Republicans and Marxists

Started by redcliffsw, April 23, 2009, 08:25:40 PM

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I think that the bulk of racial problems are caused by the very people who are screaming for tolerance and diviersity.  I think that "white" america has long ago moved past that.  The calls for Slavery Repairation, affirmative action, and groups like the Black Caucas are prime examples of people not really wanting to move past the issue.  Look at what happened after obama was elected, america has a black president and still they holler about "whitey" trying to keep'em down.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


It's the liberals who lack real tolerance and diversity.
Their real agenda is socialism - that's what I call it.

Diane Amberg

Red, just out of curiosity have you ever studied socialism in depth? What do you call socialism? I'm not criticizing, just interested.


Diane, why do you not understand?


If you knew more about Diane's background, you wouldn't be asking that! lol  She's very well versed on the subject...Much more knowledge there than I possess, much to my embarrassment.


I have not had a chance to review this site except the pictures on the front
page like Walter Williams, Clyde Wilson, Robert E. Lee - should be good........


Diane Amberg

Red which, of many types of socialism, do you think Pres. O is trying to push us into? The collective communes of the 60's? Once the residents got bored, most of those failed. Farming and manufacturing Socialism? Where nobody owns the crops they grow or the goods they produce and sell or buy and resell, and prices are set by the Gov? Pure Marxism which sounds good and kind and fair on the surface,  has it's own set of problems? Or one of the hybrids that encompasses some socialism and a lot of Social Capitalism?  I understand your concern but I don't think Congress would stand for a complete topsy turvy of our way of life. Not in just 8 years.


Diane, if you do not think that congress is backing obama (for the most part) you hav not been paying attention.  As for socialism, regardless of what type, is doomed to fail.  Simply because eventually the gov't or socialists will run out of other peoples money to spend.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


And all these supporters of Obama have just been elected to Congress?  Take a good look at Congress and just how long most of the senators have been there.  Most of the House has been there for a long time, too.  The country has had a long time to get rid of Socialist supporters.  Have we all been hoodwinked for years and years?  Obama can't do it alone and I doubt very much if the majority of our Congressmen have been recently converted.

Diane Amberg

We've already had some mild forms of socialism here for a very long time. farm and oil subsidies, farm- market roads, soil banks. Most of the mid west knows about various farm subsidies. It keeps prices down at the market so poor people can afford food. Much of the world spends much more of its income on food than we do...unless there is a government subsidy.

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