Talk about Cluelessness.... Yeah, I'm Talking about the Black Caucus

Started by Warph, April 09, 2009, 02:42:28 AM

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Not too long ago, sucking up to Fidel Castro would have been political suicide, even for a Democrat.  But the U.S. has moved to the left over the last couple of decades, apparently far enough that the Cuban dictator is no longer beyond the pale.  Thus, the three Stooge's from the Congressional Black Caucus ventured to Havana to meet with Fidel and his brother Raul:

Key members of the Congressional Black Caucus are calling for an end to U.S. prohibition on travel to Cuba, just hours after a meeting with former Cuban president Fidel Castro in Havana.

"The fifty-year embargo just hasn't worked," CBC Chairwoman Barbara Lee (D-Ca.) told reporters this evening at a Capitol press conference after returning from a congressional delegation visit to Cuba. "The bottom line is that we believe its time to open dialogue with Cuba."

The Congressmen were struck by how similar Castro is to Barack Obama (LOL... Oh yeah, Stooge's got that right on the

Rep. Laura Richardson (D-Ca.) said Castro was receptive to President Obama's message of turning the page in American foreign policy.
"He listened. He said the exact same thing" about turning the page "as President Obama said," said Richardson.

I'll bet he did. Castro is only one of a number of enemies of America who are enthusiastic about Obama's "turning the page."  The Democrats obviously hit it off with Fidel:

Lee and others heaped praise on Castro, calling him warm and receptive during their discussion. But the lawmakers disputed Castro's later statement that members of the congressional delegation said American society is still racist.

"It was quite a moment to behold," Lee said, recalling her moments with Castro.

"It was almost like listening to an old friend," said Rep. Bobby (mush- mouth) Rush (D-Il.), adding that he found Castro's home to be modest and Castro's wife to be particularly hospitable.

"In my household I told Castro he is known as the ultimate survivor," Mush-Mouth said.

That's not exactly how Castro is referred to in my household.  Let's go back, though, to Castro's "modest" home.  Apparently the Democratic delegation hasn't heard that Castro ranks near the top on Forbes Magazine's list of the 500 richest people in the world, whose wealth is unearned.  Good ol' Fidel has once again made Forbes magazine's list of the world's richest people, and his fortune is now estimated at more than one-half billion dollars; he may have stolen a higher percentage of his country's wealth than any tyrant in modern history.  And ol' Fidel is shocked to be described as rich:

Cuban President Fidel Castro has criticised Forbes magazine for the "infamy" of listing him among the world's richest people, with a net worth of $550 million. "Once again, they have committed the infamy of speaking about Castro's fortune, placing me almost above the queen of England," Castro said in a speech to top officials of Cuba's ruling Communist Party, military and police.

Maybe the Democrats know that Castro is one of the world's greatest thieves and don't mind; stealing other people's money is not exactly antithetical to the principles of Barack Obama's party.

Here's what I really love: Castro, in his eighties and in power since a 1959 revolution, said he was considering suing.  I suppose if you're a "Communist" dictator, being outed as a semi-billionaire is libel per se.  It could have been worse, though.  Forbes could have disclosed Castro's decades of sexual predation; his history is depraved enough to qualify him as a U.N. peacekeeper.

For America's enemies, President Obama is almost too good to be true.  Fidel, no fool even in his old age, knows where the interests of his Communist dictatorship lie:

Richardson said Castro knew her name and district. "He looked right into my eyes and he said, 'How can we help? How can we help President Obama?'"

Not too many years ago, that endorsement would have been the kiss of death. Now, apparently not.  Geez, what a bunch of CLOWNS!

Oh yeah.... and here's Castro's own account of the meeting below in a letter to the people of Coo-bah.... Q-bah.... Cuba:

[b]The Meeting with Barbara Lee and Other Members of the Black Caucus [/b]

The morning was stormy, damp and cold. Strong winds were blowing and the sky was dark. This was no spring day, not warm. Barbara wanted to visit the Latin American School of Medicine where 114 young Americans are dedicated to studying medicine. 

The official plane that had brought them to Cuba had pushed forward their trip by 24 hours and it would be leaving at two in the afternoon of Tuesday, instead of on Wednesday.

I did not attempt to meet with all of them since I don't have enough room for the seven of them, plus the translator and the minister accompanying them. I asked that she visit me with two other legislators, as assigned by the group. Thus I was able to meet with her again.

On this occasion, circumstances had changed considerably. The Legislative Black Caucus represents a sector that carries a lot of weight in the United States.

The long struggle for equality and justice was illuminated by the life and example of Martin Luther King whose thinking and work today enthrals millions of people in the world and who was the reason, in my view, why a black citizen, at a moment of deep crisis, reached the U.S. presidency.

As a result, a new meeting with the Black Caucus would take on, for me personally, a special significance. I learned about their stay in Cuba from the comrades who looked after them during their visit, the basic ideas of the congressional organization and the opinions held by its members.

Raul had also communicated to me the magnificent impression they had made on him during his meeting with them which had extended for almost four hours last night, on Monday.

