Wishes That Will Never Come True

Started by Wilma, May 09, 2009, 09:18:52 AM

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I hadn't mentioned the impounded vehicles because my concern was with the strip just across from my front yard.  But since they have been mentioned, I counted 9 that I can see and at least half of them were there when I moved here 4 years ago.

So, Commish, could you find out how long an impounded vehicle needs to be held and if the sheriff intends to do anything about clearing them out?  I am sure that if anyone lived across the street from them, there would be complaints.  Besides doesn't the city have something about disabled vehicles?

Diane Amberg

You all don't use prison labor to help keep your drainage ditches working? That surprises me.


Diane.. they tried to get me and my family out there... but we rebelled..
So they nixed the outlaw labor thing.. LOL  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Yeah, Teresa, like we would believe that?

Liz, I have my flowers this morning.  They are yellow and I don't think they last more than a day, but today they are flowers.  Out in a ditch they would be weeds.  As my brother used to say, if it is where you don't want it, it is a weed.  He also said that if you can't tell if it is a weed or a flower, pull it up.  If it comes back it is a weed.


Wilma, that's so true.  When I first bought my flower shop Marty was totally disgusted to go in the cooler and see all those pasture weeds I paid good money for.  He said if he ever died, I'd better not put any of that broom weed (gypsophilia) or bottle brush (liatris) or ditch weed (Queen Anne's Lace) in his flowers or he'd come back to haunt me.  Ha!  Then arrangements with wheat, thistles, cattails, dried leaves and just plain old sticks became popular.  I went to a flower show once where they are touting this amazing new "natural" (dried) plant material called "Love grass".  It was just ridiculous, plain old pasture grass that someone had cut and dried to sell to the morons... I mean masses...  It'd never go over in the rural town I was in, but apparently the city folks were astounded at the beauty of it.  We laughed all the way home... 

Enjoy flowers wherever and whenever you see them.  I even liked the purple stuff that covered my entire yard earlier this year ~ though I knew I'd be mowing it off the first time the ground was dry enough to drive on.


That purple covered my back yard, too.  I also had lots of Johnny-jump-ups.  I knew they would get mowed off but some of them came back and continued blooming for a time.  Jim does mow around the Star of Bethlehem if it is blooming but as soon as it stops blooming, off it comes.


Wilma, I planted irises in the fall all along the back of my house. They are blooms now and I'm hoping they are as beautiful as your irises! Let me know when yours have bloomed and I will come by and visit again.

Diane Amberg

Al always leaves some Buttercups for me too, as well as Star of Bethlehem. As for wishes, I wish the groundhogs would leave us alone this year.


My iris is almost at it's peak now.  I don't know what it will look like after it quits raining.  My peonies are also beginning to bloom.  You are welcome to come by anytime.


Wilma, instead of just hauling off those vehicles why not sell them or an auction?  Might not raise a lot of money, but it would beat no money at all.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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