Swiimmin' Pools and Movie Stars.

Started by dnalexander, May 09, 2009, 08:11:50 PM

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Diane Amberg

We had good cheeseburgers from In -n- Out on one of our CA trips once. They were very good. Did they have fries? I can't remember.


yes they have fries.  While you are sitting at the window waiting for your food, you can see one of the hired help putting peeled potatoes through a machine that cuts them.  No additives just pure potato.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

That's right! I had forgotten. Thanks.


My wife just returned from her Doctors appointment and asked two questions:  How are you doing?  And, what do you want for dinner?  All this talk about In-n-Out has made me hungry for one of their protein burgers.  So that will be dinner tonight.  Yea!! As she is laying down and resting for a while, I might even drag my lazy rearend and my O2 tank and go get it.  Nah, I'll let her go.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry, are you using the liquid O2 or the E tanks? Ted had both kinds of the liquid tanks and really liked them.


I use a concentrater at home with a 50 foot tube to get around the house.  I use E tanks when we go out to eat or shop.  And, I have a large cylinder which is for emergencies such as a power failure or as it happened yesterday a malfunction with the concentrater.  I noticed yesterday that my breathing wasn't doing so well and discovered that the concentrater had given up the ghost.  One phone call to the after hours people and within two hours they brought a new concentrater.  The company that supplies me with all this equipment is very proficient.  I called last week to exchange 5 empty tanks for 5 full ones and they insisted on leaving me 15.  I am looking into the M6 tanks and backpack as being easier to manage.  However, somewhere I have read (maybe in the insurance papers) that I can't have both the E tanks and the backpack.  The M6 tanks have a different regulator in that it supplies oxygen only when you are inhaling.  With the E tanks you have a constant supply all the time.  Hopefully with proper exercise, I will be able to not rely on tanks so much or maybe ever (doubtful) and can make a trip to Howard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Shoot, don't let that stop you! Ted and I traveled around quite a bit. I loaded his concentrator up in the van and could take two days of O2 in liquid form. The M6 tanks are nice, but are not really reliable in warm humid weather as they tend to freeze up. We also had a medium sized liquid trank that held a large amount of O2 so I could refill his small tanks. He had both the on demand and the regular liquid tanks. We kept a large liquid tank on the porch and refilled his small tanks as we needed them. I think that medicare differs from state to state and your state may not allow both types. Ted absolutely hated pushing around that cart with Etanks, I think it made him feel old!  ;)


Yeah, I know the feeling.  I tend to look on the bright side of life however.  Being in the condition that I am in gets me a permanent handicap parking tag so I don't have to walk so far.  Which I occasionally have to do because the handicap spaces are taken up with those who use a parking tag even though they are not handicapped.  But thats another thread.  Being visible pushing a cart with a tank tends to bring out the best in people such as:  Holding doors for you when you have spent your life as a gentleman holding doors for them, allowing you to go first in the grocery line because you are pushing the cart and a basket (I do load the cart in the basket when I shop) and offers of help from people who are concerned when I am just sitting down resting and enjoying life which is something not many living in a big city are prone to do. 

As far as traveling, I have yet to venture far from home.  I guess because I am sitll new at this.  It is not that I can't, I think I just don't want to put up with the hassle.  I think our first venture (when my wife is doing better) will be to venture up the coast toward Santa Barbara to one of our favorite motels which features jacuzzi style tubs and free breakfast.  My son and his wife are on a worldwide traveling trip and will be in Ireland sometime in September.  My wife is already making plans for her cousin and her to go and meet them there.  As talked about in another thread with Frawin, I really don't have a desire to visit other countries.  However, I probably would like Ireland.

I am true to my quote!!!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Being in a wheel chair gets you all kinds of privileges, too.  And sometimes some fun.  The other day I was sitting at an automatic door waiting for my daughters when another older lady approached the door.  I quickly asked her if I could open the door for her, then pushed the automatic button.  She laughed and thanked me.  That works on doors that open when you approach them, too.  Sometimes the person looks at you like he wonders if you are in your right mind, but it doesn't bother me.

Diane Amberg

Santa Barbara....made me think of Santa Clara. Have you been there? There is a huge 30 ft. tall stainless steel statue, Our Lady of Peace. It was created by a long time friend, Charles Parks. The beautiful statue was on display here for a time before it was trucked to California. I was the family baby sitter when his three kids were little. Charles, Chris and Inga Laura. On the handicapped tags, here they are only good for two years, so the kids can't keep using them after grandma dies. I have personally made comments to able bodied people, with no tag, who abuse the parking. 

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