A Michigan professor sent an e-mail telling Muslim students to leave the count

Started by frawin, May 28, 2009, 07:26:09 AM

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I have to agree with the professor completely.  Muslims should not be allowed to enter this country, they are very open about wanting to destroy Christians, the American way of life and what America has stood for.

Very interesting.
The University is standing by their professor and not bowing down to special interest groups!

Professor Wichman E-mail
Claim:  A  Michigan  professor sent an e-mail telling Muslim students to leave the country. 

Status:   True
The story begins at  Michigan   State   University
with a mechanical engineering professor named
Indrek Wichman.

Wichman sent an e-mail to the Muslim Student's Association.
The e-mail was in response to the students' protest
of the Danish cartoons
that portrayed the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist.
The group had complained the cartoons were
'hate speech'
Enter Professor Wichman.
In his e-mail, he said the following:
Dear Moslem Association,
As a professor of Mechanical Engineering here at MSU
I intend to protest your protest.
I am offended not by cartoons,
but by more mundane things like beheadings of civilians,
cowardly attacks on public buildings, suicide murders,
murders of Catholic priests
(the latest in  Turkey  ),
burnings of Christian churches,
the continued persecution of Coptic Christians in  Egypt  ,
the imposition of Sharia law on non-Muslims,
the rapes of Scandinavian girls and women
(called 'whores' in your culture),
the murder of film directors in  Holland  ,
and the rioting and looting in  Paris   France  .
This is what offends me,
a soft-spoken person and academic,
and many, many of my colleagues.
I counsel you dissatisfied, aggressive, brutal,
and uncivilized slave-trading Moslems
to be very aware of this as you proceed
with your infantile 'protests.'
If you do not like the values of the West
- see the 1st Amendment -
you are free to leave.
I hope for God's sake
that most of you choose that option .
Please return to your ancestral homelands
and build them up yourselves instead of troubling Americans.
I. S. Wichman
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
As you can imagine,
the Muslim group at the university didn't like this too well.
They're demanding that Wichman be reprimanded
and the university impose mandatory diversity training for faculty
and mandate a seminar on hate and discrimination for all freshmen.
Now the local chapter of CAIR has jumped into the fray .
CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations,
apparently doesn't believe that the good professor
had the right to express his opinion.
For its part,
the university is standing its ground
in support of Professor Wichman,
saying the e-mail was private,
and they don't intend to publicly condemn his remarks..


This is really nothing new.  For many years there has been a saying:  "AMERICA!!!!  LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT".  And also, "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE, GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM".  However, I believe it is wrong to ban someone from entering the country because of their religion.  On the other hand, some Muslim country may ban me from entering their country because of my religion. I do think it is wrong for this person to send this e-mail to the Muslim communnity. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Is there not a difference in the Muslim religion and terrorists?  I see them lumped together all the time.  Does being a Muslim make one a terrorist or are all terrorists Muslims?  I also hear that the Muslims believe this and believe that.  I need some clarification on the Muslim faith.  Where are the Muslims when you need one?


Wilma, I can't fairly answer that because I have worked around Muslims, I have been in countries where Muslims live and I don't like their philosyphy and beliefs. I would like to see the US put a stop to all immigration until we can get a better control on who is coming and going. The time for Freedom loving Americans, Christians, and Americans that believe in what our founding fathers believed in is very limited unless we stop the massive influx of Immigrants legal and illegal.


You are right, Frank, as usual.  When I get rid of this headache I am going to see what I can find on the Muslim religion.  Right now it is hurting my eyes to look at this screen.  Going to go write that soapbox thing now.


QuoteThe time for Freedom loving Americans, Christians, and Americans that believe in what our founding fathers believed in is very limited unless we stop the massive influx of Immigrants legal and illegal.

I really mean no disrespect but this argument ALways make me laugh when I see it. I mean SERIOUSLY this IS a country of immigrants. Some got here earlier than others but nontheless immigrants all. I could probably come up with a quote from some native elder sayin EXACTLY the same thing 400 years ago when the first europeans started showin up!

Standin on the beach lookin at the strange lookin people gettin off this HUGE boat and got that feelin in his gut that said" THIS is NOT good..........." and tried to tell his people to get rid of them...run em back where they came from....but they didn't listen and the rest is just history...........What IS was and what WAS will be...............

As for the muslim thing I was around Iranian and Iraqui students in the late 70's and was told to my face that american women were all whores and american men were all cowards...that pretty much set my opinion of the muslim belief system.


My oldest daughter, you probably don't remember her, Pam, went to school with a Persian girl who was very nice.  But her Persian male friends were overbearing and thought that she should refer to them for decisions.  That was a long time ago.  About the time that Persia became Iran.


Quote from: pamsback on May 28, 2009, 10:07:23 AM
As for the muslim thing I was around Iranian and Iraqui students in the late 70's and was told to my face that american women were all whores and american men were all cowards...that pretty much set my opinion of the muslim belief system.

Once on a visit to Grenola, someone told me that everyone from California was a crazy loon.  Right to my face, can you believe that?  Well, let me tell you, if i had set my opinion there on people from Elk county, i would have missed out on these wonderful forums.

Also, i'm pretty sure Warph kinda said something similar about young american men.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Once on a visit to Grenola, someone told me that everyone from California was a crazy loon.  Right to my face, can you believe that?  Well, let me tell you, if i had set my opinion there on people from Elk county, i would have missed out on these wonderful forums.

Also, i'm pretty sure Warph kinda said something similar about young american men.

Butler county had a huge contingent of iranian and iraqi students at that time. They are not the only ones I ever had contact with. I judge them from personal experience, as somebody who knows it is not right to judge, said personal experience makes it impossible NOT too and I will not apologize for it or back down from it. I am willing to accept whatever karma comes with that judgement.


I gotta back the professor on this one. 

Pam, I am not an immigrant. I was born here, as were my parents, grandparents, great grandparents.  I am a native. :)
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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