When Barbara Lee arrived at the house, accompanied by Bobby Rush, Democratic Congressman for Illinois, and Laura Richardson, Congresswoman for California, together with José Miyar Barrueco, the Minister of CITMA, who for many years was secretary of the Council of State, it was 11:35 a.m.; the skies had cleared and radiant sunshine filled the courtyard. I was really happy to see Barbara once again and to have the possibility of personally greeting Bobby and Laura, two people whose names were by now familiar because of their words spoken at the meetings with Raul, Alarcón, Bruno, Miyar and the relatives of the Cuban Five.

Their meeting with me lasted 1 hour and forty-five minutes, by the clock; in reality, it took half a minute if I were to judge by the speed with which it took place and my desires to listen to them.

I briefly told them about my experiences during two years and seven months of medical care and the activities to which I now dedicate myself. I explained to them all I have learned in this period of enforced confinement, especially my great interest in all that is happening in the world and especially in the United States, collecting news and concentrating on study. I recalled that I had invited them so I could listen to them and I began to forget what most interested me: to hear their opinions. Their interest and the depth with which they were expressing their points of view, the sincerity and warmth of their simple and profound words were comforting. The three of them were reflecting transparency, pride in their work, their organization, their struggle and their country. It is clear that they know Obama and they radiate confidence, certitude and sympathy with him.

Barbara is proud of presiding over the Black Caucus, of participating actively in her country's politics with new verve and optimism, of her son who had not yet been born at the time of the Cuban revolution, and of her five grandchildren. She had cast her sole vote against Bush's genocidal war in Iraq. It was unbeatable proof of political courage. She deserves every honor.

She particularly remembers Dellums who brought her to Cuba for the first time when she was his assistant and they spent many hours conversing with me on a cay. He is no longer a legislator, she tells me, but a mayor in Oakland, looking after a population of 400,000 inhabitants; she also tells me about the former congresswoman who visited Cuba with Dellums and who is now 98 years old and sends warm greetings.

Laura is California congresswoman for Long Beach and she speaks with special pride about the California port which, she says, "is the third in the world". In truth I couldn't hold back my desire to joke and bearing in mind that she is an active defender of the environment I told her: "Laura, if the Antarctic polar ice cap melts, your third port in the world will be underwater". In the ambience created there, she wasn't upset in the least and she continued telling me interesting things.

Rush spoke next; he is the oldest and most experienced of the legislators and he was a radical activist in his youth. His life has been a never-ending crescendo of political and human knowledge. He is member of the Trade and Energy Committee and of the Communications and Internet Sub-Committee. I listened to him without interrupting for a period of 15 or 20 minutes. He explained that in his youth he read the works of important modern revolutionary thinkers who were the starting point for his later political maturity through observation and meditation about what was happening in his country and in the world. He mentioned Mandela, Che and other extraordinary persons by name, people who sacrificed themselves for others. As a general characteristic among the leaders of the Black Caucus, he quotes verses from the Bible like Martin Luther King used to do, backing up his points of view. "The word justice is mentioned in the Bible two thousand times, almost as many times as the word love", he tells me. He spoke of his health, the battles he has waged to preserve it and to survive from cancer.

He personally knows Obama, having dealt with him closely for years, at times even as an adversary; he expressed a high and sincere concept of him; he describes him as an honest and good person who wants to help the American people.

He expressed admiration for the health services provided in Cuba for the people and for the research centers that are dedicated to the war against disease.

I could listen to him for hours as a never-ending fountain of knowledge and maturity.

I asked him about the meaning of his statement: "Obama can improve relations with Cuba, but Cuba should help Obama". We have never been aggressors nor do we threaten the United States. Cuba would not have the possibility to take the initiative. From the beginning we had had the certainty that his words were sincere and we said it publicly before and after his election. At the same time we expressed the opinion that, in the United States, the objective realities were more powerful than Obama's sincere intentions.

Finally, I asked him about which of the books published in English in the U.S. about Martin Luther King were the best and whether they were translated into Spanish. The three of them spoke to me about Taylor Bretch's trilogy, as the most interesting among them, and of: "Letters from Birmingham Jail". They were not sure about their translation into Spanish and they promised to send me the pertinent material.

It was an excellent meeting.

Fidel Castro Ruz

April 7, 2009

6 :31 p.m.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


My guess is this story would be exactly 180 degrees different if it had been the Congressional Cuba Democracy Caucus that had visited the Castro Brothers. Just completely unbelievable.



Quote from: dnalexander on April 09, 2009, 12:19:25 PM
My guess is this story would be exactly 180 degrees different if it had been the Congressional Cuba Democracy Caucus that had visited the Castro Brothers. Just completely unbelievable.


Yep.... or how about the Congressional White Caucus??
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Warph on April 09, 2009, 12:23:17 PM

Yep.... or how about the Congressional White Caucus??

You know, I was gonna join that, but I'm already a member of the "Arrogant White American Society".  Gee, darn the bad luck.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg


LOL...Now, don't go calling that rabbit "chocolate"...You know darn'd well he's just a politically correct shade of brown! lol

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