Air Obama: Military Strained by Obama's European Trip

Started by Warph, April 07, 2009, 02:01:24 AM

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Of course we will survive.  Do you really think this will be any worse than what some of us have already survived?  I have lived through 12 presidents that I can remember.  I am still here.  My earliest memory of my father working was for the WPA.  We didn't have to worry about losing our home because there had never been enough money to buy a home.  We lived in old houses with cracks in the floor, but they were clean because there wasn't anything except clean around my mother.  We had food because my father worked at whatever he could and my mother had a garden and chickens and a cow whenever possible.  I am not going to spend my remaining days thinking that the world is coming to an end just because we are having some hard times now.  With any kind of luck I will survive this president and maybe two or three more. 


Okay, let me address these one at a time...

1)  Really, people, and Bush's trips and Clinton's trips didn't do the same thing?  Are you going to find something wrong with everything he does?-wilma

Show me one thing that he has done to help this country, other than spending more money than every president in U.S. history PUT TOGETHER (please note the sarcasm) and leaving a dept that my grandchildren won't be able to even make a dent in.

2) Do you think that might be the reason that there is so much fault-finding,  that people are so unhappy with their own situations that they have to share it?-wilma

I am happy with my situation, my house payment is being paid, my kids are fed, and my dog is is good.  Apparently, too good, because my gov't is now taking more than they ever have to give to those who don't deserve it.  Gee, I guess I just make too good a living.  How arrogant of me.

3)  Wilma, I think you may have something. While I think it may be an American pastime to criticize the minutiae of the President's mistakes; I think that due to the current economic climate that you may be correct-dnalexander

Minutiae of the presidents mistakes??? his entire office is a mistake.  the only reason he got voted in his his skin tone.  not to mention voter fraud.

4)We can survive this tenure and then go on afterwards.-catwoman

I really hope your right, I doubt it, but I can hope.  Given the state of our dollar, how we are cowtowing and reversing the policies that have kept us safe, i think hope in an empty suit is a dangerous thing.

5)  Wilma, as for your last post, when the market crashes, and it will, it is going to make the Great depression look like a norman rockwell  painting.  I am glad you lived through 12 presidents, but tht was before soialized medicine.  That was before folks were going to be taxed on the mileage they drive, before carbon tax credits, and at a time when America stood up to its enemies not laid down before them. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


So, are you going to crawl into a hole tomorrow and pull it in after you?


I agree with Wima, hard times doesn't mean the "end of the world". We will survive whatEVER happens BECAUSE we were raised by grandparents and parents who knew how to make do or do without. So WE learned to make do or do without. I know I sure do. We bought our place 7 years ago but the payments are WAY less than rent anywhere else. I have a garden..hunt if need be..can grow pretty much my own anything. I do all the doctorin possible barrin MAJOR mishaps. I'm happy on my little corner of paradise.. which is what this place is. I will watch Obama and in four years I will say sayonara and watch the next one ball some more stuff up.

i think you all are givin Obama WAY too much credit. Seriously....just go OOOOOMMMMMMMMM.. and not OOOMMMM S*&^ LOL
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Of course not. Retreating from a problem or pretending it doesn't exist is never a good option.  I will contuine to fight for my rights and see to it that my children grow up in a free country.  And if possible see to it that the current adminstration doesn't do any more damage to this country.  What I would really like to see is obama impeached, and he and his flunkies tried for theft and treason. I figured my previous posts would have made that clear.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


By the way, I never said that obama is the "end of the world".  What I said is that he is fundmentally anti-american and he is hurting this country more than anyone before him. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


The fact of the matter is bud that there have been calls for the heads of damn near EVERY president we ever had. Just because I don't go around hollerin the sky is fallin don't mean I won"t or DON'T stand up for my rights and OTHER peoples rights for that matter.

The current administration WILL do a certain amount of damage, it's the nature of the beast called government. That's just the way it is. People wanted Bush impeached, they wanted Clinton impeached, they want Obama impeached SSDD!

I stand by what I said before, when push comes to shove, don't be shovin me cause I shove back ( that is in reference to the government not you Varmit). I AM free, period.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Pam I understand what you're saying.  I guess I just don't understand how people who profess to be American can let or would want a president that would so blantly violate the Constitution, bow to foregin gov'ts, and endanger this country.  I mean it is almost cultish the way folks pratically worship obama.

Easy...calm down....I wasn't talking about you.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Give it a little time.  The honeymoon wears off after awhile.  What is it now, not quite 3 months? 

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