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Started by Varmit, April 23, 2009, 06:47:41 PM

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Whoa there...Wichita lost 27 million in funding...Mulvane RIF'd all of their non-tenured staff, from what I heard through the grapevine...There are districts going to impasse in their bargaining because the districts are needing/wanting to freeze teachers' salaries or reduce their salaries...What gratuitus stimulus monies is education receiving?  The teachers would like to see it.


Red, if you read your own post, then you have to be aware of the fact that those limited areas into which the stimulus monies are being directed don't do much of anything to make up for the shortfall in tax revenues, through which the rest of the educational areas are paid.  There is an entire WORLD of issues surrounding the education of children, not just Title One and SPED.  I would advise you to get with some of the administrators in your area to find out what is actually going on with funding your area's schools...I guarantee your eyes are going to get opened to a whole lot of issues that the newspapers aren't picking up on.  I am beginning to think that maybe we need a separate thread for educators to begin posting what the actual truth is...There are so many people out there who are operating under incorrect presumptions.  Diane, what do you think?   


Call me skeptical or whatever, but the Fed's should not be in
education.  That includes their money or their power.  Socialism
says we need to make education universal. 

Where are your limits to the outreach of the Fed's?  Apparently,
extending a lot further beyond than our ancestors.


Catwoman, it's not surprising what the public schools are doing
or what they are saddled with.   It's no wonder that home-
schooling and private schools are becoming more numerous.

It should not be the responsibility of the Fed's to makeup shortfalls
of the state.  By the way, it seems to me that in Kansas the state
never provided any funds to local schools until the early 1960's and
with that, here we are now and here we go again......

But, you seem to be a more conservative than most educators.

jerry wagner

Quote from: redcliffsw on June 28, 2009, 11:45:18 AM

Call me skeptical or whatever, but the Fed's should not be in
education.  That includes their money or their power.  Socialism
says we need to make education universal. 

Where are your limits to the outreach of the Fed's?  Apparently,
extending a lot further beyond than our ancestors.

So you advocate leaving entire swathes of the population uneducated?  Typical.


Quote from: redcliffsw on June 28, 2009, 11:58:43 AM

Catwoman...You seem to be more conservative than most educators.  Right?

I don't think so...It's just that most educators are not able to voice their opinions due to there being an administrator lurking about, waiting to hear or read something that will impact their opinion of the educator in question.  I am able to be freer than most, simply because I don't teach in Elk County anymore.  I am waiting for the day that I can run for a position on a school board...Probably when I retire in a few years...And then, I'll be able to be of more assistance than I am at the moment.  Maybe I'll come back to Elk County at that point! lol


Jerry Wagner-
I am not advocating leaving entire swathes of the population uneducated.

I'm against the Fed's having any part of education.  What's so hard to
understand about that?


Red, don't you think that tax dollars for education have ever been rationed out on favorite projects or populaces? That certain sectors of the population were favored over others? There are some folks that would spend an entire tax base on sports for goodness sake, forget about the three r's or anything else. I am from a generation when sports for girls was just going through the motions so to speak. If you really wanted to play competitively, there were no school leagues for anything in girls sports, you had to go to church leagues. Is that what you want? Until the Feds became involved the school systems aross the country were like that. I for one am glad that there is federal involvement in the educational process. Even Sarah Palin credits Title Nine with her success in highschool. How many other women have succeeded in the past 20 to 30 years due to fed involvement in education?


The Fed's should not be the overseer in education even if
it's to secure or promote Sarah Palin's success in highschool

Obviously, you lack trust in your local folks running the schools.


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