This Is Ember Patience

Started by srkruzich, May 26, 2009, 06:00:55 AM

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Saturday night May 23 Elk County lost a Beautiful Angel.  She captured the hearts of everyone around her, and all of us are deeply saddened.   Sarah and Louis and the kids as well as I am devestated over her loss and need yalls prayers. 

They had no insurance and the medical bills, and burial expenses will be high. I know that the Lord can provide peace and healing, and he can also provide the other, important necessities to mortal life when they are needed, in his own way, and in his own time.

So I am asking that everyone would find one more prayer in their heart to offer up for Sarah and her family, specifically that God will bless them with the means to bury their daughter. Everyone can afford prayers, and they are so very much needed right now.

In order to protect their privacy at this time, you can pm me for a way to contact them.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Clubine Ranch

Our prayers go with all of you to find the strength and courage to face the days ahead. Our hearts break with yours in the loss of this  precious baby. God be with you. Dale and Barbara


You will all be in our prayers as well. 
    Joanna & Marty Hunter


  Y'all have my prayers.....


Yes, prayers from here also.


I am asking from the people in this forum and for anyone who you all might know personally that can help... for donations for this family. There are times when one of 'ours' in our small knit community really needs help. This is one of those times. There are funeral bills and household bills that can't be met at this time. The Eilerts are hard working good people who would never ask for help... so I'm doing it instead. 
I think we need to rally together and help this family in their time of need. Every little bit helps in a situation like this and if you can't help at this time.. it is understood.
But hopefully everyone can spare a little bit that will go directly to a much needed cause. I call things like this"love gifts"..
I know right now I can spare some extra and I hope you all can too.

There are several options.

You can leave your donation up at Cooksons Hardware..
or you can drop it off at my house or send it to me.
Teresa Heilevang
Box 543
Howard, Kansas  67349
You can stick it in a card with your name and something written if you would like( which I think is nice and personal)  to the gift or you can just give the money anonymously.
Either option.. I will promise and personally guarantee that the money will get to this family.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Aw, what a loss. Prayers from here too.

Judy Harder

You also have mine..........
It does not matter how old your baby is when they pass on.........
mine was 39 and it is OH SO PAINFUL.

God bless this hurting family! Knowing that you will meet again, maybe, will
help you bear the pain

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


You are in my thoughts and prayers. I will help in any way that I am able.


God has a sweet little angel with him now.  My prayers are with you all.

Anna Beth

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