Arrogant Americans, Mr. President?

Started by kshillbillys, April 26, 2009, 04:43:51 PM

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How was I being disrespectful to her?  She admitted to goading, I was merely asking a question.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I agree with Billy. I see no disrespect in his question, I would like to see it answered.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all

Diane Amberg

 Billy, a Democratic election was held and Obama won. Why is that not the American way. Sour grapes? There will always be people who will say that George W stole the election because he did not win the popular vote. It too was a Democratic election. Where does this end? Or does it ever? Will we spend the next four years, every day, listening to Pres. Obama being picked apart? Would you have tolerated that if every single day someone picked at George Bush with such venom?  Republicans demanded respect for him simply because he was the President. He wasn't expected to prove himself every day. He did what he did and life went on. I didn't agree with his wire tapping without a warrant nor his use of executive privilege to get around congress, but I would never sink to the ugly name calling that I hear now. Bush and Obama belong to the same club...American Presidents. Why dishonor either by having opinions on things we can only know second hand. Billy, again with the Hitler thing. That's a turn off for me.




Okay, let me make sure I got this right.  You're saying that just because of his office we are supposed to just accept what he says and does without complaint or dissent?  Have I got that right?  Because if I do then why don't we just do away with the 1st admendment, afterall what do we need with Freedom of Speech anyway?  And in case you missed, Bush was picked at daily, and a lot worse.  I don't see any books mocking obamas speech patterns, do you?  As far as proving himself, the left was screaming about not catching Osama a month after we went to war.  I didn't agree with the executive orders then, now, or before.  The same club...more like American Tyrants. 

I have an opinion on what I see obama doing to this country.  I don't need anyone telling me how he is running down my country.  As far as the Hitler thing, sorry, but it fits.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 02, 2009, 10:06:56 AM
Would you have tolerated that if every single day someone picked at George Bush with such venom?

George W. got  picked apart every single day by the main stream media. You hear nothing negative about Pres Obama from the main stream media.  And why would the comment that Hitler was elected by the majority of the people be a turn off? It's a fact. He was no doubt an evil man, but he was supported by the majority of people in Germany. Don't be afraid or turned off by facts, it weakens your ability to debate.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all

Diane Amberg

As teacher, I did not like anybody picking on George's speech problems (remember you brought it up) he couldn't help his slip tonguing anymore than anyone else who does it.  My own sister does it and hers can be pretty funny. It seems that every time someone wants to take a cheap shot at ANYBODY, they try to make a Hitler connection. It doesn't impress me. It's not my fault the German people were duped until they were so afraid they didn't do anything. (I'll tell you who scared me...Rumsfeld! Even Pres. Bush eventually got rid of him.)  Let me know if you think Pres. Obama is taking over the local police, or if certain religious or ethnic groups start to disappear and we'll talk again. I think his economic policy is risky, but I don't hear any workable ideas from the other side. The Repubs. seem to be disconnected and doing a lot of playground name calling, but I sure don't hear much positive counter point. And yes, I do watch Fox and listen to Hannity and sometimes Rush as well as CNN and others.


Me too, I try to get information from everywhere. I used to be a great fan of Rush Limbaugh until he became so abusive. I still tune in now and again. And yes, I listen to Fox as well as CNN, but it is obvious that the owner of Fox news still has that tabloid mentality. But that is what has made him a multi-billionair. He would be on the other side of the fence if he thought it were profitable. I like to watch Bill Mahr even though I think he is very disrespectful to many people. However he makes me think and always includes people from all sides of an issue in his round table discussions. And I certainly do not always agree with him. Being in lockstep with any idea, group, or media is extremely dangerous IMHO, that is how extremist movements take root. I don't think that could happen in the near future in this country, there are too many people who still remember the last world war.


What's the fascination with Rush, Hannity & Fox?

These guys are a little nteresting, but they represent
a more "republican view", than the opinion of the
conservative Americans.

Diane Amberg

Did I just learn something new? I thought the conservatives WERE Republican. I did hear Hannity the other day talking about the "Radicals" and that bothered me a bit. I do try to listen to a lot of different view points when I can find something that isn't just rude insults and name calling. Some of the stuff is just plain sophomoric and inflammatory.

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