
Started by Tobina+1, April 20, 2009, 08:57:15 AM

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To Tobina... 

May your trimesters be easy....May your labor be light...
May your newborn very quickly sleep through the night.
May your bills be few and your joys many,
As you fall in love with your brand new baby. :-)

Love, Catwoman


Thanks for all the well-wishes, and the cute poem, Catwoman!
I'm 14 weeks along, and we won't find out the sex of the baby until 20 weeks... IF we decide to do that.  Right now, Chuck is a "yes" and I am a "no" (although somedays I waver).  I've always said I would want it to be a surprise at delivery, but in looking at baby items, it's almost hard to find gender-neutral things these days!  Even the green have frogs and the yellow has flowers (or butterflies!). 
I'm "almost" over the sickness phase... it lasted longer than I thought.  And really I didn't get SICK until the last 2 weeks; I was just uncomfortable before that.  My energy is getting a little better; I only need 1 nap per day now (yes, one day I took 2-2hour naps, and I went to be at 9:00 pm and slept through the night!)
Also, because I've been sick, I've lost some weight and haven't had many cravings yet.  Last week I felt good a couple days and had milkshakes in the afternoons.  Today was a hotdog.  Other than natural sugars, I haven't craved sweets (yet)... none of the sweetners taste good to me (which is probably another reason I'm losing weight!).  I did have a hard time letting go of my breakfast coffee.  Now I have 2 scrambled eggs and 1 piece of toast... and water.  Blah.  As you know, I never was a breakfast-eater (except my 2-3 cups of coffee), and if I don't eat it now, I'll not feel well the rest of the day.
Thanks again to everyone!  I'll keep you entertained with my Gestational Psychosis, I'm sure, as well as keep you laughing with my cravings updates!


Congratulations! I'm thrilled for you and yur hubby.  By the way October children are wonderful. ;)


Tobina, congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you!! I was sick the entire time with both my boys and had terrible heartburn!

I hope you have a boy because I have TONS of boy clothes someone needs to take off my hands!!!


Thanks, greatguns!

I was an October baby MANY years ago!!!

Ms Bear

Don't chew gum or eat mints to ease the heartburn, mint will cause worse heart burn.  I learned that after five kids.

I am so happy for you and know Elk County will be a great home for your little person.

Ms Bear

Bonnie M.

Tobina, what wonderful news!  You will be truly blessed, as will your baby.  I guess there's nothing in the world any sweeter than when you're holding and loving that little bundle of joy!



That is such exciting news.....as for Lyle and I both have two boys and wouldn't
trade them for nothing...I really don't care to have a girl...I will let the boys
grow up and get my girl for me...Some have no symptoms of morning sickness
unlike me...I was sick all the time....I craved fish stixs and mayo and couldn't
eat mexican or chinese and now my 10 yr. son loves them both...so crazy
how the body work.
Again Congrats and best wishes.
Tessa & Lyle Riggs



What wonderful news!  A new little "Elk County Native"!  You and Chuck will have so much fun teaching the new baby all the talents you have!  There is nothing like a new baby, unless it is a new Grandbaby!

All our best.........The Fish Family


Let us name the baby.  Obina.  That would be historicallly correct.

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