Hmmmm... The plot thickens

Started by Teresa, April 14, 2009, 11:29:33 PM

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Thank you, girls, for saying it for me and much better than I could say it.  I have no patience for people who hide behind a false name and pretend to know what is right.

As for the plywood farce,  didn't I tell you this morning that Fox news admitted that the White House denies having asked for any such thing.  Or do you prefer to believe only what you WANT to hear?


What agenda does Beck or hannity have?  I don't hold a church member responsible for what a pastor says unless that member contunies to attend that church.  Abortion, fundamentally I think it is wrong.  However I am willing to make exceptions in cases of rape, incest, and when the mothers life is threatened, thats it.  Stem cell research I am all for as long as the cells are adult and not embrotic.  As far as his embracing islam and ignoring christianity...

He had outlined the importance of working with the Muslim community via through mutual interests and respect. Obama outlined the contributions made by Muslim-Americans.-Digital Journal "obamas muslim outreach speech draws praise and criticism"

When was the last time you heard him make the same appeal towards Christians?  
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


You would rather see the embryonic stem cells destroyed?  Isn't that murder, too?

Don't we have freedom of religion?  Where does it say that only a Christian can be president?  Not that Obama is Islamic.  He says that he is Christian and he does not perform the rituals required by the Muslims.  But then some people believe only what they want to hear.


Alright wilma, you want my real name??? Its Billy.  Varmit was a nickname given to me by my Dad.

How am I pretending to know what is right?? I am doing the exact same thing everyone else who posts on this fourm is doing...expressing my opinion and beliefs and defending them.

Patience for those who hide behind false names and pretend to know what is come this label is only applied to people who don't agree with you?

I believe that anything coming from his adminstration and himself is a lie, reversal, or cover up, I base this on their track record.

Where do they get the embryonic stem cells? 

I never said that only a Christian can be president.

He also said he wasn't going after guns, raising taxes, that he would have an ethical adminstration...more lies.

How do you know he doesn't perform the 5 calls to prayer a day?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Embryonic cells are collected after the owner is finished with them.  I suspect now a more formal process of giving up ownership for research will need to be adopted. Have you ever thought about what happens to the placenta and cord after the baby is born? It's usually not tossed. It's used to collect the useful materials that are left behind. Also, not that long ago there were some real ethical issues over human heart transplants. Was it OK to harvest a living heart? Now most people just accept that as the norm.  I wonder why your Dad called you a varmint? :laugh: Express your opinions all you want, but don't expect everyone to agree with you all the time. Some of us are skeptical of the intentions of some of the information that gets quoted. You know some of us read both sides of things and make up my own minds.


Diane, I don't expect for everyone to agree with me..and thats fine, I like a good debate.  But when it begins to get personal is where I take offense. I mean, attack my argument all you want, but don't critize me for presenting it; or call me a racist, or ignorant, or "oh he's just to young to understand LOL".
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Why are you taking my comments so personally!!!  >:(  Was your name mentioned? Sheesh! I didn't have anyone in particular in mind. I have never called you ignorant, a racist or any other evil name . Get over it.  If you're gonna run with the big dogs, well you know.


I was using "you" as a generalization.  didn't mean to offend
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg


 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Wow .....leave you guys alone for a little while!

Quote-money paid to hamas through gaza

-support of a two state solution that would strip Isreal of even more land

-his comment about America not being a christian nation

-his attendance at a church where the pastor calls for "Goddamn America" the same pastor that labels it "AmeriKKKa"

-his support of abortion, and sending tax dollars overseas to fund abortion on a global scale

-his support of Embrotic stem cell research, which has shown little to no results

-his embracing of the islamic faith while ignoring the christian

His actions lend more creditability and truth than his words ever could.

About Gaza.. are you talkin about the humanitarian aid? If so that's been goin on for awhile now

I think a two state arrangement is the only answer there is that will last...

America ISN'T exclusively Christian anymore....hasn't been for a long time! Even if you don't accept the others Jews don't consider themselves Christian and there is a BUNCH of them

I went to the Baptist church for an awful lot of years after I quit buyin most of what they were sayin so that one is pretty self-explanatory

as for abortion I think it's wrong PERsonally but it's not my cross to bear for some other woman who thinks it's necesaary

I also agree with embryonic sten cell research. I think it's disgraceful to fertilize those eggs and then throw them out like trash but at least this way they count for somthing and may help cure some awful disease. Also they can come from umbilical cord blood, nobody dies for those y'know

As for his "outreach" to muslims. Even though I ..again...personally think the religion is whacked...reaching out and trying to connect with a part of the country that's is here to stay instead of isolating them to ferment in private.......makes pretty good sense to me. He doesn't HAVE to reach out to Christians....Christians are already the mainstream and can stand on their own.

QuoteHe also said he wasn't going after guns, raising taxes, that he would have an ethical adminstration...more lies.

Imagine that.....a dude that stretched the truth and promised things he can't or had no intention of delivering just to get elected.........WHAT the hell is this country comin to ( that's sarcasm in case you can't tell :P)

QuoteHow do you know he doesn't perform the 5 calls to prayer a day?

cause my faith in the mercenary spirit of the average American tells me SOMEbody would of seen him AND dollar signs and put cell-phone pictures of it on You-tube by now LOL

As for Diane and Wilma, they are pretty good ol girls. Shoot me and them have butted heads more than once and (shhh don't tell anybody) they have caused me to reexamine my stance more than once!

A good debate gets your brain cells bouncin..........and your blood pressure up too LOL Nothin wrong with that y'know
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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