Arrogant Americans, Mr. President?

Started by kshillbillys, April 26, 2009, 04:43:51 PM

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jerry wagner

^^what she said.  If a person could have possibly created a perfect example to match the definition that would be it.


Screw it Billy, I'd vote for ya! I know you can't be any WORSE than what we have now! You probably even have more experience!




And it looks as though as someone thinks Obama is arrogant...How can that be? Arrogance is a HORRIBLE thing!! LOL

Fred Thompson: Obama Loosed 'Dogs of War' on CIA

Sunday, April 26, 2009 4:45 PM

By: Jim Meyers   

Former Senator, TV star and presidential candidate Fred Thompson tells Newsmax that President Barack Obama is revealing his "naivete, ineptitude and arrogance" as he deals with matters of national security.

The Tennessee Republican, who now hosts a radio show on Westwood One along with his wife Jeri, also said the "dogs of war have been loosed" over left-wing attempts to single out Bush-era officials for prosecution relating to the treatment of detainees.

Newsmax.TV's Ashley Martella cited the announcement that the Defense Department is going to release many pictures showing alleged abuse by U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and asked Thompson what purpose that might serve.

"None, other than to serve as propaganda tools for our worst enemies," Thompson said.

See Video: Fred Thompson Slams Obama's National Security Debacle - Click Here Now

"This was set in motion when the president first decided to release" CIA memos on interrogation techniques used on terrorist suspects, Thompson told Newsmax.

"There was no purpose in doing that except to make him look good internationally and to the left wing here at home," he said. "It did a lot of damage.

"In one stroke of a pen he declassified top-secret documents that people would otherwise go to jail for releasing. It gave al-Qaida and the Taliban a blueprint as to the outer limits of our interrogation techniques.

"We have to remember that [the techniques were used] in the aftermath of 9/11. Congress was briefed on these techniques. Some of them asked if they were really going far enough to get what they needed to get, and it was approved at high levels in the administration.

"They carefully crafted them as best they could to not go too far, and to provide safeguards when they were carrying out these admittedly rough techniques on these people who had this vital information.

"So now we're really talking about a war crimes tribunal, which this country has never done. We've never brought to criminal court prior administrations in this country.

"Harry Truman could have been accused of war crimes, I suppose, for dropping the bombs. President Obama authorized the killing of those three [pirates] in the Indian Ocean not too long ago. Prosecuting these people under these circumstances is something you hear about in banana republics and third-world countries, not the United States of America.

"The president's opened up a terrible Pandora's Box and there's going to be a price to pay before this thing is ended."

Martella asked if the Obama administration was acquiescing to its far-left base when it released the CIA memos on interrogation techniques.

"I think in this case, in all probability, they thought that they could cater to their left wing, appease their demands, by releasing these memos and then it might not go any further," Thompson said.

"Because surely they were able to see that this was bad for them the way it's going to be bad for the country.

"This is going to have ramifications that are far-reaching. They thought they could put the genie back in the bottle after they opened it, and of course appeasement never works that way.

"There was a firestorm. The attorney general's received 250 names in a petition to urge the appointment of a special prosecutor for this. The left-wing blogs went nuts. They started running television ads and so forth.

"And then after promising that there would be no prosecutions, [Obama] acquiesced and now opened the door for that. So I think it's a case of naivete, ineptitude and unbelievable arrogance and lack of experience.

"We elected someone who didn't have two minutes' worth of experience with regard to matters concerning national security. Now he's cast in this position and he's making decisions that are going to have far-reaching ramifications not only abroad, and not only with our enemies, but in dividing our country even further here at home in ways I don't think we've ever been divided before.

"We're going to have members of Congress testifying against each other if they go down this road."

Martella noted that Rep. Peter King of New York has said that if Democrats do go ahead and attempt to prosecute Bush administration CIA interrogation lawyers, the Republicans should "go to war" with them.

"That just gives you an example of the atmosphere on Capitol Hill today," Thompson observed.

"People are angry. People are upset. You've got people on the left, you've got the Democrats talking about truth commissions, talking about investigations and Congressional hearings and urging prosecution. They're fighting among each other on the Democratic side as to just how they should go and how far they should go."

Some of these Democrats are "the same people who were briefed on these techniques back in 2002," Thompson said, "including Nancy Pelosi, who's not telling the truth now, who's trying to parse words and trying to get around the fact that she knew what was going on, as others did back when this happened.

"That creates a new level of animosity like I've never seen before, and I served in the Senate for eight years. The dogs of war have been loosed in this country and I don't know what is going to happen before we see the end of it. But none of it's going to be good."

Thompson's radio show is heard on weekdays from noon to 2 p.m.




jerry wagner

Oh, because he's an authority on being arrogant?

Diane Amberg

I don't like arrogance in any leader, at least not in the sense that most of us define it. Not sure how it moves anything forward.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2009, 06:41:37 AM
President of what? Your own personal country, full  of people who all think just like you? Heck, I'd never be allowed to visit!  ;D

No. President of the United States of America.  The absolute, hands down, best damn Country in the World!!  I realize that that opinion might not be shared by everyone here or in office. 

KShillbilly, you're right, I do have more expirence, I served my country for 6 years, obama only did 4.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


A perfect example of arrogance.

Thank you wilma, I do try to do my best.

Quote from: jerry wagner on April 27, 2009, 09:00:26 AM
^^what she said.  If a person could have possibly created a perfect example to match the definition that would be it.

I don't  know jerry, you could possibly be runner up for this one.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


What does Fred Thompson know?  He couldn't get elected to the presidency.


He didn't get elected to the Presidency and a lot of others didn't either. Wasn't because no one wanted them, they just didn't have ACORN helping them out by getting homeless and dead people to vote.

A lot of people don't get re-elected either, whether in city, county, state or federal governments. Once people realize they aren't worth a s**t, they get booted out too!

Thank you Billy for serving this Country. God Bless YOU!A lot of people around here, including myself, can't say that they served their country like you did! I thank you and even the Democrats thank you, for keeping us safe and helping in giving us the freedom to express our many different points of view.  ;D



jerry wagner

Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on April 27, 2009, 05:32:26 PM

A perfect example of arrogance.

Thank you wilma, I do try to do my best.

Quote from: jerry wagner on April 27, 2009, 09:00:26 AM
^^what she said.  If a person could have possibly created a perfect example to match the definition that would be it.

I don't  know jerry, you could possibly be runner up for this one.

Why because I dared to question you?  Or was it simply because I pointed out how your post appeared to illustrate the definition of arrogance.

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