Oklahoma druggist arrested for killing holdup man...

Started by Varmit, May 30, 2009, 08:57:39 AM

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I have honestly tried to be quiet here, but.  All my sympathy is for the victim, the man that was at the point of a gun in a robbery attempt, but.  When he returned, found another gun, loaded it and emptied it into a prone body, it ceased to be self defense, it became premeditated murder.  There I have said it.  But, with all my heart I hope they can find some defense that will let him off with a slap to the wrist.  Nobody, and I mean nobody should have to be subjected to a situation like this.  I would bet even money that he is now regretting what he did.  As to what I would do in a situation where I felt my life was threatened, I cannot say, having never been there.  I, too, am glad that I will not be called for jury duty on this case.  I would have a hard time finding him guilty even if all the facts that we have heard can be proven to be true.

Diane Amberg

 Steve and Jerry I'm getting lost here, unless something has changed. Wasn't there just one death? The other 3 got away and were captured later, I thought.  That's 4 people will who still have to go to trial over this awful mess.  Not much $ savings there.
I wonder how the police knew there were two separate shootings? Different kinds of weapons? The number of shots fired? The statements of the other employees? It must have come out somehow during the police investigation.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 01, 2009, 01:45:58 PM
Steve and Jerry I'm getting lost here, unless something has changed. Wasn't there just one death? The other 3 got away and were captured later, I thought.  That's 4 people will who still have to go to trial over this awful mess.  Not much $ savings there.
I wonder how the police knew there were two separate shootings? Different kinds of weapons? The number of shoots fired? The statements of the other employees? It must have come out somehow during the police investigation.

Usually each one gets a trial.  As a person that has been at the other end of a gun before, i have no sympathy for the individual that was shot.  He knew the  risks of taking a weapon and using it against someone in order to rob them.  As far as the druggist grabbing another gun and shooting him again, good for him. Its better to be tried by 12 than to be carried by 6.  It was not premeditated murder sorry but that won't fly in any court.  Unless you have been in that situation then not a single person can say they wouldn't shoot him til he stopped moving.  The simple fact is dead means no threat.

I believe that the druggist believed his life was in peril even with that one individual in a prone position.  A gun can be fired from a prone position just as easily as from a standing position. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Now I will be ridiculously picky...What Billy had written back in the first post had the kid unconscious on the floor on his back. (supine) Prone would be lying on his stomach. I would not care to be shot from either position, but if either position has an advantage, which would it be?  I've done prone and standing firing at the range, even between my legs, but I can't say I was brave enough to try it on my back.



Steve, I hope that argument will stand up in court.  But a person, lying on the floor, apparently helpless, doesn't present much of a threat.  It is possible that the druggist perceived him as a threat, but if he did in fact, turn his back on him while he was loading another gun, it is going to be hard to prove.  I am talking about fact and what the law says, not what I wish or hope.


Diane, it is my understanding that the entire episode was recorded on surveillance tape. This should remove many doubts/arguments when it comes time for court. I do think that excessive force was used, but there were probably extenuating circumstances also. We shall see what Lady Justice decides.

Dee Gee

If you want to see the surveillance tape here is the link,


To me it shows the druggist getting the second gun with his back turned and out of sight of the downed kid and then he walks back and shoots him like you would a varmint.  IMO clearly murder.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


I just watched the video, and unfortunately I think the pharmacist used excessive force.


That is just creepy.... how calmly he walked over and killed that boy. 

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