and yet more meaningless spending...

Started by Varmit, April 28, 2009, 07:03:54 PM

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By now I am sure that all of you have heard about the Airforce 1 moment over New York recently.  Not only was this just competely insenstive and stupid, it was also very the tune of $60,000.00 an hour.  For a President whose country is in pretty dire economic straits he sure has no problem spending taxpayer money on things that could've been PhotoShoped for free.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I was watching the news tonight, and no, not even Fox news, (ABC), and Nobama was sitting their smirking, smiling and all but laughing over making the poor citizens of NYC freak out. Even Democrat Jon Stewart (the Daily Show with Jon Stewart) said it was wrong and could've been photo shopped. It was very insensitive and disgusting. Caldera lied saying that all of the state and local officials knew about it, but there was Dem. Mayor Bloomberg pis*ed off because he knew NOTHING about it. They can call it photo op if they want to, but I call it Nobama getting his jollies over watching the already scared and shaken citizens of NYC crap in their pants!

And the only websites even reporting on it all are part of Fox News. CNN's sitting there shrugging their shoulders as I'm sure most of the people here will too. They'll be accusing us of making a mountain out of a mole hill. Why don't ya'll just tell the people of NYC that it was just a mole hill....






I agree this was a totally unnecessary boneheaded photo op. According to Bloomberg News the cost for the VC-25 Airforce One, and two F-16's was just over $328,000 for the three hour trip. Then sending them on a low level fly by in New York, you have to be kidding me. Apparently no one said this out loud or did a quick sketch of how they wanted the photograph to look.  Even the Big three car executives could have figured out that this is a bad, bad, idea. (Rant mode off)



It was a bad idea, but whose idea was it?  And why does the president have to be blamed for every stupid thing that someone else does.  Is this the first time that a bad idea was carried out in the name of a president?  I just can't understand why good loyal Americans are being so critical of a man that hasn't had time to prove that he will be a bad president or a good one.  Why can't he have the time that other presidents have had to prove themselves?  I think it is very unamerican and unsupportive.  It is no wonder that other countries think of us the way they do.  It is obvious that we share their opinion of ourselves.  And I am not talking about the president.  I am talking about the citizens.

I know about the freedom of speech, but the continuous denigration of our nation in the eyes of other nations is disloyal.  And don't think that other nations are not picking up on all the dissention or won't make good use of it.  Do you go out and bad mouth your family members to any one that will listen?  There is more loyalty shown to baseball teams than is being shown to the United States of America.  And I am not hiding my head in the sand.  I just don't find it necessary to publicly pick apart everyone that I disagree with.


Oh come on, you publicly pick apart people on this forum that you don't agree with.  :P We ALL do!

And why can't we blame Obama? If he doesn't "know" what's going on his own administration, how can he know what's going on with anything else? They are supposed to report to him. Bad judgement on his part. That would be like saying Bush never knew about Guantanamo and everyone is just "picking" on him too!




One of President Barack Obama's official planes flanked by an Air Force fighter jet flew low over the Statue of Liberty on Monday for a photo opportunity that reminded startled New Yorkers of the September 11 attacks.

The White House Military Office apologized for the mission, which infuriated New York City officials and prompted hundreds of financial professionals to flee their office buildings.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg criticized the federal government and his own administration for failing to warn the public, which was shocked by the image of a jumbo jet flanked by an F-16 flying near the World Trade Center site.

"The good news is it was nothing more than an inconsiderate, badly conceived and insensitive photo op with the taxpayers' money," Bloomberg told reporters.

Rest of the story:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Dumb as a box of rocks.. ( and I apologize to all the "rocks of nature" out there for the insult....)
Then has the military apologize so it looks like he had nothing to do with it.
Whatever!~~~~~~~~ ::)

Where were the puppet masters on this one.  We know that everything this guy does is controlled by others.  He is nothing more than a talking head of color.  Apparently someone left the puppet case unlocked and look what he did.  Pres. Obama, Presidential toys and military on call can best be compared to frat house with fully stocked bar ... DUH!!!

What part of terrorism does President Sensitive not understand.  The idea behind a terror attack is to create terror.  Many in this Country are still shaking or on the edge of fear from 9-11, and all this does is rekindle grief and fear.  Way to go Mr. Pres  >:(  Are you on the take from Obama Osama (sorry, I have a hard time telling the difference some days).

Can you imagine the outcry from the MSM if the Bush administration had pulled such a bone-headed stunt??

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Oh and one more thing......
  I wonder~~~ did the White House secure the proper "cap and trade" carbon credits before this little venture?   How big a carbon footprint did this  photo op cost?

You want to double my electric bill, but it's okay to fly a four engine jumbo jet around NYC for a photo op.?  ???
Just another example that those idiots are trying to figure things out as they go.

Here is a couple videos of just how scary it must have been:

*BTW: Flight costs for the plane when the Pres is not onboard are $14,552 per hour and $56,518 per hour when he is on board.


Did you hear the Press Secretary for the President, Robert Gibb, tell one of the reporters to ask the White House? When the reporter shot back that he was the White House press secretary, he went into his usual speech: "Um, ah, ah, um, mm, ah, um, ah....."

What do you think Putin, Bejing, Tehran, and North Korea are saying to themselves? Christmas in April maybe? ???
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


You know, this could be a good thing.  Since the torture memo.'s came out and we are going after the people who did that, why can't we go after the folks who did this?  After all, we aren't allowed to scare the prisoners we take, right? Because that's torture according to the current adminstration.  And yet here we (or I should say they) are terrorizing americans. 

Whatever happened to, "America does not torture"???
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


America doesn't torture?  Where ever did that idea come from?

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