Pirates Vow To Retaliate

Started by Teresa, April 13, 2009, 09:33:48 PM

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April 13, 2009
Pirate: " In the future, America will be the one mourning and crying. We will retaliate (for) the killings of our men."
Acting like the aggrieved party, in hallowed jihadist practice. "US captain freed; Somali pirates vow to retaliate," by Todd Pitman and Pauline Jelinek for Associated Press, April 13 (thanks to all who sent this in):

NAIROBI, Kenya – Bracing themselves on a rolling warship in choppy seas, U.S. Navy snipers fired three flawless shots to kill a trio of Somali pirates and free the American sea captain being held at gunpoint, a Navy commander said Monday.
Angry pirates vowed retaliation for the deaths, raising fears for the safety of some 230 foreign sailors still held hostage in more than a dozen ships anchored off the coast of lawless Somalia.

"From now on, if we capture foreign ships and their respective countries try to attack us, we will kill them (the hostages)," Jamac Habeb, a 30-year-old pirate, told the Associated Press from one of Somalia's piracy hubs, Eyl. "(U.S. forces have) become our No. 1 enemy." [...]

Yet Sunday's blow to their lucrative activities is unlikely to stop pirates, simply because of the size of the vast area stretching from the Gulf of Aden and the coast of Somalia.

"This could escalate violence in this part of the world, no question about it," said Gortney, the commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command.

A Somali pirate agreed.

"Every country will be treated the way it treats us. In the future, America will be the one mourning and crying," Abdullahi Lami, one of the pirates holding a Greek ship anchored in the Somali town of Gaan, told The Associated Press on Monday. "We will retaliate (for) the killings of our men."...

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I just watched Hannity on this subject..

This probably ..well not probably.. it is not very ladylike.. but.............

The two bit pirate hoods seems to feel empowered. ..what with all their spewing and threats..

  I say...Blow their dumb asses out of the water. Hunt them down and destroy anything near them at the same time. I want the last thing that goes through their minds, besides the bullet, is the realization that maybe they had made a serious mistake, hijacking an American ship.
you know....Like most everyone else, I could care less what the pirate "envoy" thinks. I don't care if they like us.

I want them to fear us... and know... without a doubt ....that death is the only outcome for taking on a U.S. flagged ship. The real hope is that our current President has the intestinal fortitude to continue "on message". I will give him credit, he sent the right one this round. ( even if they did have to ask him ""2"" times before he acted. )

But as long as the crime pays.. it will continue.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


 I totally agree with you Teresa. I'm kinda tired of the hyenas runnin the zoo myself.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Yeah, they need to realize that there am more of us'n than is them and when we got people who can knock the beak off a crow at a hundred yards without making it blink, maybe they should rethink.
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Retaliate, they did:

Somali pirates hijack 4 ships, take 60 hostages

Pirates have attacked 78 ships this year, hijacking 19 of them, and about 17 ships with more than 300 crew still remain in pirates' hands, according to Noel Choong, who heads the International Maritime Bureau's piracy reporting center in Kuala Lumpur.

Each boat carries the potential of a million-dollar ransom.

The U.S. is considering new options to fight piracy, including adding Navy gunships along the Somali coastline and launching a campaign to disable pirate "mother ships."
The four pirates who attacked the Alabama were between 17 and 19 years old, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said.  "Untrained teenagers with heavy weapons," Gates told students and faculty at the Marine Corps War College. "Everybody in the room knows the consequences of that."

Time to knock them out on land and sea, using armed unmanned drones on "pirate camps" and pirate boats at sea.  Remember, the area that the pirates cover is about one-third of the size of the United States.  On-board security teams on each ship wouldn't be a bad idea, either. 
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I'm not joking..... >:(

SHARPTON (12:08): You can call me now at 1 877 532 5797, (to say) something about the so-called pirates. They call themselves voluntary Coast Guards in Somalia, which may be more apt. Ah, whatever your view.


Sharpton is not alone:

Understand..It's the Huffington Post....:P Which is right "down there"  with Weekly World News.... ::)
After reading, I realized I needed my hip waders to wallow through that "nuance" pile of Bovine Scatology...

QuoteMichael Vazquez today used his Huffington Post blog to reprint an essay on the subject by a Canadian-Somali singer, K'naan:

   Can anyone ever really be for piracy? Outside of sea bandits, and young girls fantasizing of Johnny Depp, would anyone with an honest regard for good human conduct really say that they are in support of Sea Robbery?

    Well, in Somalia, the answer is: it's complicated.

    The news media these days has been covering piracy in the Somali coast with such lop-sided journalism, that it's lucky they're not on a ship themselves. It's true that the constant hijacking of vessels in the Gulf of Aden is a major threat to the vibrant trade route between Asia and Europe. It is also true that for most of the pirates operating in this vast shoreline, money is the primary objective.

    But according to so many Somalis, the disruption of Europe's darling of a trade route, is just Karma biting a perpetrator in the butt. And if you don't believe in Karma, maybe you believe in recent history...

    ...But while Europeans are well in their right to protect their trade interest in the region, our pirates were the only deterrent we had from an externally imposed environmental disaster. No one can say for sure that some of the ships they are now holding for ransom were not involved in illegal activity in our waters. The truth is, if you ask any Somali, if getting rid of the pirates only means the continuous rape of our coast by unmonitored Western Vessels, and the producing of a new cancerous generation, we would all fly our pirate flags high.

Any chance we can talk Sharpton into doing an "inspection tour" of the Somali Coast Guard?.... ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I say strap his bloated self to the main mast of the most heavily weighted, expensively loaded freighter and send him into the heart of the pirate waters...Then, when the pirates take him hostage, see how long it is before THEY pay US to take him back...And imagine the look on their faces when we remind them of the US's stance on not negotiating with terrorists. HA.


Pirates Vow To Retaliate, both French and American snipers stick to their creed. One shot one kill. Much more effective than big battleships.

(I know, a liittle over dramatic)


Yea, but fast.  I kinda like the idea of a couple of Destroyers sitting of the somilian coast and hammering it with artillery until the only thing left is...well....nothing.  It is simple really, they kidnap one American, we level one somilian city.  Sounds fair to me.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


  Oh yeah THAT would work......................
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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