What Could The Objection Be To The Wind Farms?

Started by sixdogsmom, April 30, 2009, 02:53:51 PM

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Rudy Taylor

Does anybody have a copy of the information which the Devlins passed out at the Howard Chamber meeting?  I'd like to read it.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Is there a big difference (other than the easement thingee) between a windmill(s) that generates electricity and the windmill on my granddaddys farm that rattled and clanked just to get some water?  There is a huge windmill farm near Palm Springs just off the interstate and I agree that it is somewhat esthetic to watch.  Would I want one on my property?  Probably not unless it was providing power to my house.  Who knows?  Maybe one day it will come to that.  I mean, having a smaller version of a windmill sitting on the roof next to the satelite dish providing electricity to your house!!
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Great Guns, here there is some control over tall things.  New Castle County has something. I'd have to check the details though.


There used to be wind generators before rural areas had electricity.  I don't know if they could store electricity, but one of my friend's family depended on one until they got their gas powered generator.  That was fun, too.  When the generator ran out of gas, someone would have to hurry out and refuel.  I still see the windmill type sometimes between here and Wichita.  Don't know if they are used or not. 


Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on May 03, 2009, 08:25:10 PMI'm sure the income is good.  But it is my understanding that if a landowner allows turbines on his property then he must also allow 24/7 access to that property as well.  And when I look out of my window I don't want to see them.  There are enough man made things blocking out the view.
Quote from: redcliffsw on May 03, 2009, 08:40:42 PMYeah, the income seems OK for now.  But what does the future hold for value to landowners as some of the contracts /easements might be for as long as 30 or 40 years?
Also, the easements might tie-up the land for other uses such as oil/gas exploration.

I don't see a difference in someone having wind farms on their land as opposed to gas/oil wells.  They're both contracts and it looks to me (I'm no expert) that the oil wells and tanks are much more messy and ugly than wind turbines.  Oil & gas folks have a right and an obligation to get on your property to do their maintenance whenever they want/need to.  The good ones close the gates & don't make ruts...  I don't want one close to my house, especaillly if they are noisy, but a couple hundred acres of them on my farm away from where they would disturb anyone's sleep? You bet. That's how I feel right now anyway.  

   The info the Devlins handed out was printouts from the link:  http://www.bobvila.com/HowTo_Library/Green_Backlash_The_Wind_Turbine_Controversy (7 pages)
and an article titled "Westar's rates to rise again" by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, JOHN HANNA, April 1, 2009 (2 pages)
and another titled "Wind turbine noise fuels frustraition in Oklahoma" by RANDY ELLIS, THE OKLAHOMAN, 3 AprilL 2009 (1 page)
I think they do bring up some valid points I hadn't heard before.

Diane Amberg

Ok, not that this has much importance, but I got our county regs. Any tower, should it fall, must land in it's own "fall zone," on it's own property, not the property of anyone else. So a communication tower can't be put right next to the property line.


I don't know of any Surface Lease, Right-of-Way, Easement, Mineral Lease, Pipeline ROW, Pasture Lease, etc that does not allow access 24/7. One of the operators that I work for in West Texas has the Electric Generating Windmills on his ranch and they do not bother the livestock, wildlife or anything else that I know of. Myrna and I have driven up to them and sat in the middle of them, they are quiet and soothing. They do no damage to the land. Florida Power and Light has the lease and installed the Wind Turbines, they built the great all-weather roads on the Ranch and the Operator uses the roads to get back to some Oil/Gas Wells. Lots of people are always saying they wish someone would find oil or gas on their land, personally, all things being equal, I would much rather have the Wind Turbines than the oil/gas production.  Everywhere I have seen the Wind Turbines installed, it has been on big block of land with no houses around close. I am pleased for Elk County that they will or may get the wind turbines and the Royalty revenue, and to me it would mnake absolutely no difference if that electricity that is generated goes to Elk County or to New York City. Also I would much rather have the Wind Turbines than a Nuclear Power Plant.


Bottom line is that the proposed area for the new EK wind farm is located MILES away from any residence.  If you doubt it, drive up there an check it out (just watch out for Chuck who may stop you and find out why you're rutting up his pasture...even though it's a "semi-private" road).  Heck, our house is probably as close as anyone!
Right now, all the land owners have been on board on this project for YEARS now.  This isn't a new thing.  They've been doing research, studies, wildlife counts, etc, up there for YEARS now.  They have to do these things before building wind farms... as well as work with the land owners.  The company who is building the towers is VERY GOOD about working with the land owners; even going as far as helping them with conservation efforts and other programs.  I think (don't quote me) that even the wild horse landowners are getting some towers... and if the BLM allows that around their wild horses, then it should be OK!  (ha!)

I understand, and agree, that in certain areas the windtowers would be a nuisance (in real residential areas).  I mean, I've heard stories about them getting struck by lighting and one of the blades falling off!  But in an area such as this; this would be PRIME location to have the towers.  Not bothering anyone.  Not bothering any animals (well, we'll see how Chuck's horses respond while he's riding them underneath...).  Giving a CLEAN energy source to the US. 

Yes, I also wish the county would benefit from the energy, but I think the larger cities are the ones who need it more (need more CLEAN energy).  Besides, that still might be an option; in CO, one of the wind towers is dedicated to the county and any unused electricity from that tower they are able to sell back to the grid.  I think it's just a matter of how the landowners and County Comish's decide to negotiate the terms of the agreement with the company who is building it.

Also, I know this seems shallow, but look at the amount of money the county will be receiving from this project!!!  We shouldn't be ashamed... Back on the subject of Burlington, KS and the nuclear plant there... have you seen their town, school, football stadium, etc?  I've heard that there and the school in SW KS (Lakin, maybe?) where they have a nuclear plant, too, ALL the students get laptop computers.  I know money isn't everything... but it sure would help make our communities achieve all our growth and survival goals!

Lastly; I think the Devlins have done amazing things for the county and communities and they are dedicated to the well-being and growth of the community.  I admire them a great deal.  The reason I asked the question was more curiosity and wondering what their stance was; not to disagree or to degrade their opinions.  I think this was a good discussion and I learned a lot from it.

W. Gray

There is only one nuclear operation in Kansas. Lakin has some type of natural gas effort.

There are 31 states with nuclear reactors.
Kansas ranks 26th of the 31 in production.

Wolf Creek reactor occupies 9,820 acres.

Neighboring states and number of reactors:

Colorado - 0
Nebraska - 1
Oklahoma - 0
Missouri - 1
Arkansas - 2
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Thanks Tobina and Frank for your input on this subject. The reason that I started it is the very small possibility for objection to this clean, renewable, safe, and reversible energy source. I thought that I might be missing something and there were reasons that I was not aware of. Thanks to all for their input, and if you should have something to add, please do so. I am all ears!  :o

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