Fed's appear to be anti-Christian

Started by redcliffsw, May 19, 2009, 02:11:49 PM

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Those Muslim girls HAVE to cover their heads in public or their fathers (read this owners) can have them beaten or killed for dishonoring him and the other men (owners) in the family. So cut em a little slack.

I find the rule totally retarded myself but then again I wasn't raised and forced to accept a man as my "owner" THANK GOD FOR SMALL FAVORS HE/SHE BESTOWS ON US!!


I disagree, this double standard has to go.  We cannot say that muslims fathers can beat or kill their daughters for dishonoring them and call that religious freedom, and then go after "christian" parents who refuse chemo therapy for their cancer stricken children based on a religious belief.  We cannot give muslims a prayer room and say christians cannot pray in school.  We cannot write a Hate Speech law that specificly safeguards muslims and not other religions. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

I don't understand the prayer room business either. I know we don't do that here.


 Dude I never said anything that remotely suggests i think a double standard is acceptable. I think ANY religion that makes a female less than a male is a ridiculous thing. I think the Muslim men who murder women for their so-called honor are the worst kind of chicken&*%^ cowards.

I think that woman has every right to choose the treatment her son needs. I think it's kind of retarded to turn your nose up at ANY chance of his survival tho.

I think the whole question of saying somebody can deny your right to pray wherever you want totally bogus. You can pray whenever wherever . You don't have to make a big show in a public place for God to hear you. That is all the whole argument is about. Everybody wants EVERYbody to KNOW what they are doing instead of just doing it.

The reason Muslims want a room is the same reason the Christians want a room.....to make a big show of their devotion.


Right on, Pam.  God, am I glad you are back.  That should be, Pam, I am glad you are back.


Diane Amberg

Billy, I don't recall hearing that latest cancer child being a religious case. Maybe you heard more than I did. I didn't hear anything new today, but last I knew, the boy's father wants the son back and wants him to have his chemo. It's a tug of war between the parents. The medical folks and the father called the police. It became a kidnapping when the mom crossed state lines.


Diane, the boy and his mother refused treatment because of religious reasons.  http://www.startribune.com/local/44808027.html 

Pam, I think you misunderstood me.  I wasn't saying that you agree with the double standard.  What I was getting at, is that we allow muslims to excrise their beliefs while denying christians the same right.  Just because a person want to pray in a certain way (facing east, bowing whatever) doesn't mean they are doing it to put on a show.  But that is just a small part of the overall argument. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Billy, thanks. You were right. Regardless, it is sad that another child has cancer. I  did see the father on TV and he did say he wanted the boy home for treatment. Maybe he meant the other kind.

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