Name calling isn't "Right"

Started by Varmit, April 17, 2009, 12:44:23 PM

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One thing that really gets to me is how liberals, Dem.'s can call names and slander on a personal level anyone who opposes their point of view and no one says anything about it.  And yet, if a Conservative or Republican does this the world explodes with calls of "oh, he's just a racist", "oh my goodness, how mentally unstable is that guy", "BIGOT" etc. 

For example-Recently the Department of Homeland Defense stated that people who demand a more constitutional gov't, or who are against abortion, or support the 2nd admendment, listen to talk radio, etc. are "right wing extermists" that should be watched for terrorist activity.  They included average americans in with groups like the skinheads and klan.  Most liberals are silent on this.

CNN, MSNBC, and others gave little coverage on the Tea Parties that weren't BALANTLY spun to try a paint these protesters as anti-gov't, anti-obama nut jobs.  Not a peep from the left.

( be sure to call them mean names, everybody takes that as the opinion of a well meaning, knowledgeable, emotionally stable, mature person....not!) . -Diane

Gee, so sorry to have gotten a little fired up about my rights being taken from me, I tend to get a wee-bit testy when that happens.  Next time I'll remember NOT to take a page from the liberal playbook.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


You are so right, and there are some Liberals/Dems/Obamaites on the forum that what you say fits perfectly. We like what you say, and what your beliefs are. America needs more people to stand up for what is happening to this great nation.

Diane Amberg

What liberals are calling names? and slandering? How?


HELLOOOO!  Have you seen the news lately, the references about "teabagging" made towards the recent Tea Party protests, or the comments made about Rush, Beck, and Hannity?  How about the War-Mongering Bush bashing not to mention the attacks made against his speaking abilities? And even on this fourm...

everybody takes that as the opinion of a well meaning, knowledgeable, emotionally stable, mature person....not!) .

how is being called a mean, ignorant, emotionally unstable, immature person not slander???

not to mention the implications of certain age groups.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I saw the tea parties on 3 major networks and I saw nothing that was slanted against anyone.  I saw it as a way of venting about paying taxes by ordinary, well meaning people.  What I did see were other issues brought in that had nothing to do with tea parties, now or back in 1773, which by the way, one of my illustrious ancestors helped organize.

Diane Amberg

The organizers came up with calling it" tea bagging." If they are too naive to know what that means on the street, shame on them, they asked for it. Personally I had no problem with any of it, except for the costs involved in police overtime and such. I didn't hear of any problems with the demonstrations around here. And I was not making a personal reference to you. I meant a bunch of letter writers, not you personally. I'm sorry you thought that. Rush, Beck and Hannity could care less. It's the business they ALL are in, liberals and conservatives alike. The whole pack of them eat innuendo and sarcasm as their daily bread. It gets viewers and listeners. I occasionally agree with Rush, but I despise the belittling way he puts things. As a teacher, if I ever talked that way, I'd have been fired.  And if something is true, it might be bad manners, but it isn't slander. And Wilma,if memory serves me correctly, Great Britain, a different country was the enemy, not our own government.


The tea parties are a protest against over spending by the gov't that will  lead to extreme increase in taxes.

You wanted slanted...

The organizers did not come up with "tea bagging" they called it what it was a Tea Party, moldeled after the protests of the same name conducted by the colonists in 1773. 

And just so I understand you correctly...if one group makes fun of another than it is the victims fault??  Isn't that the same thing as saying that if a woman is naive enough to know she is in a bad neighborhood and is raped then it is her fault?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Yup, that was slanted, no surprise there, just as other stations had their slant on things and newspapers did back to the very beginning.That's why many towns had more than one paper. They were equal opportunity mudslingers.  ;D Why right down the road in Maryland there is still a local paper called the Cecil Whig.  It's been around a very long time. I did indeed hear reference to tea bagging by organizers here,in reference to having the tea party and then tea bagging congress. I thought it was rather crude too. And what in the world does that have to do with rape victims? That's quite a jump isn't ? So when is the big increase in Federal taxes supposed to start?


in your post you were blaming the organizers for the teabag reference, saying that it was their fault, and they should have known better.  So by that logic, if a person who happens to be in a "bad area" is a victim of a crime its their fault because they should have known better?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Let me rephrase that. With all the news coverage that was going to be there, they should have been more careful. I'm sure not all groups' organizers did, but some sure did. 

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