Elk County Connection

Started by dnalexander, May 05, 2009, 05:25:48 PM

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We have a very diverse group of people here on our forum. There are other threads on here that if you look and dig back you can find a lot of information about your fellow Elk County Forum Friends\Family. If you dig through the bazillion posts you can learn a lot about your fellow forum members. Maybe we can all post a short sentence or two about our connection to the forum and Elk County.

My connection is my mom  was born in Howard. She is in my picture. I spent  many summers in Howard. I found this site researching my family history. It has helped me reconnect with my "roots". I now live in California. My connection is through the Winn family.


Ms Bear

My father was born in Howard and I also found the Forum doing genealogy research.  My grandparents, Orean Draper and Mamie Taylor were married in Howard about 1905 and they left Elk County about 1915 and I didn't get to visit Howard until two years ago.  I do still have relatives there that I have never met, the Barnaby's, Marion's, Boice's and the Taylor's from Elk Falls.

I did get to visit the Grace Lawn Cemetery and found the gravestones of my greatgrandfather, George Draper and greatgreatgrandparents, William and Sarah Hubbard.  Also while researching found that the Hubbards were there before Elk County was formed.

I am planning another trip to Howard, just don't know when it will be.

Ms Bear


I thought that was what the roll call for all members was for.  If I am wrong let know so I can post my info which has been basically posted all over the forum in different places.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


It's okay Larry, it won't cost any more!  ;D


 That is what roll call is for. This is just a chance to say it again in a short version. The best way is to read all the bazillion posts.



OK, my connection in the beginning was moving to Elk County as a teenager, then marrying an Elk County native.  In the 62 years since then, I have actually lived in Elk County for about 5 years.  Most of my life was spent in Sedgwick County and as I said somewhere else, the reason I am not living there now is that there are too many people there.

I have 2 daughters and a granddaughter here and another daughter that hopes to move back some day.  I can't think of a better reason for being here.


My family and I grew up in Chautauqua and Montgomery counties. My husband and I and our children moved here in 2002. I am related to a small handful of Elk Countians and friends with many more. That would be my connection i guess. We moved here because we liked the size of Longton and the Elk Valley school. I don't need any more "connection" than that..... ;)



Dee Gee

My connection to Elk County is that most of my great great grandparents moved there in the late 1800's, and I was born is the great city Howard but moved north to Greenwood Co.  Later we lived in the Upper Paw Paw are for a year. My mother graduated at Howard in 1936, and she kept a book filled with newspaper clippings from that time until her death.    

Dale Crismas

AKA  Dee Gee
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


Okay, SDM, if it is free.  Here goes.  And, David, I will try to keep it short.  HA!

My great-grandfather, Amos Andrews, came to Elk County in the late 1800's.  He had four children of which one was my grandfather, Albert Andrews.  Albert married Edith Hester Collins of Howard and they had nine children.  There were those aunts and uncles of mine who lived in Howard and Elk County all their lives.  This would include the Lyman Snodderleys, or as he was called Uncle Buck who married my aunt Mary Ellen.  Another aunt and uncle would be Fred and Beulah Shepherd.  My aunt Bernadine was married to Forest Redmond mentioned in another thread and was the mother of the late Bill Redmond.  She was the telephone operater for many years.  She later married John Weyrauch and lived SW of Howard on a farm.  My aunt Emaline married Albert (Pete) Leonard and is the mother of one of our forum members.  Others moved out of the area such as aunt Clarice who married Robert Anderson and lived in the Washington, D.C. area.  One uncle was Richard Andrews who married Florence Morgan and another Uncle, Albert Andrews who still lives in the Wichita area.  He is the last surviving.  My mother was Iva Jane  who married Harry Jordan and they spent some time in northeast Kansas before moving to New Mexico for the dryer climate as she had asthma really bad.  

Getting back to the Elk County connection, Uncle Fred and Aunt Buelah Shepherd operated the dry cleaning shop in town.  Uncle Buck Snodderley was a postal worker and delivered mail to the rural routes for many years.  As I mentioned the Weyrauchs lived on a farm as well as Pete and Emaline Leonard who lived a little farther SW of the Weyrauchs.  Emaline was a school teacher for many years in Elk County.  Pete, after farming, worked as the caretaker at Polk Daniels Lake.  There is probably more I should add, but that information escapes me at this time.  I have mentioned elsewhere on the forum that at one time, I felt I was related to have the people in town.  And, also there those of you who have mentioned our family connections.  

My last visit to Howard was in 2002.  It was brief.  I met up with Bill Redmond and had lunch at the pizza place (delicious food) and then went for a tour of all the old haunts.  Then left to visit a cousin in Topeka who is the daughter of Eunice Andrews who married Ernest Rhodes.  Hopefully, not likely due to health reasons, I could visit again.  All my relatives are still there all in one place---------Grace Lawn.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...



Was Herschel Stephens' wife one of the Andrews children?  I thought there was some connection there.

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