Government Health Care Plantation

Started by redcliffsw, May 23, 2009, 06:08:54 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 25, 2009, 09:54:33 AM
Billy, please don't start with "my sacrifice was greater than yours." Those things can't be easily be measured. Any of us who were separated from loved ones in the military know what that is like. Your sacrifice was honorable, but you did come home. I think everybody knows someone who did not. Being Viet Nam era I lost friends, had friends whose marriages failed, and who came home emotionally destroyed. Many also had physical wounds that changed them forever, just like now. WWII was the same.  I do very much appreciate your service, as I do anyone who has ever served. May I ask about your military service? No tricks, I am interested. When, where and all that. My Al ended up at Fort Sill , Ok. Field artillery. "The steel behind the rock" (The Army ruined his legs, but that's another story.) I enjoy bantering with you, but I am not a name caller and don't cuss. I try not to be rude, it's just not my style. If you think I'm being rude, you say so. I can't make my point if it gets lost in hurting someone's feelings.

Diane, I didn't reply to this post right away because frankly, I was to angry.  I've calmed down now. 
You stated that "any of us who were separated from loved ones in the military know what that is like."  Diane, you may know what it is like for the wives, but you have no clue what it is like for the soldiers.  No matter how much it is explained or described, words will not come close to doing it justice. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

I wasn't going to say anything but I really do like you, so I will.  I wasn't comparing you to me. I was responding to the question you asked Jerry. I didn't want to see an argument between you two. I've seen a couple of friends almost come to blows over that very question. No, I can't begin to imagine going into combat. I do know about going into fire, at least it doesn't shoot back...most of the time. But things do blow up and fall down, floors give way and so on. It isn't the same of course but it has its moments.  Not me, but fire fighters and EMTs do get shot at and beat up and run down. I've been very lucky. Now I'll be quiet and just listen. I have enjoyed political banter with you, but now that's over.


Oh hell Diane don't let em run you off, you've made some pretty good contributions that made ME think about a few things!


I am a father of 3 men in the service.  Josh is overseas somewhere and i don't know where he is and i haven't heard from him in almost 2 years.  He's alive and safe that is all i know but his job prevents me from knowing anything about him.   While i have been shot at before here in this country, i do know the fear of that, i do not know the horror or fear or terror of war.  I thank God, my son and you billy and every serviceman for that! 

I do know the fear and horror of not knowing where my son is, while he is defending us. I do know the fear of knowing my youngest son was hit by a mortar and was given his purple heart this year.  Thank GOD he didn't suffer any loss of limbs or such.  His back is injured and he is going through therapy for that.

I do believe that sacrifices are made on all parts.  The sacrifice of the families, the sacrifice of the men in harms way, and I DO believe that some sacrifice more than others.  Just take a goood look at arlington national cemetary and you will see those who sacrificed all.   

The point of my post is this, life is too damn short to be fighting over who sacrificed the most.  Billy you did a lot for us. Thankyou! Just the fact that you served is enough for me to cause me to hold you in the highest esteem.  If it weren't for folks like you, we would be bowing to the east and praying to allah long ago or we would be a part of the USSR or any number of worse things.

Firemen, police, all folks that choose to be in service to their fellow man all sacrifice just as much at times.  But thankfully God has seen fit to bring most of these men and women home every night to their families. 

Some don't. they paid the ulitimate price, sacrificed the most and never asked once for any recognition nor pity.  THey just did what they needed to do to make a difference in their lives and others. 

So how about lets try to not go away with feelings hurt over this.  Youknow a old saying that i remember hearing growing up. 

Will it really matter in a 100 years, 1000 years??  IF not then its not important
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: jerry wagner on May 24, 2009, 08:49:33 PM
More than some?
Every person has an equal right to express their point of view and have earned that right accordingly, not some more than others.

Srkuzich, Diane and everybody else.  Let me clarify.  My post on page four was in response to a comment jerry made, as seen above.  The point of my "sacriface" post was to illustrate the fact that not Everyone has Earned that right, It was Earned by a Few, and Given to all.  That is what I wanted to point out with my "more than some" comment. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Please clarify how some have earned that right more than others.


It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


So you have more right than I have just simply because you were able to go fight?  Not everyone has the ability to do that even though they would if they could.  And because they couldn't, they don't have the same amount of "right" as you have?  Because I am a woman and when I was of the right age, women were not generally accepted into the military and if they were, they were not allowed to fight.  And that gives you more "right" than I have?  There are those who were physically unable to go and fight and that gives you more "right" than it does them?  I don't think so.  When you leave your wife and small children, not by choice but because it is the law and knowing that you will be going into combat as soon as you can finish boot training, without any idea of when you will be able to go home, then come back and tell me that you have more rights than some other people.




Actually wilma The comment was that Everyone has earned the right to express their views.  That is not true. No one has earned the right to begin with.  That right is a inalienable right.  That right as expressed by the Constitution states that it is along with other rights one that is given by our creator!  Not by man. So first of all NO ONE has earned that right. It is a right that is Given to us. 

As far as billy and anyone who has served, they have secured that right for us through vigilence and sacrifice.  You see, while we are given that right as well as the others, that right can be taken away by man.  It costs some of us their lives to secure for all of us but no one has earned any rights we have.   Now the warriors that have died and sacrificed have earned our respect and devotion for their sacrifices. They have paid a price.  it is worthy of special recognition in that not all of us are able or willing to go and do that.  But not everyone is called to defend or serve either. 

None of us deserve anything we have.  We only have what we have by the Grace of God.  And it is by his Grace that we live in THIS country and not iran, or iraq, or n. korea, or pakistan. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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