefit.

Well, at my age, I need every possible edge I can get. Therefore, I am now announcing that I'm a Democrat.

Understand this:
I am opposed to the bail-outs and to the monstrous debt Obama is running up.

I am opposed to the feds taking over car companies, banks and lending institutions, and determining executive salaries.

I am opposed to Barack Obama's cavalier attitude towards Iran's nuclear program;

his kowtowing to Arab princes, ACORN and the UAW;

his activities on behalf of Harry Reid's re-election campaign;

his endorsement of a paramilitary organization that appears to be patterned on earlier models created by Hitler and Mussolini;

and to his search for a "compassionate" Supreme Court justice.

I am also opposed to his bringing Cuban-style health care to the U.S.;

and I am opposed to the mind-boggling inflation that his profligate spending will inevitably bring to bear on all taxpayers, not just those super rich Americans he kept targeting, Che Guevara fashion, during his campaign.

What's more, I'm not too crazy about a guy who names the family dog after his own initials.  I am curious, though, considering that Bo was a gift from Ted Kennedy, whether he drinks from a toilet bowl or a whiskey bottle.

Finally, at the risk of sounding boastful, I'd like to say that I'm the best kind of Democrat. I'm the kind who votes for Republicans 100%.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Jo McDonald

            BRAVO    !!!!!!     


Uh, wait a minute...Didn't he announce that he was switching parties when he announced that he was voting for O?  I thought he did.

Diane Amberg

And supposedly the kids named the dog.


Rush Limbaugh spoke to this last week or so, and wanted the country to know that, he.. Rush.. is NO longer the face of the Republican Party, based on ALL the RINO's( Republican In Name Only)  and moderates even defectors,
That the new face of the GOP is:
Colin Powell.

Which is why.. in my blond headed opinion.. the Republicans got their asses kicked in the last election. They insist on "reaching across the aisle" and those who actually support that socialist crap voted for BO.
The people who actually support REPUBLICAN principles, like lower taxes, smaller Govt. and AMERICAN control of Americas borders, only voted for the Dem wannabe McCain because he wasn't BO. I went out on election day and voted for Sarah Palin and the liberal old fart she was running with!  ;D

I think Colin Powell  has turned into an educated weenie!

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I think Colin Powell has turned the race card into a new art form...He's slicker than Slick Willie and his cigar.

Diane Amberg

 Speaking of Reps., another one was appointed by Pres.O. I assume that doesn't help any?


  Hey I like Colin Powell ...........votin for Obama wasn't the brightest thing he ever did but I still like him. (and don't worry I got my rock defense underwear on :P;D


Could it be that he is a centrist, and that he didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left him (and a lot of others) by moving right, and then more right, and then right again.  I hope that eventually it moves far enough right, that the center-right finally decides a new party is needed.


Flint... a whole new everything is needed.. From the structure to the floor to the ceiling.. inside and outside of Washington.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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