Republicans and Marxists

Started by redcliffsw, April 23, 2009, 08:25:40 PM

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Diane Amberg

Why would a teacher's union? Teachers unions are about working conditions and pay.


I think someone that has worked in the school system knows more about how things are done then we who only attended school.  I can remember hearing teachers complaining about curriculum being cut that they wanted to teach.

Diane Amberg

Yup, that would have been me.  ;)  I was on our school's text book review committee and when it came to the "humanities," I was very picky.


It's just another conspiracy yah know.  ???

Diane Amberg


Let's try "standardization". 

Does that better describe the goals and intentions of the gov't for their schools
across the country?

Diane Amberg

Possibly....but then whose "truth" does one use? Nobody can agree on anything.


Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on April 25, 2009, 08:55:53 AM
As large as the teachers unions are you can't tell me they don't have some pull with the state. 

If the NEA had any real pull, we wouldn't be seeing school budgets reduced to the point of having to RIF teachers.  It is morally, ethically, and legally reprehensible on the part of our government to declare that "education should share in the pain" that our economy is facing right now...If the general public were made completely aware of the burden of all the unfunded mandates (that means the schools are compelled to provide services without any hope of reimbursement from the State) that our school systems already carry, they would see that our public school systems HAVE ALREADY BEEN SHARING IN THE PAIN...For more years than our government would like to admit.  I would LOVE to see an accounting of the level of monies that are owed our schools...That is, if the State were to start paying for all of the mandates it shoved on the educational system.

Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on April 25, 2009, 08:55:53 AM
also why would the state want to teach a twisted view of history?  or even none at all? 

If you study the curriculum maps that are provided online (go to, you can see for yourself how much history is taught and at what ages, and what standards there are to be met in those areas.  I guarantee you, History is taught.  As far as it being twisted...History is an accounting of what has transpired, as recorded by those who were either there at the time or have studied it in depth...It is an accounting of pertinent activities that has been written down by humans...Therefore, it is susceptible to being wrongly reported (this is the case with most historical documents...You have to trust that the people doing the reporting weren't just fulfilling some agenda on their part).  I know of no teachers, good, indifferent or otherwise, who deliberately seek to mislead the children in front of them.  And, as far as the State is concerned, I very much doubt that they are in on the selection of History texts that are used within a school district...There is usually a textbook committee that looks at a number of different texts, weeds out the ones that are either poorly written or are in a format that doesn't fit the population being served, and then hands over the two or three best to the teachers to look at...And then, those teachers vote on which one they like best.  The State department plays a role in saying which standards have to be met...But it is the teachers who decide, ultimately, in which format those standards will be best met.


Okay, I may have been wrong about the teachers union, I'll retract that one. 

As far as History not being twisted...if that were the case then students could answer such questions as, "why was the Civil War started?"  correctly.  They could name at least some of our Founder Fathers, they could name ALL of the culpruts in the slave trade not just white southerns.  If History were taught properly then both sides of the issue would be shown and not subject to a particular demographic.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


That's right Biily - Yes Sir!

Segregation was enforced after the war during Reconstruction by the northern liberals.  It was was the northern liberals who separated the negroes and whites in the South (and north).

To this day, it is the northern liberals who are causing the racial problems in this country.

Ever heard that discussed or taught in the public schools?

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